Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tony Erba - Part III

Erba dishes out more, this time turning to the inevitable topic of Dwid and Integrity. Buckle up for this one...

-Gordo DCXX

Dwid and early Integrity...I'm sure you could write a book. What would be the best stories in the book?

I have a lot of mixed feelings about him. He and I were very close at one time. He is a master manipulator and could be at times very loyal and so funny you would have tears streaming down your face. Devastating razor-sharp wit. He'd zero in on your weakness and absolutely destroy you. He's incredibly smart and an outstanding self-promoter and terribly insecure, but to cut to the chase, it boils down to a simple truth: he was a rich boy and a bully.

There's so many times I think about in the past that I should've just stood up to him and punched his teeth out but I didn't because he was intimidating, it would've ruined Face Value in Cleveland, we lived together so that situation would've been a mess, etc etc. He'd become super-close to a person and use them for whatever he could get out of them and then immediately treat them like shit once he got what he wanted from them. Being a bully is so pathetic, I hated those motherfuckers in school and got into music to escape that, then I end up being closely associated with the biggest one I'd ever met.

Dwid with Integrity in Philadelphia, Tim DCXX with a crowd climb sing along, Photo: Traci McMahon

Funny thing is, they're never all that tough, anyhow. I saw him fight girls (Albany @ the Schenectady Eagles Club), cripples (Brian from The Artichoke in Cleveland...granted, that dude was a total asshole and I couldn't blame Dwid for throwing him down a flight of stairs, but still, talk about grabbing for the low-hanging fruit), punk out a girl I had over the house on a date, an old semi-retarted truck driver when we worked at Miceli's Dairy, etc., but I sure as hell never saw him fight Paul Schlacter, Scum, my brother or Tony Hinton. It would've been very ugly and over in 30 seconds.

But on the other hand, he could at times let his guard down and not be a total prick but be a loyal and funny friend. But it was far too few and far between to outweigh the totally shitty things he'd do to people that were nothing but good to him. I know if MY Dad died and that asshole made a mockery of it let alone put some shit like that on the lyric page to a fucking RECORD, he would've never been seen again cause I would've put a slug in his fucking eye. He ruined his band, who could've become the new Cro-Mags, but instead he picked fights FOR NO REASON with people he didn't even know and thus they couldn't tour, couldn't really do shit. Why screw (or go around saying you screwed) your record label owner's girlfriend? Why start a war with of all people the most thugged-out, for-real tough guys in HC like DMS? The guy's unbalanced.

As far as stories, there's so many of them...everyone knows the stupid 'ear' story, yes he really did go with a friend to the morgue where his friend worked and supposedly got an ear; I was sleeping and he knocked on my door and goes 'hey Erba, lend me your ear' and busts in with this awful smelling sandwich bag with something that looked like chewed-up gum in it, waving it in my face and laughing like a girl. That lasted about 10 seconds before I told him to get the fuck out; I was half-asleep and didn't even realize what the fuck he was going on about. He then went down the hall to fuck with Jim Edge and Rich Vidal who were our other roommates. I think he tacked it to my door as well. Oooooh. If it sounds like a nothing story, that's because it was. (ED. NOTE: THAT IS NOT A NOTHING STORY).

Dwid - Clenched fist to the man in the sky

One of my favorite stories is when he got his hands on an old-school stun-gun, the kind that shoots a bolt of electrical current across two contact points. He was so thrilled about his new toy, he went down to The Lift that night and you just knew he was gonna find an excuse to use it. He starts talking shit to some turtleneck-wearing douchebag at the club, they get about ready to box, and Dwid pulls the stungun on the dude and it was either low on batteries or just a cheap bootleg knockoff cause the guy he stunned just kinda stepped back, looked at him like 'check out this motherFUCKER' and broke his nose with one punch. Classic.

