Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Al SSD has his say...

Whoa - thanks to Pedro Carvalho for posting this on the Livewire Board. Not sure where this came from, but here's what Lethal has to say about these apparent SSD reunion(s). We think this is awesome on so many different levels and hope there is more to come on this topic. - DCXX

There is absolutely no truth to any speculation that SSD will be performing this summer. The fact is original vocalist David Spring "Springa" is assembling a band of hired guns to tour and rip off the public playing under the name SSD. Due to his selfish actions David Spring has officially been terminated from ALL association with the band SSD. His attempt to recreate SSD in 2008 will utterly fail and I hope the public will not attend his performances and if they do they make it as miserable as possible for him to remain on stage safely. I know I personally will make every attempt to make him pay for his corrupt, cheating selfish actions. SSD will always be a team with integrity. It's unfortunate that a fat overweight "has been" and "nobody" will try to fool the public under the mighty moniker SSD.

His overall contribution to what made SSD such a special band is so far under the radar and almost next to zero. Anybody intimately involved and close to the band understands his contribution. The real fact is that the band had to go out of its way to compensate for his talent, work ethic and criminal behavior.

I feel bad for those fans who have been waiting for a chance to see the band but attending this Dave Springa performance is a travesty and borderline criminal. He is a terrible human being and I'm not just saying this now. He is basically the reason the band dissolved. Our relationship has been civil since we stopped playing but clearly after then band dissolved his musical and organizational ability pretty much guaranteed his ability to get to get zero accomplished. He couldn't write a song if it fell in his lap. Having said that, I have been monitoring this potential SSD ripoff roadshow for sometime and I have done my best to discourage it through various legal and illegal tactics. I have actually held off some royalties and payments to hold over his head and help him make the right decision.

He is basically following the business model laid out by Cliff from the Freeze, Chris Doherty from Gang Green, Choke from Slapshot. I can only speculate but I believe their motives are clear. I hate to throw anybody under the bus but I'm sure this support system of 40 year olds living in the past has helped David Spring organize the tour.


1) Rip off the public as 40 plus year-olds playing music made by kids and capitalize on American Hardcore Movie.

2) Make enough money to buy their alcohol, drugs and coke and whatever else.

3) Pounce on as many foreign chicks who think these American punk rock stars are special and give them 20 year old pussies. Hopefully they will give them something else as well.

4) Escape their miserable lives and US wifes and girlfriends to pursue their sexual fantisies.

5) Hopefully come back to US with enough money so they can collect unemployment and continue their life avoiding a disciplined work schedule in which you wake up and go to work. They will repeat the cycle every two years.

If it wasn't for my efforts, Springa would have justified this plan and pulled this shit sooner. It seems like he might pull it off this time but I am a fucking fighter and I don't take well to people ripping me off and tarnishing the name of my band. I am assemblng a network of supporters who will help do everything possible to make him uncomfortable and fearful for his safety at each show. If he gets close to the Boston or New York area then I will execute the plan. My goal is to make the tour fall apart due to poor attendance, hopefully get the promotors to back off after my legal representative serve papers. I would also appeal to the general public to understand when they are getting ripped off and for them to NOT BELIEVE that this lineup is SSD. It's just a fat overweight scumbag breaking ranks from the band. He must be stopped.

Please share this letter to anybody or any punk rock news outlet. It's time to put a stop to these rogue motherfuckers who have no integrity. Anyone who can help make David Spring's life miserable will be on my list of close friends who I will be entirely indebted to and hopefully I can repay the favor somehow.


