Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dave Smalley - Punk Rock Days

Gordo and I here at DCXX play in a band called Hands Tied and last night we played in Baltimore, MD with DYS, Antidote, Face Value and Mindset. Great hangin' and playing with all the bands and I think it's safe to say that a good time was had by all. Dave Smalley clued me in to the website, that he had been working together with someone on and I thought it would be cool to share this video they put together. Check it out and check out the site. - Tim DCXX


  1. wow...Brian Baker looks like some suburban soccer dad.

  2. Who cares what BB looks like. The guys is in his mid to late 40's and still making music

  3. Can't support Smalley and his completely bullshit conservative views.

  4. Agree about Smalley's views. He stayed at my house many years ago & seemed like a nice guy, but when I heard about his politics, I was a bit pissed-off, to say the least.

  5. Spaghetti WrestlerApril 11, 2011 at 1:55 PM

    You guys with your concerns over who's a conservative republican and who's a liberal democrat, is ridiculous. Last time I checked, Smalley has never brought his politics into his music, so why are you? Dudes a stand up guy... PERIOD.

  6. Mr. Wrestler:

    I couldn't agree with you more. Do I agree with Smalley's politics? Who knows! But I don't see it in his music, and I've always identified with him through his music and lyrics...not what he is doing in a voting booth on election day.


  7. So standing up for what you believe in is only cool if everyone believes in the same thing? You guys coming down on Smalley for his alleged politics are weak-minded political xenophobes .

  8. I am not sure of Smalley's views. Is he against gays and them being married? Is he against Choice? Does he think that immigration is a bigger problem than exploitation?

    What makes him conservative? I did a search and nothing really came up.

    I have a hard time separating a person from their viewpoints but so far I ain’t so convinced.


  9. Dave Smalley is a choice human being. He and I have had numerous one on one conversations where we agree to disagree about some politics. The thing about it is he's one of the most intelligent, educated and informed political thinkers in "punk rock" and that is no b.s. The dude may not agree with you on things, but he doesn't shout people down because he might not share their views and he respects the difference in opinions that each of us have. Some of you could take a page from his play book and become some better human beings.

  10. Sorry, but politics and punk are intertwined as far as I'm concerned, & I don't like his politics. I'm not saying he's not a nice guy (he was cool when I met him), but I'm not a fan of his conservative views.

    Roa - he used to write for

  11. Living legend here...

  12. @all against Dave due to his politics, wow, I thought punk was about thinking for yourself, having your own POV, holding your own beliefs. So, if Dave doesn't conform to the thought police, you write off 20+ years of positive contribution to punk music? Funny, being against Gov't control used to even BE part of the mantra. Guess if it's 2011 and you still don't trust the Gov't, you are conservative? Huh??

  13. I don't think Dave's conservatism is up for debate. I've had many arguments with him. He's a pro-life Republican with libertarian leanings.

    One of my favorites:
    (Dave=Foxton / me=the mean)

  14. This can't have effect in actual fact, that's exactly what I believe.