Another is when he lipped off to some black dude on Coventry and got his ass roughed up a bit, then he decided he was turning white power and went home and got his rap records like Shinehead and Kwame The Boy Genious and went up the street to Coventry and smashed them on the sidewalk. I'm serious, I can't make this shit up. He had a knack for pulling beautiful girls and making them buy him all kinds of shit...clothes, cars, guitars...that's how Aaron Melnick got that old JB Player that he used on the early Integ records. Dwid got my seconds from this girl McCall Bennett who I'm sure was hanging around me just to get to Dwid, like several other scene girls did (Kim L.,Tina, etc.) and she gave the guitar to Dwid and he gave it to Aaron.

Whether he actually banged Moon (Brummel's girlfriend) or not was inconsequential...the point is, why would you do that or worse yet, NOT do it and say you did??? That was so stupid, and if Integ later bitched about being ripped off by Brummel, well, what the hell did you expect after your singer pulled that shit? That whole thing sucked because Moon was a sweet girl and a good friend of mine and Brummel's sister was a super nice person too and neither ever talked to me again after he pulled that shit. Once again, I took the fallout from that asshole's antics.

Air Integrity


  1. wow, that may have been the most interesting thing ever posted on double cross...and there have already been about 100 mindblowing entries. WOW.

  2. arrested for a "fighting contest" aka arrested for skating.

    total douche.

  3. "Air Integrity" man still to this day I am bothered that even when they posed for those pics they still couldn't all be in cool poses. And I saw Chris get knockedout with one punch before, wouldn't include him with Schlacter and the rest. Dwid's ex wife made the best cookies.

  4. That's interesting stuff. One point though - to me and a lot of my friends (not in the US), Integrity WERE the new Cro-Mags - they were just the most important band out. Not touring didn't mean shit to us because we'd never see them anyway and this sort of stuff added to the mystique.

  5. "He ruined his band, who could've become the new Cro-Mags, but instead he picked fights FOR NO REASON with people he didn't even know"

    So they WERE the new Cro-Mags.

  6. Here's a cool piece on Integrity that showed up on Vice TV a few months back. Live footage is whatever but I think the intro is pretty dead on. That record set the bar on so many levels. Even now 16 years later I put on TWFT and the second that bass line starts it's a guaranteed rush of insane evil adrenaline out of nowhere.


  7. "I know if MY Dad died and that asshole made a mockery of it let alone put some shit like that on the lyric page to a fucking RECORD, he would've never been seen again cause I would've put a slug in his fucking eye."

    I'm missing something - What is this a reference to?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. FV were a great band and they should be remembered as such. It sucks and undermines their heritage and influence that the most notible thing about (each part of) this interview is Erba's obsession with Dwid.

  10. ...taken down from the cedarOctober 29, 2008 at 7:10 AM

    Absolutely among the best segments ever posted here, without a doubt.

    That being said, no offense to Erba in the least, but drama aside Integrity was 10,000,000 times better than any band he has ever been or will ever be in. Simple fact.

    Also, as someone was was in close contact (and later friends) with Dwid when some of that "DMS beef" was starting/growing, I really and truly think that bullshit scene gossip and rumor-spreading and exaggerating blew a lot of that stuff way out of proportion and escalated the entire thing far beyond what it probably was in reality. A damn shame.

    And it is a great god damn shame that so many bands/peeps from the old Clevo scene no longer get along anymore. There were just too many incredible and historically significant bands from that area. A true pity...

    Someone really should write a book about that whole scene and get all parties and all sides of the story involved.

  11. haha...shit! that stuff is great. too bad it took me so long to find this blog! keep it up! fucking entertaining! massive props from Vienna.

  12. hahahahaha, this shit is just too much.

  13. This Erba dude is the Jose Canseco of Hardcore.

  14. what happened to the good old days?


  15. dwid is a self serving douche..
    he sang for a great band.. so what?
    he ruined the band and everything he touched.

  16. and Integrity will never be half the band that Face Value were! take that!

  17. erba was in many cool bands its kinda a shame he has to rely on dwid and integrity to get an interview these days.

  18. "He had a knack for pulling beautiful girls and making them buy him all kinds of shit...clothes, cars, guitars..."

    CARS??!!?? ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!???
    WOW! he must really be a ladies man!

    why didnt one of these girls just buy him the cro mags?

