Thursday, September 11, 2008

Feedback Friday: Bad Brains

Something new here at DCXX, it's called Feedback Friday. The plan is to toss something like this up on Fridays from time to time. The idea is to post what we would call an "epic" type photo, comment on it and then leave the door open for you, the readers to comment on it. By posting it on a Friday, we would have the entire weekend for people to check it out and post their comments. Ordinarily with the standard day to day posts, it can get kind of hard to keep up with comments, but to do it on a Friday, it gives people extras days with the same entry.

We're kicking Feedback Friday off with this classic Bad Brains photo from the "I Against I" lyric sheet. Chances are pretty high that you've seen it before and that you've had some sort of thoughts about it. Nows your time... get to it. -Tim DCXX

Bad Brains, "I Against I" lyric sheet, Photo: Steve Hanner

So while I was mowing the lawn today and listening to the new Metallica... yeah, the new Metallica, on my iPod, I started thinking about the Bad Brains. Why the Bad Brains while listening to Metallica? I couldn't tell you. Anyway, thinking of the Bad Brains got me thinking of "I Against I", how awesome that record is and how epic the lyric sheet photo is. I know, "epic" is a big word and one that people tend to throw around rather loosely, but fuck it, that photo really is epic.

Where that photo is taken I'm not sure. My guess would tell me NYC somewhere. You've got Raybeez bare back with braces, squatting on the stage. You've got Russ Underdog up front, wearing a Thrasher Magazine painters cap, looking like he's getting ready to go for the dive. Then of course you have the Bad Brains. Earl is clearly beating the hell out of his set, Dr. Know is jamming away and loving life, Darryl is intently focused on his four strings and then you have H.R.... fuck. The guy is doing a freakin' christ dive, something I've absolutely never seen done in person. Stripped socks pulled nearly up to his knees and over his pants. H.R. doing the christ dive is 2nd only to H.R. doing the full flip at CB's in the Glenn E. Friedman photo. This photo defines an era, this photo is epic and this photo IS HARDCORE. -Tim DCXX

I don't have a whole lot to add to what Tim just wrote, other than the fact that my guess was always that this was the Jane Street Hotel and that I always assumed HR was in the beginning stage of a full on front flip when this sick shot was captured. There are certain photos you look at, and the music and power just leap out of the image, you can literally feel exactly what is going on in. This is one of those photos. I also gotta say that despite everything I might end up doing with my life, I'm pretty sure that what was happening at the very second this was taken is probably cooler than everything I will ever do. Bad Brains, forget about it... -Gordo DCXX


  1. I can remember hunting down "I Against I". I was 14. Going from store to store asking people at sam goody for this band I had heard from my friends older brother called the Bad Brains. I mind as well have asked for a ticket to the moon. Finally I was down the Jersey shore. In a little record stall in a beach mall (what else did you do in the '80s between skate sessions @ 14). I had just bought the ROIR Cassette Comp "new york thrash" because it had bad brains on it. Then and there, the clerk ( still thank him to this day) pulled out a vinyl copy of "I Against I". It was finally mine.

    That was it. To this day I will argue with anyone who trys to dismiss the BadBrains and what they meant, not only to hardcore but to American music altogether.

    I am much older now, but when I hear the Intro, I still get up, grab something that resembles a mic and do my best to keep up with HR's vocals.

    That record changed my life.

    more so than the picture a odd side story is that the font on "I Against I" struck me for some reason. When I write by hand (I know, who does that?) Someone who is in the know would be able to tell i totally ripped of that font and now I make my a's, b's and d's just like the appear in the cover.

  2. That photo is so intense, just look at the expression on Dr. Knows face, Darryl sweating, the way Earl is about to slam his sticks down and that dive...fuck me!
    I saw Bad Brains in England for the 1st time when i was 17, in Stevenage to be precise back in 1983. I remember standing on a chair and recording the whole show...i've still got that recording. They blew me away and i can honestly say that they changed my life.
    Amazing band...still listen to the ROIR tape recordings. I must have watched that live at CB's dvd about 20 times and it gives me goose bumps every time.


  3. I remember the first time I saw the photo. Probably way before I was listening to Bad Brains. The photo was used as background on a flyer in late 90's in Stockholm. Can't remember what bands and it probably just doesn't matter. I was just amazed at HR and just couldn't believe the energy captured in that photo.

    When I finally got my copy of "I against I" I could help but think that the photo made the album even better! The intro is still one of my favourites ever.

    Also the bonus of Raybeez hanging out on stage as security just makes the photo perfect.


  4. no bad brains = no cro mags = no hc.

  5. I will say this about that image...

    It's probably the only photo in the history of humankind where someone is wearing a 'Leave It To Beaver' shirt (Dr. Know)right next to someone wearing a shirt with the image of Halle Selassie on it (Earl)

    I will also say that it reminds me of seeing The Bad Brains on the 'I Against I' tour at City Gardens' and being blown the F away.


  6. Considering that this photo was taken before the digital camera age. Can you imagine the look on the developers face when this image showed up on the negatives?

    Imagine how stoked Steve Hanner was when he got his film developed!

  7. Being at this show (you can just see my arm in the lower left hand corner)was one of the high points of my life and to have it immortalized on film... well you can just imagine my excitement!! At the time I had more of a serious SE mentality and as such would only listen to SE bands like Minor Threat, 7 Seconds, etc. but my friend Philip convinced me to go and I was a Brains disciple from then on out!! I didn't exactly agree with their advocation of drugs but their energy and anti-gay stance made up for it!! NYHC forever!!

  8. "I didn't exactly agree with their advocation of drugs but their energy and anti-gay stance made up for it!! NYHC forever!!"

    Fucking idiot.

  9. Your name is FABIEN and you don't like gay people? You must be living a difficult life.

  10. Ahhh the homophobia... the proverbial thorn in Bad Brains side. You cannot question the influence and talent these guys had. Classic band. I am and always have been a huge fan but that side of them always seems to lurk its ugly head and it can be a bitter pill to swallow.

    Regardless... I can remember staying up all night watching Night Fight and "Another State of Mind" and sometime around 2 am on pops the I against I video and it blew my little 8th grade mind...

  11. This pic always makes me think of the I Against I poster (with a giant version of this pic) I had on my wall for years. One of the best HC pics ever taken.


  13. Wow those guys were impressive as I can see, I like old music, but I'm kind of young so I don't know to much, thanks for share.

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