Thursday, May 26, 2011

Filmage teaser


  1. when and where can we see the full film?

  2. I'll watch the PANTS off of this flick but I pray there is a lot more older footage and less interviews with people who look like they would feel perfectly comfortable wearing fabric tattoo sleeves.

  3. Punk/HC is becoming more and more like Styx, Foreigner, Journey, Poison, Bad Company and so on.

    These groups hit your local amphitheatre every summer for some contrived packaged tour. "Let's pull out the old set list and relive the good times. Wasn't high school just great!" Good god...

    Like the aformentioned bands, no new material is written, played, or released by these reformed punk acts. This reunion stuff is getting way out of hand.

    Do you think Fugazi will reform and play "In on the Killtaker" in its entirety without interruption on its 20th anniversary?

    I would have no problems with these bands (DYS, SSD, YOT,...)if they really wanted to put out new material, play mostly new songs, and drop the bulk of old set lists from the shows.

    Instead, we're left with something similar to a Fixx, Missing Persons, Modern English, and Flock of Seagulls '80s night out extravaganza. Sorry for being such a downer on this one.

  4. Okay, well I'm going to see the fucking Gorilla Biscuits tomorrow night and you can kiss my ass. Beeyotch.

  5. they can make a dvd with complete early shows like the minutemen did.

  6. Then you would complain that they didn't play enough old material. Descendents have put out records of new material as recent as 2004.
    Your opinion sucks.

  7. "Descendents have put out records of new material as recent as 2004.
    Your opinion sucks."

    Hmmm...7 years ago? Before that with 1996's Everything Sucks.

    Well I guess we should expect a new Descendents record just in time for Summer '11 by their recording schedule.

    "Okay, well I'm going to see the fucking Gorilla Biscuits tomorrow night and you can kiss my ass. Beeyotch."

    Yes, the last nail will have been driven in the punk/HC coffin if the lingua franca becomes that of the Jersey Shore and the other reality show ilk.

    "Beeyotch" - really? Do people say that outside of Mtv (much less spell it phonetically like the goofy pronunciation)?

    I wanna be stereotyped
    I wanna be classified
    I wanna be a clone

  8. Why are you quoting Descendents after you just went on about how you're sick of their shit. You truly are a putz.

  9. lol these comments.

  10. I'm with the dude who's getting grief. These bands are an embarrassment. Fat old guys with no relevance to the hardcore scene of today, living off their past "glories".

    I had the chance to see Adam Ant play here last week, who was my hero when I was 10/11 years old (for free, too), but went to see Social Circkle at a small venue instead. Quite a few "punks" went to Adam Ant rather than support a hardcore band. Says it all.

  11. Anonymous, if the bands you mentioned put out new material and toured, no one would care. People WANT to hear the old songs, for better or worse, so that's why they play them.

    And, most of the rock bands you mentioned have only one or two original members, the first 3 don't even have the singers than were on the hits they are known for. The Descendents have had the same lineup for almost 25 years.

  12. Im more embarrassed by all the ugly old people at these reunion shows

  13. im more embarrassed by all the stupid young people at these new "wannabes" hardcore bands gigs. go and play something new for your generation, hardcore-punk is our generation, not yours.

  14. "Gorilla Biscuits tomorrow night !" Yeah me too... They were the biggest let down..... To much BS talk between songs and nice tight white pants!!!!! Gay-rilla Biscuits have become a bunch clowns.....

    A.F. / S.O.I.A. / ABSOLUTION / ANTIDOTE Classic !!!

    All These NEW HC bands suck! i'm sorry to vent

  15. Smoke dust and got nuts!!!

  16. "im more embarrassed by all the stupid young people at these new "wannabes" hardcore bands gigs. go and play something new for your generation, hardcore-punk is our generation, not yours."

    What age are you, then? So as far as you are concerned, hardcore is dead? I'm almost 41 & hardcore bands of today are as relevant to me as the old bands were. You may have moved on, & sit there fawning over "the good ol' days," but remember, you gave up on hardcore, not the other way around.

  17. "Anonymous, if the bands you mentioned put out new material and toured, no one would care. People WANT to hear the old songs, for better or worse, so that's why they play them."

