Friday, October 8, 2010

Strife Storming The East Coast 2010



  1. Those guys are a bunch of idiots.
    What's the point of playing for a SXE band if they are not edge anymore?
    It really cheapens the message. They where always a bunch of posers, anyway.

    Except for Hartsfield-he's cool.

  2. Tell Hartsfield I ordered a Stonetelling cd in 91..... Still waiting for it.

    My check cleared, so..... Yea.

    And as for Strife being idiots? C'mon, DJ Sid Vicious? Dating Bombshell McGee? Sid on TMZ as this sluts lackey? Yum, Jesse James sloppy seconds.

    No, theses dudes should TOTALLY tour.

    Do it.

  3. Hey Man there is only One Truth!!!the truth is they are lame. but they sure have nice amps and wireless gear hook me up!

  4. Pussies always hit the anonymous button. I have no deep seeded opinion about this band touring, all I know is that other than the mild competitive moments Strife had with Chorus back in the day these guys are ok guys. Sid and Chad have always been cool to me. Do the damn thing guys, have fun!


  5. Serious question for Isaac (or anybody else)…..Why does YOT get shit on so badly for doing a reunion, but Strife gets a pass?

  6. Because STRIFE never Mattered.

  7. Some dudes get a computer to ride dick and talk shit. Some dudes get in a van, on a bus, or on a plane and actually do shit.

    Let's just say I know what team I'm on.

  8. SHIT is exactly what strife is doing

  9. True... We suck and we are a bunch of idiots and Posers...

    Thats why 20 plus years down the line I'm still supporting hardcore...

    20 years down the line you will still be Anonymous

  10. Anonymous probably had a Girlfriend that was doubledogged by some dudes in a "shitty" Hardcore band.. You'd be surprised what happens on tour.. and the trail of victims it leaves.. many years down the line. Their only recourse is to post Anonymously and vent their displeasure with that band.

  11. Haha.. could be possible!

    Isaac thanks for the support...

    There are definitely a lot of kids that like to sit behind a computer and talk shit...
    Imagine if they channeled that energy in doing something productive.

    Start a band, write a zine, do some shit!!

  12. I think everyone in the band is cool except that asshole Andrew!

    Hi Andrew... good luck with the tour.

  13. Is STRIFE still Straight Edge? just wondering

  14. By the way... STRIFE interview coming to DCXX this week. Maybe this will answer some of those "Anonymous" questions. -Tim DCXX

  15. Isaac, I hope that wasn’t your answer to my very straight forward question. So let me ask again, why was I just having a friendly debate with you when you were ripping YOT for doing a reunion, but then 2 weeks later you’re defending Strife for doing the same thing.

    I’m not talking any shit whatsoever…I have no problem with Strife doing a reunion. I just wonder why YOT always gets the double standard?

  16. Yeah Bloodlet doubled dogged my girl!!!!The 90s sucked period.

  17. I liked when they flip theyre guitars around theyre back like Van Halen cool!!!and theyre synchronized jumps!!the magic of wireless.

  18. i still don't get why people care if a band is edge or not.i think strife probably get more respect because they haven't tarnished their legacy like ray cappo and yot and actually tour the country they came from, where bands like yot or slapshot will exclusively tour europe.all the anonymous guys sound like the same person to be quite honest. i dont get why the lwb is pretty friendly and you have some people on here who are just out to be contentious pricks. at least use your name...

  19. Andrew is and has always been an awesome guy. I'll go see Strife in NYC. Why does anyone care? Obviously they're playing because they missed it/enjoy it. Its not like they're playing these massive venues. Let them have fun. If you don't like them, don't go see them. Seems simple enough.

  20. Dont compare SLAPSHOT to a bunch of rich kids from Thousand Oaks.

  21. The first time I saw Strife was in 94 in madison wisconsin - the fest that never was....except for Strife! They blew my head off 2 nights in a row and not one fucking band had a better stage show before or since for me. That weekend changed the way I view hardcore and I still talk about those shows to this day. Fuck all ya'll who hate. This band is and will always be pure fucking hardcore gold. What would be fucking sad is if they didn't evolve into something else over 20 years. Go beat off to your Policy of 3 records or something. jeez.

  22. anonymous-was more comparing them as bands that only tour europe to bands that tour america but are both from here. slapshot did enough to tarnish their legacy by never touring the US and releasing horrible albums in the 90s..

  23. "And as for Strife being idiots? C'mon, DJ Sid Vicious? Dating Bombshell McGee? Sid on TMZ as this sluts lackey? Yum, Jesse James sloppy seconds."

    Does anybody have any idea what this paragraph means?

  24. "Michelle "Bombshell" McGee has moved on -- but it’s clear she has a type! Jesse James' mistress has teamed up romantically with someone who calls himself Dee Jay Sid Vicious -- after the late and famous Sex Pistols bassist, who once provoked outrage by wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with a swastika.

    But this Sid -- aka Sid Niesen from San Diego -- tells he is no racist!"

  25. Hahaha... This post is getting heated...

    I wish Anonymous had some balls to say who he was... I'm sure it's someone we know...

    Interesting that he keeps bringing up wireless guitars too... We aren't the only band that used them! They are available for anyone to purchase at their local Guitar Center...

    Rich Kids? Do your research man... Everything we've had we have worked long and hard for!

    Thanks for the kind words everyone... Hope to see you guys at a show! Should be fun!

  26. My fave Strife memories involve a bald Rick wearing Tully Savalas glasses at the Earth Crisis/Strife/Snapcase show @ Black Cat.

  27. as I wrote on the xstuck in the pastx blog about a "arms of the few shirt", here's a part of it that would fit with this tread I think (sorry for my frenchy english) :

    "I, too, was pretty bummed to know they were not straight edge anymore when they came back together for angermeans but.. you know, there is something more powerful than this sxe thing and it's the friendship.. I'm sure they would have come back as a straight edge band and some people would have talk shit anyway so, why take this toooo seriously?!"
