Sunday, October 12, 2008

Jeff Banks on Dave Mello of Uniform Choice

Last week I received an email from Jeff Banks of Southern California's Visual Discrimination / Chorus Of Disapproval. Jeff has been religiously following Double Cross and was eager to contribute. This is Jeff's first contribution, but expect plenty more in the near future. -Tim DCXX

In the later 80s Visual Discrimination days I worked part-time for Big Frank Harrison and Pacific Concerts as a doorman, security, bouncer and go-fer. When it was larger shows like Y&T or Guns 'n Roses in Pasadena, I was moving and loading equipment and taking towels to the laundry for the bands. But when it was Sunset Strip and Hollywood-type shows, it was a 3-man crew consisting of Frank, me and Dave Mello.

This was a few years after Screaming for Change. I don't think he ever really knew what a UC fanatic I was, and when I told him he was always very humble. He had long forgotten that we had played shows together years before. My first conversation with him was cathartic in the sense that I have always felt that the UC demo was a far better listening experience than any of their other material.

"I'll take Maynez with that maple top Les Paul using a Boss Heavy Metal Pedal over that white Jackson through a non-modified Marshall any day," was the first thing I think I said to him. Then it was on to "Who on God's green earth in Hardcore plays a Gibson Thunderbird?" When he laughed and said he owned 4, it was immediately clear that Mello would cough up the old identification card.

It was outside the Roxy after a Foster and Lloyd show where the Mello gave me 2 expired licenses for the collection. He was a little reserved, but it is amazing the things people will give to you when you maintain awkward eye contact for 15 to 20 seconds. Twenty minutes later Big Frank, Mello and I are in the drive-thru at Jack-in-the-Box. "The next band that needs to be started is the three of us, and we need to rip off these guys." I was blaring "Wreckage in Flesh" by Dr. Know in my mom's Jetta.


  1. Jeff Banks is the fucking man. Dude wrote the hardest shit, especially coming from someone from California. His riffs still stand the test of time. Fuck yea, he likes Dr. Know.

  2. get him to cough up some chorus stories.

  3. "I'll take Maynez with that maple top Les Paul using a Boss Heavy Metal Pedal over that white Jackson through a non-modified Marshall any day,"

    That's SO Banks! He always makes me smile.

    When Amendment Eighteen toured Europe, he tagged along for the UK dates, and every night Isaac would introduce him up to the stage to play some Chorus covers, and he was like, "No really, I shouldn't! Well, okay, why not?!" And he'd bust out crazy heavy metal solos to test the guitar before the songs, while laughing.

  4. Banks! I use to hang out with you, your UC Berkeley roommate Paul and Sabatini. Glad to know you're still alive.


  5. I know there are an ID or 2 of mine somewhere in his collection... Now I'm scared.

  6. What ever became of big Frank? where is he now?