    Exactly the entire point being made.

    HC/Punk is getting to remsemble "classic rock". Those from the class of '79 get to relive Styx, Fleetwood Mac, Steely Dan, and Foghat crank out the "hits" on a summer night. How about a combo tour with Stevie Nicks & Boz Scaggs at the local arena? If they all put out new albums, no one would buy them and the crowd would feel cheated if the hits were not played live.

    HC is falling into the same pattern. I love all the bands that are "reuniting". This is not an argument about music. My argument is,what is the point? Are fans of "classic" HC any different than fans of classic rock?

    These reunited HC band singers hardly sing. They stand there with the mic held out while the crowd sings almost the entire song. If I pay to see Ray, or whomever, I want to hear him sing the song. I don't care to hear the crowd drown out the entire song along with all the contrived finger pointing (single or double barrel). Getting a little off track...

    Instead, we're left with "classic" HC guys singing songs which no longer have any real meaning. For the most part, these bands do not believe what they believed 15-30 years ago. That's fine. They shouldn't. So other than for a nostalgia trip for everyone, what is the point?

    Well that is why we're not so different from the classic rock nostalgia reunion tours that occur every year. That may not necesarily be a bad thing, but it sure as hell is not an alternative to the mainstream.

    BTW, Roger Daltrey is bringing Tommy to an amphitheatre near you.
    How punk is that?

  18. Anonymous: you make great points. In recent times, NOBODY has been able to tell me the difference between hardcore punk rock and, say, Limp Bizkit (besides this band sucks & the other rules).

    Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

    But man, you got to stand up and be counted: challenge the status quo, publish your name and list/promote new bands until they are able to replace the nostalgic scene.

    Be more than a witness.

  19. no wonder milo and the boys are back on the reform circuit,they need some funds to keep up with their donut bills,who ate all the pies?,check out bills!!!!

  20. just curious but why are you so concerned with how any of them look? Is being in shape an important part of what you look for in a band? I think that maybe you're doing too much "checking out" the bands bodies. Go to your local bar on gay night, im sure you could find some hot fit musicians.

  21. i think you missed the point completely on my comment mate,have you had a humour bypass..stop smoking pot!!

  22. oh my bad, that was hysterical the way you made insulting comments about someone you most likely dont know.

  23. Fuck them! It's THEIR fault that modern media has increased exposure to their music and more people like them than ever before. Shame on them and moving out of the 1980s.

    Also, shame on them for being proud of their musical output. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, wants that old shit.

    Also, damn them for wanting to play for new fans who never saw them play live "back in da day" ... Al Barile's got it right when he says, "if you weren't there, too fucking bad!" YEAH, bitches!"

    And then there's ALL (no pun) insane money these bands are making. I mean, I've heard all those stories about Milo and Bill using all of their riches to buy matching Maseratis while taking turns fucking Tawny Kitane on the hood. Why? Because they can!

    Hell, I even heard that Bill got a "FUCK punk rock! Black Flag SUCKED!" tattoo on his taint for all of those high class call girls he can now afford to tickle with their tongues while he smokes some buddha and gives them Cristal showers. Light weight punk cunts.

    I just now heard Dave Smallee has three other families, one in Chicago and one in LA, all with five kids living in the penthouse of Trump Tower and Neverland Ranch respectively.. all DYS money that has been rolling in since '84. Fuck me, I mean it's common knowledge that Curtis from Taang! retired 11 years ago and has been hangin' with P-Diddy and Nikki Manaj, wholy thanks to the popularity of that DYS back catalog and all the MTV and air play and major media coverage it's been receiving for the last two decades. All of this has to be true!

    You guys are right. FUCK those dudes, those rich, snobby sellout mother fuckers. They should only announce their shows via posters pasted on phone polls and when someone offers them a large venue, at the top of them a large venue to play, they should yell "WE AIN'T ROCK STARS!" while kicking the promoter in the balls and DEMANDING that they're paid less than $100, only in singles and change before getting too piss drunk to play, vomiting on themselves and falling down on a dirty-ass floor in some squat! Vive la "punk" rock! Luddites of the world unite!



