Saturday, February 7, 2009

At least I know I've tried

Rest In Pieces at CBGB's, check out Lou Of It All, Photo: Ken Salerno

In light of some recent comments, I felt motivated to post this "out of the ordinary" weekend entry. Over the past few days it seems like some of the readers felt it was necessary to go out of their way to insult me and or make negative comments about some of the recent entries. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not thin skinned, I've been through shit like this a million times and I can surely handle criticism. As a matter of fact, I'm all for constructive criticism and I know it comes with the territory, so because of that fact, I wanted to make a few things clear.

First off, it's no secret that for the most part, things here at DCXX have been going a little slow lately. Yeah, I've been trying my best to keep up with the five day a week updates, but truth of the matter is that it hasn't been easy. For one thing, Gordo has been tied up with some things outside of DCXX, so there has been zero input from him in at least a month. That all should be changing soon, so that's a good thing. What I will say though, is with Gordo's absence, aside from a couple guys like Billy Rubin, Big Frank and RJ Vail, I've had to create a lot of the recent content from scratch. Throw work, family and every day responsibilities into the mix and it's honestly a miracle that I've even been able to keep it going.

Second, we've got about eight interviews out that we're waiting on to come back. Most of these interviews have been out for the past two months, so we're crossing our fingers that they'll be coming back soon. As soon as some of these interviews find their way back into our inbox, you can be assured that they will quickly find their way onto DCXX. I've also got to get back on the transcribing of the RJ Vail (YOT roadie) interview and get some photos from him for that. Trust me though, things are in the works, so be patient.

CB's crowd, Comunale with a flannel shirt and finger point, Photo: Ken Salerno

Third, I thought I was clear about the Mouthpiece content, but I suppose if you missed the first post or didn't care to read the first post, you'd be out of the loop. Basically, I'm generally not one to push my own bands in people faces. I certainly don't expect everyone to love Mouthpiece and I don't try to make Mouthpiece out to be more than we were. At best, we were probably a third generation straight edge hardcore band that wanted to sound like Chain Of Strength. I make no bones about it. We weren't great musicians, we didn't write groundbreaking music, I didn't write profound, mind blowing lyrics and I certainly didn't have Mike Judge quality chords. What we were, was a band of five kids that loved hardcore as fans first and foremost, were sincere about what we said and did what we did because we thoroughly lived it and enjoyed it. We never set out to be some touring machine to conquer the world and line our pockets from the scene. As cliche' as it sounds, Mouthpiece existed out of our love for the bands that inspired us and the experiences that pushed us. Somehow or another, some people actually ended up liking us. For those that liked Mouthpiece, I hope the entries were interesting. For those that could care less about Mouthpiece, again, I hope you could at least appreciate the stories to some extent.

Like I said, I thought I made it clear that there was a purpose behind all the Mouthpiece entries. We had the discography coming out on Revelation, it was a project that we put a great deal of time and effort into and considering the fact that anywhere between 650 to 1,500 people are reading this blog daily, I thought I'd help promote the discography in a fun and interesting way on my blog. I never tried to come off as a bragger or a gloater and quite honestly, at first, felt a little uncomfortable putting content of my own band out there. I clearly stated from the first cover story entry that I was going to tell the story of each cover over the span of a couple of months, building up to the release of the discography. The first three entries went well, I received a lot of positive feedback, so I went forward with a little more confidence for a couple more entries. That's pretty much that and for the most part, winds down those entires.

Now moving forward, at this point if you've been following this site for a little while, you should generally know what to expect when you come here. If you don't like what you see, are not into the style of bands that we cover and do not like the people that are delivering it, please, by all means, do yourself a favor and don't come here. We're not making any money off of this, nor are we trying to. We do not need your subscription fee, so we could care less if you visit the page. We simply do this because we enjoy it. It's like doing a fanzine, but with instant gratification. We get to talk to people, hear stories and document things that interest us personally. Apparently a good amount of people enjoy a lot of the same things we do, so we've acquired a pretty impressive following. So for the people that enjoy this and appreciate what we do, thank you and definitely stay tuned because there is plenty more to come.

Trust me, I know the negative comments are greatly out numbered by the positive. I've got a boat load of incredibly cool emails that I still need to respond to and I will try to respond to everyone as soon as I can. But, like anyone that's put themselves out there can attest, it's hard to let the negative comments just roll off your back. Especially with something like this where you put so much time and effort into it and expect nothing in return. To have anonymous people slag your efforts that you are giving away to them, it's hard to not say "what the fuck?". But whatever, I'll keep pushing forward like I've always done. Thanks for reading this, thanks for the constructive criticism, thanks for the support and enjoy the rest of your weekend. See ya back here on Monday. -Tim DCXX

Porcell goes for a dive at CB's during Breakdown, Photo: Ken Salerno


  1. Tim - I read mostly in RSS and so don't look at the comments unless I feel motivated to post myself.

    Thanks for doing this blog. Thanks for taking the time and thanks for keeping the memory alive on a whole pile of music that meant an enormous amount to so many of us.


