Monday, December 29, 2008

Introducing: Big Frank Harrison

The Legendary Carry Nation

Zed Records, Nemesis Records, The Country Club, Carry Nation...if you know about these things, you know about Big Frank. We welcome him aboard DCXX...consider this an introduction. -Gordo DCXX

My most memorable show? To be honest almost every Carry Nation show was a cool time. From our first show opening for a sold out Bad Religion show, to me twisting my knee jumping around when we played with Judge. I think the most memorable would be our last show with Chorus, Vision, Point Blank, Killing Time (the one and only time they came out west) and of course Sick Of It All. It was definitely a great send off for the time we spent together, I only wish we could have completed a full length cd. We came within a hair's breath of being signed to Epitaph, but Dan's heart was already into his new band 411 and they chose Insted over us.

Trying to nail down one favorite show of all time is a unlikely task but I will try. I have seen so much from early Ramones to Minor Threat to Bad Brains, Misfits with and without Danzig. Hard Stance also comes to mind with Zach on guitar and Earnst on vocals, they never really fulfilled their true potential, and no offense to anyone but they would have wiped the floor with Chain Of Strength or Youth Of Today had they ever realized it. I think for now the show that comes to mind was the first time the Cro-Mags opened for Motorhead. I don't even think Age Of Quarrel had come out, I knew Doug from Kraut, and I was like, "what is this band all about?" He just said, "you'll see," and they blew me away with their intense energy. Harley definitely had an effect on how I wanted to play bass, although if I ever jumped in the crowd like him I probably would have killed someone.

Also, to all the people who think Joe Nelson's pic with Metzger was in bad taste, well for one you are right, but if you know Joe then you know it was Joe making fun of that douche. Joe has been near my side in scraps with plenty of these asswipes and he still would take my side, I'm sure.


  1. Carry Nation on Epitaph? That would have been weird.

  2. legendary carry nation???

  3. Ahhh, yeah, that's what they went by... The Legendary Carry Nation... said it right on the cover of their "Face The Nation" 7". Pretty good record, you might want to check it out sometime.

  4. Frank:

    There was that one game of 21, East Coast rules (no fouls to be called), you versus me at the Cerritos High School gym, 11PM or so. We were battling and it was 15-all. And then my brother strolled in, in flip flops, joined in and beat us both 21 to 15. I still shake my head to this day.


  5. Frank:

    Awesome to see this from you. D.C. could do a whole blog just on Big Frank stories, and they'd be more interesting then anything I or anybody else could write. Legendary stuff.



    P.S. Thanks for the words to about the Metzger thing.. You'll die when you read Part 2. Think Reseda!

  6. I remember the first few times I saw Frank he seemed very scary! After meeting him, he turned out to be one of the nicest people I'd ever met!

    He saved my ass and camera at many shows!

    Good to see him posting! I'm looking forward to reading more!

  7. The Dan O' Mahoney vs. Big Frank square off @ Spanky's, The Big Frank vs. Tiny scrap, The Big Frank vs. Every Skinhead in So. Cal. @ The Country Club, The (almost) Big Frank vs. Isaac of Disapproval @ Old World in H.B. Great memories.

    Big Frank Harrison IS So. Cal. Punk/Hardcore!!!

    I miss you old man.

  8. Don't forget Big Frank vs. Katon W. De Pena @ the very end of the Triggerman Dead Like Me CD.

  9. I remember a time at Fender's when Frank picked a guy up and through him through a set of doors held closed by a 2X4 going through latches on each door.

    Joe and Isaac are right, there are a million Big Frank stories and Frank is So Cal Hardcore.

    I miss working at Zed! Good to see you on here Frank!

  10. Holy shit SO stoked you pulled Frank out of hiding. From skateboarding/bus rides to Zed's, to being in a band he was always helping out, Big Frank was/is seriously awesome. How about the Blackspot Workshed vs. Nemesis battle! What's up Frank from Sean Fader (oh yeah that show with Killing Time was one of the best)

  11. Frank & Billy,
    Last year a friend of mine was hired to clean out a business unit and he totally forgot where he was (Zed's) until he went up the stairs in the back and saw the walls were still completely covered with all the stickers. That shit was still there after all this time! Awesome. SF

  12. The moral of this story is that Hard Stance ruled. My absolute favorite (as in #1!) Cali hardcore band. To short lived for sure.

  13. I met the man once in 2003 in Sacramento, where he was living (and possibly still lives), and he was cool as hell. He talked about putting out the first Offspring album on Nemesis, and how he couldn't GIVE those records away. Oh how history has a way of being cruel.

  14. Nemesis and Goldenvoice put on a Fugazi show at the Hollywood Palladium in '91 with Offspring opening. To say that Fugazi ate Offspring's lunch is a SERIOUS understatement.

  15. Hey Frank this is Bill. I used to help out at all the shows with you. Give me your email....mine is

  16. Hey Frank this is Bill. I used to help you at all the shows. I also came in to Zeds all the time and hung out with you and Mike. Let me have your email
