Tuesday, May 12, 2009

John Joseph New York City Urban Warfare Cro-Mag Training

John Joseph New York City Urban Warfare Cro-Mag Training from Polygraph Productions on Vimeo.

John Joseph's book called "Meat Is For Pussies" on vegetarian nutrition, training and the healthy lifestyle will drop this summer on Punkhouse. Thought some of the readers would be interested in checking this out. -Tim DCXX


  1. That's a cool video. I want go on a bike ride with him.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. his pull ups are weak. iron man and marathons though? sick. just sick.

  4. For personal health and environmental impact, I would say that eating outside of the industrialized food chain is more important than going vegetarian. Just sayin.

  5. Oh man, I half expected him to start carrying logs, chopping wood and pulling a sleigh through New York like Rocky when he goes "back to basics" in Rocky IV. But it sure sounds more badass when you call it "Urban Warfare Cro-Mag Training" than saying "I ride my bike around NYC and do some push-ups in the morning". But, hey, good for him. He looks good for 47.

  6. Fucking awesome. Been vegan 18 years and i'm on top of the world. Power to the Cro-Mags!

  7. To supplement Todd's comment, check out Amy Goodman's interview with Michael Pollan the other day http://www.democracynow.org/2009/5/14/omnivores_dilemma_author_michael_pollans_new

    "Don’t Buy Any Food You’ve Ever Seen Advertised”

  8. i am friends with Todd and he is actually 300 lbs and has gout. don't listen to him, go vegetarian.

  9. John Joseph is the coolest human being on the face of the Earth.
