Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New Double Cross shirts available now

It's been quite some time since we offered a new Double Cross shirt design, but this is actually one that we've been working on for months. As simple as it is, you'd think we would have knocked it out a little quicker, but honestly, the time we spend working on DCXX is basically to get content up each night, so sometimes it's tough getting to everything we'd like. Needless to say, here it is, the second shirt we've done since kicking off DCXX two years ago.

The front is similar to the first design, but I actually went into the logo and added a little more to it, tweaked it and customized it a bit. We also went bigger with the front artwork, three inches bigger to be exact. The back is a photo taken by DCXX contributing photographer, Ken Salerno. What you're seeing is the mayhem of a City Gardens crowd during BOLD's set, July 9th, 1989. Pretty sure this was during "Wise Up" and the guy with the bleached hair sitting on top of the crowd with his back facing the camera is Hard Stance/Inside Out/Gorilla Biscuits bassist, Mark "Helmet" Hayworth. We felt like this photo really captured the moment and considering it's a crowd shot as opposed to a band shot, it's more about hardcore in general than the specifics a band might give you.

The City Gardens-crazed, stage diving crowd during a BOLD set in 1989, Photo: Ken Salerno

As for the quote,
"Dedicated To Hardcore," it's nothing particularly original, but unquestionably and completely encompasses what DCXX is all about.

Thanks to Geoff and the TDT crew for making these happen, thanks to Chris "Smorgasbord" Daily for the inspiration (color scheme idea was inspired by one of Daily's old Smorgasbord shirts), and big thanks to Ed McKirdy and Livewire Records for all of his help, fine tuning, and webstore.
- Tim DCXX


  1. go figure, a bold dicksucking design. this blog rules when it isn't mcmahnon auto-fellating himself or bold cocksuckery.

  2. Nick anonymous comment dickhead.

  3. Dear Mr. Anonymous, (go figure... couldn't have said it better myself)

    Not exactly sure how a photo of a CROWD during a BOLD set is all that "cocksuckery", but vent away my friend. Can I assume if I had a Negative Approach photo on the back I'd be doing some NA dicksucking or would that be acceptable to Mr. Anonymous?

    Oh and thanks for the backhanded compliment, I'll try really hard to not "auto-fellate" myself and stick to just do more "ruling" entires for you.

    You stay classy Anonymous. -Tim DCXX

  4. For the "over 40" crowd that might have a few exra pounds....any plans to do "double X" size shirts for "Double Cross"????

  5. Good question Jim, I think we'll probably have to do some XXL. Hang in there, once this first batch of shirts are sold (which might be sooner than late, they're moving fast), we'll order more and I'll request some XXL with that order. -Tim DCXX

  6. Bought already!

  7. these shirts are awesome, im trying to buy 2 t's but it isnt combining shipping. i think 10 bucks to ship 2 shirts is a little much? can you guys help out?

  8. Dan... We definitely have an issue with the combined shipping, trying to get that fixed. Shoot me an email and I'll get it worked out with you.


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Nice. Having a tough time deciding between the Gators and Trojans colors.