  19. Me & my friends saw Integ a couple of times on each of their first 3 euro tours. The Melnicks were always great and would invite us backstage and share anything that is,... well,...not straight edge. I still do not undertand why so many straight edge people are into a band that would not leave out any excess when it´s party time.

  20. does anyone know why Dwid once referred to dennis from Conversion as "that con-man Dennis Remsing"?

  21. I'm pretty sure the "con man" dennis thing came from all the drama over the diehard 12" and the couple of clevo bands that were on the voice of the voiceless comp. or it was cuz dwid knew talking shit raised interest in the core. say what you will, but he was a marketing genius!


  22. "I know if MY Dad died and that asshole made a mockery of it let alone put some shit like that on the lyric page to a fucking RECORD, he would've never been seen again cause I would've put a slug in his fucking eye."

    I'm missing something - What is this a reference to?

    The first pressing of the Victory Records comp "Only The Strong" had a booklet. Dwid did the layout for the Confront page, and put pictures of an Asian and African-American in place of real pictures for the Caucasian brothers Brian and Jay Kuebler, the guitarist and drummer for Confront. Above each picture he put "LOCAL FAGGOT-MINDLESS DICKHEAD" along with "Mediater" on top of their musical positions in the band, and then below that "REVENGE, REVENGE IS MINE...."

    Now, to make matters worse, he pasted over their heads "APRIL 1". Apparently the brothers' father died of a heart attack on April 1.

    That's the kind of class act that Dwid aka John McLimans is. Homosexual slurs, misspelling names on purpose, using pictures of Asians and African-Americans as insults, and making fun of father's deaths.

  23. Is there gonna be an interview with Dwid or any of the guys from Integrity?

    Damn man, I still listen to Integrity at least once a week....

  24. who cares about a dwid interview. i want an aaron melnick interview

  25. Hey Tony, watch that rising blood pressure . . .

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. how do you smudge the name of a band no ones heard of?
    this just seems kinda sad, arent all parties involved in their late 30's?
    seems like a pretty graphic recollection of things that are long since over.
    move on.

  28. Erba is at least 10x's a better frontman for a band than Dwid will ever be. Hey Erba what happend to Face Value playing Buffalo?

  29. so all of this was about Erba asking Dwid for money to pay for his hospital bills?

  30. Great interview, but sorry Erba, Integrity is popular. I've been to several of their shows in the Providence, RI and Boston areas and they were all well attended. So people do care. I really enjoy Integrity's music, but I have long been convinced that Dwid has done some terrible shit. This interview just further confirms that. I will say that I had a long talk with Dwid at a show and he was very cool.

  31. YO everyone thanks for commenting, positive or otherwise.

    Just to clear the air, a few things:

    -I specifically asked Erba about Dwid and Integrity, basically not really sure what to expect, but knowing that over the years he has had more than just a passing connection with them. Erba didn't unload on his own, I asked, and I think it was a fair open-ended question.

    -Months back, before Erba's interview, I wrote Dwid and asked if we could interview him and he declined. I would obviously still love to get his opinion on a host of topics.

    -The Melnick brothers, as well as many others from Clevo and elsewhere, are on our list for future subjects. All in due time...

    Thanks for reading and commenting and thanks again to Erba for taking the time to answer our questions - despite the fire he has since come under.

    -Gordo DCXX

  32. What is the story behind Erbas heart surgery?

  33. isnt it obvious? he is heartbroken over dwid!

  34. there is a lot of heart put into this blog!

  35. Well Surprise! Integrity are "bad boys"!

    My favorite hardcore punk bands have
    NEVER been wholesome, upstanding, boy scouts.

    And that is why I like Integrity.

    this blog is just cheap shots and self promotion


  36. is it me or are these Erba vs. Dwid blogs sounding a bit suspicious . . . remember what "Erba" said, "Dwid is a master manipulator"
    I wouldn't be surprised if Dwid actually wrote these 3 blogs disguised for Halloween as Tony Erba . . .

