Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Insted in New Jersey, 2004, giving thanks to stage diving, Photo: Traci McMahon

It's such a short time we're on this earth. We all tend to neglect from the moment of birth. Let's put aside the evil and look towards the good realizing what we have, is something we should. Step back, look around, what do you see? Step back, look around, and assess your needs. There's people less fortunate, with no place-to sleep. This life they were brought into, with nothing to eat. Don't take for granted the things you have cause compared to some people, life's not that bad, There's good things out there just look around, I'm not gonna let a loss bring me down. But instead I'll keep pushing on and be thankful for my life's not over and done. Give thanks for what we are given. Appreciate what you have got. - INSTED


  1. Horns
    of Plenty
    it fills the coffers
    of this land
    it come from
    They don't say, a little
    sleight of hand

    The good life
    I can alomst taste it
    Pay the price
    with my worst fears

    Their touch is cold
    Their touch is cold
    Give Thanks
    Give Thanks
    Give Thanks
    Give Thanks

    the children
    Smiling faces
    Clean White hands
    can I deny
    the benefits of
    this blessed land

    Comfort, warmth, and
    The promise of the
    Light they shed
    We must spread this
    to all people
    Later on we can
    count the Dead

    - Articles of Faith

  2. 10 things I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving

    1. My wife.
    2. My wife and I's immediate families.
    3. My dogs.
    4. My apartment surviving the Triangle Complex Fires while two apartment buildings less than 20 feet away were completely destroyed.
    5. Obama winning.
    6. Palin losing.
    7. Having pretty good job security at my current job due to us being SO fucking busy.
    8. Only having to pay $160 to get my brakes fixed.
    9. Not having to appear in person for jury duty.
    10. The CD player in my car.

  3. A great song and I take it to heart. I do stop to look around and see how much I have and think of those who don't. Then I feel dumb for complaining about what I don't have as I should.
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
