Monday, August 24, 2009

SSD on the streets of New Jersey

And I always thought it stood for Society System Decontrol... Photo: Tim DCXX

Driving north on Route 1 yesterday here in New Jersey I spotted a large orange sign on the south bound side with what appeared to have the letters SSD on the back of it. Now granted I have an eye for anything hardcore related, but this stuck out like a sore thumb. Not only did it say SSD, but they actually used the exact same SSD font (City Bold), at least that's the way it appeared as I quickly flew by the sign that was at least 80 feet away.

On the way home late that night I had to pull over and check out the sign and confirm to myself one way or another what I thought I saw. Guess what... my eyes did not deceive me. Of course I had to pull out the camera and snap off a few shots. Strange coincidence to say the least. -Tim DCXX

SS Decontrol at the Media Workshop, 1981, Photo: Drew Stone


  1. Someone needs to call this place and see what the deal is.

  2. i saw this also in a thai restaurant in santa barbara, ca.

  3. Oh shit That is funny! I am a supervisor at a place called Signs and blanks in Akron, Ohio we manufacture street sign Blanks and finished signs and we sell every kind of traffic safety device for construction known to man! These guys are one of our customers they buy signs from us and they rent construction signs and devices all over the US. I will be in a meeting and be looking at the list of shippments and see this SSD and I have to chuckel every time! We also have a customer that is named STRAIGHT EDGE STRIPING!!! I swear this is true I love hearing the higher ups in meetings saying this is it funny to hear this being said by someone not speaking of our culture!!!!

  4. I am confident that someone who works there, even if it was just the dude who ordered/designed the sign, is a SSD or hardcore fan. Let's get some investigative journalism, Tim, take this blog into new territory!

  5. I was once asked why I was running around in a t-shirt advertising automobile parts. For German mechanics SSD is an acronym for "Stahlschiebedach" - a steel sliding roof.

  6. please...., MORE SSD!!!!!! (the best band in the world).

  7. I saw the same sign and felt compelled to drive back and see what deal was - half expecting to see Springa selling signs on the roadside.. haha

  8. I hear Al Barile is PISSED about this, and that he's encouraging his fans to take matters into their own hands to stop this travesty! This blatant misuse of the name of the GREATEST BAND EVER is nothing short of a crime against HUMANITY!

  9. I don't believe bands own letters, grow up and get a life you weirdos.