  37. I will always love FV! Erba try to stay positive! loved the old positive erba, dont like this new mean spirited attitude

  38. Erba Needs AttentionNovember 2, 2008 at 12:51 AM

    Cheap Jealousies

  39. Erba is in his 40s and is recovering from open heart surgery. You Integrity nerds should give him a break. his music is the best cleveo has ever released and he deserves the credit he has been neglected over the years because of people like Dwid and Melniks. Check out Face Value you will find it is a much greater band than Integrity could ever be.

  40. Tony, 25 years ago this guy hurt your feelings and you are still this upset? its really time for you to let go of the past. try to look toward YOUR future and not to live in the past of other peoples lives, you will enjoy life much more this way. get well soon!

  41. does anyone else remember that integrity 2000 nonsense? or anything after systems overload?
    Integs = 0
    H100s = 1

    Erba FTW

  42. Face Value : The Price Of Maturity
    Track 22: Holding The Grudge 1m 09s


  43. PLEASE NOTICE TONY ERBA . . . PLEASE!November 2, 2008 at 10:32 AM

    seems old erba is still "holding the grudge" hahahahahaha

  44. erba@SendMeCharity.sadNovember 2, 2008 at 10:37 AM

    oh the humanity! please stop picking on poor old grandpa Erba! he is recovering from triple bi-pass heart surgery! ya know just because he talks nonstop shit doesnt mean he deserves to hear the truth about his shitty ass bands. we wouldnt want gramps to have another heart attack . .would we? ;)

  45. what did erba play in integrity? i dont understand why hes so angry with the band.

  46. tony erba is #1
    thanks for reading,
    tony erba

  47. chemmy bands blow away integrity you backwoods trollops!

  48. i heard cheap tragedies and they are the best hardcore band from clevo

  49. yes its true! they are #1

  50. hands down the best band in cleveland since the dead boys buy the cd!


  51. Integrity put out a great 7" and one great LP. After that they were complete shit. Integrity and their little crew acted like tough guys until people called them on their shit which led to them barely touring in the US in fear of them facing up to all of the shit they talked through the years and then when it all started to catch up to them and they started getting their asses beat they disappeared. Say what you want about Erba but he let his music speak for itself and never had to resort to the bullshit those Inetgrity nerds needed to.

  52. PLEASE!!!!! buy the face value discography erba had a heart attackNovember 2, 2008 at 10:58 AM

    do you mean that Erba never "talked shit"
    like he just did in these 3 blogs?

  53. integrity will never be half the band that face value is! erba forever!

  54. Erba would never resort to talking shit on 3 blogs for publicity for his unknown bands . . . excluding this blog, of course.

  55. TONY ERBA AUTOBIOGRAPHY "why i dont like dwid or integrity" coming soon . . . .

  56. when erba had his heart attack he saw DWIDS life pass before his eyes!!!!

  57. look you a-holes! integ 2000 didnt sell as many records as h100s! wake up!

  58. This erba dude is the george costanza of hardcore

  59. ps: you win! your band is better than integrity!

  60. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  62. what is erba doing here:

  63. that was a photoshop video it isnt really erba

  64. Face Value were never that good, don't you think if they were really something I would've signed them and made a living off of their hard work too? I KNOW what's good music, especially hardcore, it shows just look at how big and successful I am. My point being Erba, if you were something your records would've been sporting the bulldog on the back. Sorry to hear about the heart attack, I had one in the early 90's when I found out Integrity were playing Dekalb and they were coming for me. Unfortunately I wasn't able to make it and give them their records, so I feel for you.


  65. One time Dwid convinced me to stick ice cubes up my ass and eat them. I definitely understand where the Erbs is coming from.

  66. hey Brummel,
    Don't bother attaching the word "hardcore" to Victory. Your label blows, eat shit.

  67. INTEGRITY? Never heard their music, and never will, and no one will ever play that stuff near me because those people that worship INTEGRITY, they just stay home, ashamed, and write a bunch of stupid negative comments on message boards and blogs like this one. Are you guys Dwid's lame friends using multiple identities to defend INTEGRITY or just a bunch of senseless leeches?