  26. man, you people bitch too much. Just shut up and show some respect to the Descendents.

  27. old people on acid light

  28. @ Anon May 27, 2011 7:56 AM

    Have to say that your veiws on recycled rock nostalgia are shared here. The problem is that this band just doesn't fall into that category of tired rehashing. These guys, in both incarnations, have been making new music, recording new bands, working in the scene nation-wide and making PUNK something to be fucking proud of before you had pubes! Maybe before your dad had pubes?

    Give all of them the gigantic mountain of credit they deserve for being true to the punk ethos from start to finish. They still play, live, and work in the scene. Do you?

    If you had picked any number of other bands I would fall squarely in your camp. But these guys are of a different caliber.


  30. "Have to say that your veiws on recycled rock nostalgia are shared here. The problem is that this band just doesn't fall into that category of tired rehashing." ShayKM

    I agree. My points were not aimed at the Descendents/ALL. It just happened to be that the Descendents doc footage triggered my response. Hell, I can't wait until the docs release. I even bought the 7 Degrees of Stephen Egerton CD. It's not very good, but how many other readers of Double Cross bought to it?

    The entire Drag The River (Chad Price ALL)catalog is never far from my stereo either. What Chad is doing now is way better than his days with ALL but probably most people here would never give Drag The River the time or day - just a guess.

    Same goes for Kevin Seconds. What he is doing today is better than anything 7Seconds has ever done. I saw him on tour last year and there was about 20 people. What a joke! If it was billed as 7Seconds the place would have been packed with all the sing-a-longs with those tired songs.

    The point is that we get trapped into this nostalgia trip and ignore what's going on now (musically speaking). What DC is doing is great. I think documenting all these bands & scenes is a great service.

    But it seems that what's happening is, these bands read DC or, like minded web-zines, and see how enthused people are about their old bands. But now, they try to capitalize on their former "fame" by "re-grouping" and playing these sporadic shows.

    These bands are still not "famous" enough with the general public to actually get rich off of it, but they are famous enough in the punk/HC community to get by. I mean really, how did YOT play Russia & Brazil this year? Somebody is putting up some money somewhere just to hear songs written from '85-'88?

    If they can travel the world & do it, more power to them. I don't believe in punk purity myself. But what is the difference between a YOT show and a Hall & Oats show?


    Just 2 bands and sets of fans reliving the "hits" they played/listened to during the
    '80s. The soundtrack of our lives: whether is was sugar coated Kasey Kasem top 40 or raging HC.

    The difference is in scale; thats all.

  31. I'm 3rd... on the AUTOPLAY video chick.... Some one shut that bitch up with a big ole dick in her mouth... She Sounds like a whiny hag!

  32. that girl has a great voice and is beautiful, you're a fuckin' homo, get out you fag!!!!

  33. YEAH! Anonymous homophobia kills!

    ps - if you think that young lady and her voice are the bee's knees, you, sir/madam, have some incredibly low standards regarding attractiveness. That said, I'd still hit it, gonzo porn style!

  34. i still think that girl is pretty, and you're a homo. (nothing against gays, but your commentaries are very sexist and anti-women, you faggot).

  35. Huh... so when a man states that he wants to have sex with a woman or women (in whatever form they deem as acceptable), that is now considered gay? Man, the world sure has changed in the last few hours. I'll be sure to let your mom know this tidbit of info the next time I have her bent over her sofa as she's screaming in sheer pleasure for more from me.

    But, hey, let's continue deflecting the issue that you're an out-and-out bigot who absolutely refuses to relent on using derisive terms such as "homo", "fag" and "faggot", even when trying to hide his blatant hatred for homosexuals. I'm willing to bet that the Westboro Baptist enclave would LOVE for you to be a part of their group. You're already headed in the right direction.

  36. wow, a sofa's motherfucker. gay.

  37. I should have known that was all you had. Like the rest of your life, your reply was underwhelming. Tell your mommy that your new daddy says hi. ;)

  38. oh no! is tom "sofa's motherfucker" again, shut up already, pervert!!!!!.

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