Thursday, October 15, 2009

Al Quint - Suburban Voice Fanzine

Al up front for a Minor Threat sing along, 6/12/83, at the Channel in Boston, Photo courtesy of: Al Quint

My choice would be the first real DIY hardcore show I saw and that was Minor Threat, FU's, SS Decontrol and The Proletariat at the Gallery East. I even remember the date--June 12, 1982. I guess you could say Gallery East is a pretty legendary venue in Boston hardcore history since it hosted some incredible shows during that time. It was Minor Threat's first local appearance (the first of three over the following year) and they played second just in case the show got shut down, so they wouldn't have driven up from DC for nothing. I just remember being amazed at how much energy that band had and how it fed off the audience and vice versa. Ian darting around like a maniac and, especially, watching Jeff Nelson's lightning fast drumming. Since I didn't really know anyone yet, it was definitely an outsider's point of view but something that, to use a terrible cliche, changed my life.

Al in his element, Boston Hardcore style, Photo: JJ Gonson


  1. Al Quint is one of the most good natured, genuine people I have ever known. It is so cool to see him on DCXX. I'd like to see more of Al!

  2. that's a great photo. more al!!!!!!!

  3. Yes, one of my favorite people in hardcore as well. It's rare to know someone in his/her mid 40's, who is not jaded at all about checking out new bands.

  4. Great dude. Definition of hardcore.

  5. Al's column in MRR is one of the main reasons I still pick that mag up. He's great!

  6. Ill dude, funny he was gigging with MT the year I was born.

  7. nice blog i just stumbled onto it .. have you checked out some of the south american hardcore webzines?

  8. Al Quint one of my heroes
    --tony erba