    BRUMMEL? Who are you? Is that a joke? Either Brummel is even more of a complete asshole that what he's always been, or someone is trying to steal is identity to throw shit on Face Value. Very funny, everyone knows that Victory is the worst label to ever be associated with "hardcore".

  68. you got me, i mean us, the Holy Terror messageboard bombers. We post anywhere, anytime. Sleep well.

  69. smell what the erba is bloggingNovember 5, 2008 at 4:06 AM

    poor sad tony erba, nothing to talk about except other peoples accomplishments. He has a heart attack in his mid 40s and is now so desperate for attention that he turns to blog shit talking in the hopes that he will be remembered after the next heart attack doesnt let his fat ass off so easy. dont worry erba like your records, we have already forgotten you. next time just walk into the light, dont fight it. the world doesnt need any middle aged, overweight, hulk hogan impersonators to spout off WWE catch phrases and hope no one realizes that they are cornball wrestling slogans disguised as wit

  70. Lissen up ya Jabronis!!! Like the feared Iron Sheik- Terrible Tony Erba is ready to go a million rounds with all of you mindless a-holes!! if you have a problem with me, my band or my brother i will fucking stab you in the left nut and leave your rotting slab for the rats to nibble on!!!!YOU ARE ONLY AS YOUNG AS YOU FEEL!!! DO YOU FUCKING HEAR ME!!!!!! GET A LIFE LOSERS!




  74. picking on someone who just had open heart is harsh.what next, the handicapped and the retarded? as for all us cleveland guys getting together again...to quote tony erba "holding hands and carpooling home" it's just not gonna happen. there's too much scar tissue to debride and that wound is too deep. chris ringworm

  75. tony erba. can't stop talking about himself ever. blah blah blah blah. who fucking cares.

  76. hi chris ringworm-i am a fan of your band! but i am confused about the new tony erba. after reading these interviews it sounds like tony was the 1st to sling mud. I was a huge fan of face value until i read these intreviews. I believed face value was a posi hc band but tony seems just too bitter and jealous to keep his old positive outlook. his band was good, he should have focused on that aspect and what he used to sing about. this series of cheap shots at dwid and integrity really undermine what i loved about face value. it is sad that tony has hit such a patch of hard luck with having a heart attack and being unable to pay his medical bills. I can sympathize with that, but blackmailing dwid and integrity to pay his medical bills is really quite ridiculous. using these interviews as revenge over money is incredibly sad. what i dont understand is why does tony think he can demand money from other clevo bands? charity is usually offered not demanded. In all honesty I am really disappointed after reading the 'new' tonys outlook on life and sadly I will not be able to look at Face Value in the way i used to. Maybe Tony should relisten to his old songs and try to remember when he was a positive and good dude, all his recent online backbiting, blackmailing and shittalking only tarnishes the great memories of his band that i once loved so much. he was an inspiration to alot of young kids back then but now he is trampling on that. get well soon tony! and try to focus on the positive. i think your new negative outlook is adding to your troubles. maybe if you were more friendly like you used to be people would do a charity benefit to help you pay your bills. just a thought. keep your head up tony

  77. seems like Erba is still 'Holding The Grudge' against integrity! hahaha but seriously get well soon Erba! and I agree that someone in clevo should put on a benefit show with all the old clevo hc bands to help tony pay his bills. It can be tough when a guy dedicates his entire life to music and financially struggles when he gets older. I know Erba is a big wrestling fan and last week i saw that movie with Mickey Roarke The Wrestler and it sorta seems like what happened to Erba. After the 90s he was overlooked, hit hard times, had a Heart Attack and is now staging a comeback. I hope you feel better soon Erba and I hope the future of Face Value brings you happiness!

  78. Heart Attack?
    Charity Demands?

    Tony Erba is really down and out.

    I feel pretty bad hearing how far he has fallen from his glory days as singer of Face Value. This is why I will never break edge. Once you start shooting up, doing cocaine and popping pills you only end up with worse problems than the ones you are trying to escape. No one is impressed by your addiction

    Tony Erba you need to get off the dope and get back to the edge. Its never romantic or cool to be "that guy", the middle aged failed punker dope addicted beggar.

