Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Andrew Kline - Strife

Andrew takes on the crowd at Middlesex County College, Edison NJ

This is part of an ongoing piece where we asked various people from bands over the years what they recall as the most memorable show they ever played (or attended, if they were never in a band), and why. What is posted here is only a sliver of what is to come, so be sure to check back. -DCXX

The most memorable show I ever played...that is a tough one. Strife did so many shows over the years and they all stood out on their own for some reason or another.

Off the top of my head, 2 different shows come to mind...the first show was a huge show that we played at Middlesex College in 1992 or 1993. It was huge, and had a great lineup that included sick bands like Mouthpiece, Outspoken, 4 Walls Falling, Ressurection, Flagman, and more! I was in 11th or 12th grade at the time (16 or 17), and this was our first time we ever played on the East Coast. Every band that played was great, we knew that we had something to prove at the show. The "It's For Life" and "Only The Strong" Comps had just came out, and the 1000 or so people that were there had high expectations for this new Straight Edge band from California.

Needless to say, from the first note we played the crowd went crazy! Highlights from that show include an asian stage diving girl with a football helmet, and our friend Scott Viscome (who we did not yet know) getting completely knocked out during "Am I The Only One." I remember stopping in the middle of that song, so he could get some help... He woke back up in a minute or so and started yelling at us to keep playing the song! I'm sure it is on video somewhere (Cue the YouTube video Tim...)

Rick and Chad at Middlesex County College, Edison NJ

We met someone friends on the trip that have proven to last a lifetime, and that is the real reason I will never forget that show. On a side note... The night before that show was the first time that Rick Rodney ever shaved his head completely bald!

The second show that comes to mind was a show that we did with Sepultura in Checkeslovakia in 1997. This show was the epitome of a rock show...it was at a huge soccer stadium (Kiss played there the next night), and over 20,000 people were there. Sepultura was at their peak, and they received a gold record earlier that day for their album "Roots." The whole tour was great...there was amazing catering at every show, we got to travel in a huge bus, and we got to see Sepulutra every night. We opened the show, and I just remember a sea of people going crazy the entire set! It was such a fun show, and just so crazy to see that many people moving in unison to our music. We made so many long lasting friendships on that trip as well.

Those are just two out of many unforgettable shows that we have played.

Chad bringing a little bit of Southern California to Edison New Jersey


  1. Could the Asian stage diving girl with the football helmet on be Fast Ali? I'd love to see a picture of that!

  2. i drove all night from ohio to get to that middlesex show. in fact, here is the flier for it:

    strife totally blew me away at this show. they were completely going off... and i clearly remember rick rodney running and doing a front flip into the crowd standing on the side of the stage.

    the new age records merch table probably sold 10 grand worth of stuff at this show... there was a HUGE line.

    after this show we got falafel sandwiches at this cart by rutgers, and i think it was just because i was starved from the day... but it was the best thing i have ever eaten.

    good times.

  3. I was so excited to be able to get to play those three Canadian shows with Strife. Such a great band.

  4. I remember watching this Middlesex video pretty much all the time years back. It was only 4 or 5 songs on that tape and I loved it.

    I can still picture crazy haircuts, backpacks, TONS of dives, this dude being knocked out before "breakdown" in "Am I The Only One?"... Was it Chris D. jumping on Ricks back like every 30 seconds?

    Looked like good fun.

  5. The "asian stage diving girl with a football helmet" was Ali; I think the helmet was electric blue. Her rational for wearing it was to, as someone on the short side, protect her head while dancing...

  6. I remember that show like it was yesterday.

    Middlesex was like a straight edge zoo that day/night.

    Strife blew me away. The energy they had was unreal.

    I could say I probably spent $400 that day on tshirts, records & 'zines.

  7. Yeah that shit was fun... So many good bands... so many cool people...
    It was crazy to see all of those bands playing together too...
    Ashes and Grip played too...
    Tim.... Post the video!

  8. I must be getting old.. Maybe he shaved it that night?
    I remember being at Tracy's house and rick coming out of the bathroom bald...
    Who has pics from the syracuse show on that tour?

  9. show was retardedly good.

    i think that was the time where we all went to the statue of liberty too...maybe? who knew dropping your pants for a pic in front of the SOL could get you arrested?!?!

  10. Oh shit! I remember that! I think I have photos from the statue of liberty too...
    By the way... that link to the flyer doesn't work...