Alan Barile
Leader SSD


  1. Let me get this straight - he's fat AND overweight?

  2. -I have also heard the rumors about the SSDecontrol "reunion"... as far as the statements comparing this situation to Ganggreen, the Freeze, and Slapshot I am seriously at a cross confusion... did those "reunion" shows go down with sour circumstances as well?
    -and old hardcore music coming back like this definatley is a taboo topic...the music was indeed made by young people, young kids, and definatley is questionable as to whether or not it, the music, has any business being played again...the music exploded at a great time in america when there were smart kids in desperate need of an outlet...and it was great...
    -however the times have changed greatly in the last 25 years and it seems as if the kids are no longer grasping things from the same perspective...yet Blackflag albums have always sold in huge numbers at record stores ever since they were released...so are kids buying the records for novelty purposes or because they support and agree with the focus of the hardcore punk music from decades before? honestly I am not sure...
    -I put the word reunion in quotes because this great american music was made for a purpose by bands who were driven to supply that outlet to kids accross the nation...bands like STYX and REO Speedwagon have "REUNION SHOWS" for yuppies to fill up on Bud-lite at...old hardcore bands like SSD should only come out of the woodwork under circumstances of the entire full line up is present and supportive and the goal of playing again is to simply deliver the same message to the kids again... and unfortunatley Alan Barile is not having it because he is seeing this as a simple opportunity for someone to make money...that is what is confusing about this...how much money could Springa really make off these shows? seriously I would assume in Europe they pay headlining acts as shitty as they do here in the United States...just enough money to make it to the next fucking city, right? or wrong?...sure an SSD reunion would draw a crowd but not a big enough crowd for Springa to be banking good money off of it, or is that statment false?...
    if that is indeed the case maybe this situation should be compared to that cover band that is traveling around as the Misfits these days...
    -I was born in 1986 and have always loved pioneer hardcore and punk bands like SSD, Ganggreen, and Blackflag, however I have always felt almost uncomtorble listening to them because I am hearing that message years late, after the bands are no longer playing...I have always hoped that that simple sound would emerge in some amazing kind of revitalization movement and the kids of today would just fucking do it and bring back the bare necesity style hardcore music...but it seems, again, as if the kids involved in the hardcore music of today are moving toward things like sub genre's and a message of mush with no action or conviction...I am not preching "the good old days" like the 20 year old neo-hippies are these days when they prech about the grateful dead...but I am saying that a SSD show today may move or inspire kids to start thinking again like we used to...right now my generation is definatley a victum of a "dummy down society" and it is fucking sick...if there is anyway possible to exchange an olive branch or settle this situation for that to happen I think we all need to support that action if at all possible...
    -I do not want to light the fire or whatever but I would bet my money on that SS Decontrol show definatley going down in Europe for sure...whether or not that support comes from Alan Braile...and I am not a betting man...I would say there is a 95% chance of it going down...
    .I'll check back on this blog response sometime soon...

  3. SSD will play at Belgium's Ieperfest.


    I'm not going.

  4. SSD and Alan Barile's at it again... I love to answer/correct his misrepresentations of which there are more each time he activates his rickety online keyboard capabilities... The Freeze never officially called it quits. We've been actively playing live shows and touring on almost a yearly basis for the past decade or so. That brings us back to when we released our most recent studio album, One False Move, featuring artwork by the late and legendary Edward Gorey... (Al, Gorey's the fellow who received a Tony Award (they give those out as the equivalent of "OSCARS" in the theatrical world... Weren't sure if you were aware of this or not Al...) for "Costume Design" in the Broadway Production of Dracula, some years back.. Since I believe it ran mainly during the winter months you probably missed any word of it as this would have conflicted with your Boston Bruins Season Ticket Buffet you ravenously and religiously kill for each year... ANYWAYS, The Freeze members have all made approximately 1/4 - 1/2 million dollars each and all own our own small towns on Nantucket. We always charge at least a $52 ticket fee (more for all ages shows) and occasionally pay underage kids to shoot up heroin or meth with needles we find used in alleys... I meant to ask you AL: How can I get a copy of anything by your band you formed at the height of the GRUNGE scene, GAGE wasn't that the name? Anyways, gotta go... Springa just called and I've gotta go bail him out of some Southwestern Jail again... Fucking Punks huh? Creating hassles for our poor overworked Police... I bet you stood proud, maybe even saluted, that St Patrick's Day show in Boston when The Dropkick Murphys had your Boys In Blue up on stage with them to sing back-up vocals and join in the festivities... All one big happy family AL huh? I hear you're starting an emo outfit... Is that true? It's gotta be hard finding your bitter pill-a-day which you seem to need to survive. Good luck bro! Clif Hanger