    Tony, remember where you came from.
    YOU have betrayed all the kids who once believed in you and face value and this heart attack and skid row residence is what you have to show for your betrayal of straight edge.
    AND you have betrayed yourself!

    you need to wake up before its too late!

    I don't know if Tonys demands for charity money for his hospital bills are just another one of his endless dope scams or not, but Tony you need to look long and hard in the mirror and see what you have become. No one admires a broke middle aged drug addict begging for handouts from young kids at the punk shows just so he can score some more dope in a back alley somewhere and pretend he is cool Mr punk rock. Act your age and stop chasing after pre-teenage girls and playing the doped up rock star to a crowd of underage kids and GET YOURSELF A JOB!

    Tony used and abused a good friend of mine who was only 15 years old. Because her parents had money he took full advantage of her financially and in other more disgusting ways. This guy is well into his 40s and has no business dating girls in 9th grade!

    Mean Steve and Confront were right about you!
    Tony Erba you are a "WASTE OF LIFE"

  79. For years, I used to hold up TWFT as my alltime favorite record. I attended shows heavily in the mid 90's in and around Clevo, but for some reason always missed Integrity when they played. So needless to say I was amped when they were warming up on stage at the '96 Clevo fest. I made sure to get up front early...I needed to be at ground zero for what was at that time one of my top 3 favorite bands. Integrity played an amazing set, and it was one of those situations where there was so many people on stage that you couldn't move. I remember being pressed up on Dwid the whole set, screaming those wierdo psuedo-religious/satanic lyrics as loudly as I could. After their last song, Dwid invited OLC up to play a few songs...and I was like "fuck! not these morons". I just made my way through the crowd and went outside to get some air. I absolutley hated Steve and all those OLC idiots. Next thing I know, Steve and some hairy ape skinhead come rushing out of the door yelling shit about how they're gonna get their gats blah blah....I knew some shit was going down. When I walked back in, My friend, a skinny teenage vegan like myself, was in an argument with Dwid. Allegedly Dwid had punched some girl in the melee. All Dwid could say to defend his actions was "don't you know I am?" over and over. My dude then said "Yeah I know who you are! You're a fuckin asshole!!" Dwid just walked away mumbling to himself.

    That pretty much ruined what 15 minutes earlier was one of my greatest HC moments. Plus the fact that they supported OLC at all was lame. Around that time Steve from OLC was on some vendetta against vegans, Latinos, liberals, women, and anyone smaller or younger than himself. We were all sick of those dudes ruining the vibe at shows.

    I'm dissapointed that the most the Clevo scene is known for is psuedo-Satanists and racists.

    Listen to Right Idea (and Face Value). Peace.

  80. I had the unfortunate luck to meet Tony Erba in the early 1990s when i lived in Myrtle Beach. My family had a summer place there and me and my younger sister went to a hc show and saw Face Value. My sister was 13 and Tony Erba had to be in his late 20s or early 30s. He got my sister really drunk and ended up taking her virginity. Yes, i said "taking" she was too drunk to know what was happening. We considered pressing charges, but since she was only 13 we thought she had been through enough with the date rape. Needless to say my sister is still traumatized and doesnt trust men. I hope that you are proud of yourself Tony Erba. You ruined my sisters life. I hope you get what you deserve one day.

  81. hahaha i like how in the comments, erba's age seems to get higher and higher and the girls get younger and younger the further you scroll down the page. he probably isn't even 40 yet.

  82. listen up you shmoes! i dont need any of your shit comments! i was asked to expose integrity for their debaucherous ways by this zine! dont blame me for telling my side of the story! Integrity suck and always have sucked! my bands will always be 100000 times better than any band dwid or his talentless thugs could ever made and, yeah it sucks that i never got the respect or attention that he has in the scene or made the millions that he has off of hardcore, but i made fucking great albums and i have made a name for myself that will never be forgotten. your rape allegations are fucking bullshit! i was never arrested so it never happened! your sister was and is a hussy and she was begging for it all night dont blame me for her good taste in scene studs! bottom line is you people are just jealous homos! go listen to your stupid integrity records and take a flying leap off my ball sack!

  83. That's my dad your talking about you piece of shit, i can't believe you'd write all of these lies to fucking entertain yourself you fuck. Get a life.

  84. Dwid junior (Max), someday you'll understand how much of a prick your old man really is. if he loves you so much, how come he moved OUT OF THE COUNTRY without you? He skipped out on your child support payments too. what a really nice guy. Better you than me, you little motherfucker.

  85. "Just about every great Cleveland hardcore band from 1988 onward revolved around Tony Erba or Dwid. Prior to stints in H-100’s and 9 Shocks Terror (and Smog Veil acts Stepsister and Amps2Eleven), Tony Erba delivered the goods with Face Value. The band played a defining role in the hardcore scene of the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, turning out furious tunes at breakneck tempos and whipping crowds nationwide into a fine froth before calling it quits in 1993."-Tony Erba


  86. wow it sure seems that Erba is way too obsessed with other peoples popularity. Erba needs to get over his jealousy and stop the name drop! move on with your life!

  87. Tony Erba is a very important musician, i say he is now a legend!

  88. I gotta say that i am really disappointed to read this article. I had always looked up to Erba as a positive spirit in HC. But this article betrays everything that I admired about him. Erba is publicly making cheap shots at another local musician solely to gain attention and to promote his Face Value discography cd. This really cheapens my memories of Erba and Face Value.

  89. Bringing people's children and private lives into this pathetic discourse is absolutely disgusting. You sad waste of air. Seriously, you should be truly ashamed.

  90. this guy sounds like he is trying to make a name for himself by bashing Integrity. I would love to read his lyrics does he also sing songs about how much he dont like Integrity? this bullshit is the lamest attempt to get attention i have ever read. maybe this guy should try to make some good records instead of just riding off a great band like integritys fame with this bullshit. anytime a band gets popular there is always some untalented weasel trying to rub his name all over their business.

  91. Wow, Tony Erba comes across like a sad, jilted stalker in this article. I am really disappointed that he would choose to align himself with something as cheap as this. In reading the comment where the blog administrator states that he asked Erba to write this smear campaign as retaliation toward Integritys refusal to do an interview with them, I was shocked that Tony would play the role of a rube for their power games. Besides, that sort of reasoning only makes this article all the more despairing. If someone does not participate with this blog, they will publish slanderous articles against them as an act of revenge. What has hardcore become? Alas, it never surprises me when once good people drastically warp their values as they get older. Tonys vicious desperation on these pages simply tarnish the fond memories i once held for him and his bands. Tony had made a name for himself as a fair minded and friendly hardcore guy, this article shows a whole new, mean-spirited dimension to his character, and it is not attractive.

  92. oh man, there has to be a better way for Tony to get some attention for his band than this cheap shot . . . .

  93. wow! even this blog uses integritys font!

  94. oh man, its gotta be pretty sad to have someone interview you for your band and then they ask you to only talk about some other guys band just to get readers! i mean, i realize this is the some kind of jerry springer publicity stunt but come on, you gotta have a little bit of self respect left Erba! this kinda bums me out. i grew up in Clevo and really liked all those old school bands. ya know the funny thing is, Erba was the one guy in that scene that i thought had a good heart. I guess i was wrong about him.

  95. Tony Erba you need to get some serious mental therapy. Your obsession with Dwid is beyond unhealthy, its totally frightening! Sour grapes never tasted so bitter as this! This interview reads like some tabloid version of metalcore!

  96. Tony Erba:
    60% poser
    40% confused

    100% loser


  98. hahaha poor old Tony Erba

  99. lissen up true believers! parmaniac madman and legendary rocker Tony Erba is making his triumphant comeback! thats right kids . . . get ready for the new FV album 2011!

  100. GET DA SMACKDOWN! CHEAP TRAGEDIES NEW RECORD !!!! http://www.noidearecords.com/bands/cheaptragedies.php STARRING TONY ERBA BACK ON VOXXX!

  101. http://www.cleveland.com/goingout/index.ssf/2008/07/after_dark_face_value_singer_i.html