  2. Just know that you sold at least one person (me) on the Mouthpiece discography because of all the Mouthpiece entries and comments (positive AND negative) to those entries.

    Respectfully Yours,


  3. I'm into probably 50% of the music that's covered here, but stuff like the Judge and Absolution interviews were so good that I read it all. I never really got into Mouthpiece, but I still find it interesting to read about the thought and effort behind the records. So many bands just copy, copy, copy and there's no inspiration or personality behind it, so there's certainly something to learn here.

  4. tim.
    this is your blog. write what you know. i love it. we do what we do because we have to, not because others like it. being from the most maligned scene in the u.s.(syracuse), i know what your feeling.
    take care friend and keep on doing what your doing. i never post but i felt a need this time. my love to your family.

  5. Tim,
    Keep up the good work and remember...
    "Everybodies talking 'bout their hometown scenes and hurting peoples feelings in their magazines, you wanna know what it all means? Its nothing!"

  6. Fuck You! That's My Name!February 8, 2009 at 7:58 AM

    Sorry if I bummed anybody out. That wasn't my intention. I was only trying to be funny. Hey Isaac no hard feeling right?

  7. TIM! Mouthpiece is fucking dope. The entries about the artwork are awesome. This blog is awesome. You should keep posting whatever you want. That being said, I'm about to put in my ice grrlllzz and beat some of these fools.

  8. DCXX guys, post at your own pace, whatever hardcore related content you want. Some of us understand the demands of a real life and the strains it puts on pasttimes and interests. There are great stories, photos, and memories on this site and I look forward to more, regardless of the frequency or my initial level on interest in the subject.

  9. Tim - Post when you can, man! I appreciate all you guys do and will keep reading wether you post 5 times a week or once a month! Live your life and take care of your "real life" responsibilities first!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Best blog out there. 'Nuff said. Plus it doesn't hurt that Tim and Gordo are just plain good dudes.

    Negative commenters that come here to start shit should grow up or get out.

  12. Hey Tim, if you're considering locking this place down so that only people with Google/Blogger profiles can comment, I say do it.

  13. Despite reading Double Cross on a regular basis for many months now, I've never felt a need to comment before. I went to shows throughout my high school and college days (1989-1997) and remember those days fondly. I definitely appreciate the chance to relive those moments through all the interviews, videos, and photos you post regularly.

    Please know that many of us really appreciate the enjoyment we get from what you're doing and understand the effort it must take to keep up while juggling your family and career responsibilities.

    Please keep it up...


  14. Agreed, and I never once felt like you were tooting Mouthpiece's horn at all, and even if you were, that is your right because this is your blog. Keep it up, talk about whatever bands you want (even your own) because I will keep reading.

  15. dont sweat these fools...

    its hard to find time in this crazy world to do what we love. usually its wasted on what life demands. holding down a job and raising a family requires alot of time and energy as well. the fact that you find some spare to contribute all that you have shared here on DCXX means alot to those of us who can relate.

  16. I haven't seen (m)any of these negative comments either, but anyone who complains about anything they see here is an idiot. Plain and simple. Fuck 'em. This site is absolutely incredible, and by far one of the best out there. One of my only daily stops. Try to ignore the bullshit negativity and keep doing what you do, whenever you can, for however long you can, etc.

  17. When you have haters, it means that you're doing something right. Just sayin.

  18. I came to the realization about seven or eight years ago, that the hardcore scene is particularly interested in detecting egotistical or meglomaniacal behavior, even when it isn't there. It's a way of keeping everyone at equal status, even if it means criticizing people who are just working hard at promoting their own band/zine/blog/label/show, and don't deserve the criticism.

    I was accused of being a "shameless self-promoter" by a clerk in my local punk record store. Why? Because I flyered for my own band's shows - because who else was going to do it. So I suppose he was right: I was a self-promoter (some people call it D.I.Y. ethics), and I felt no shame, because I was working at building something I cared about.

    If you try to do anything in this world, and especially this scene, there will be endless shit talking. My friend who has been an independent filmmaker for the last 20+ years, has always gotten tons of shit thrown at him, and it doesn't even come close to bothering him. He says, "You wake up everyday, and you just do your thing. You work."

    Ben Merlis

    P.S. I've talked to Tim and hung out with him on several occasions, and he is the FURTHEST thing from egotistical you can imagine. He's quite the opposite actually - shy and reserved. I'm not just blowing smoke either. I call it like I see it.

  19. Jeez, get over it man...
    How many compliments did I need to give you besides the remark on MP?
    Well, you have 20+ comments now on this post, of which 20 are positive and 1 neutral...mission accomplished.
    Obama'd be spanking his monkey with popularity polls like this!
    Now get back to work and give me some Mike judge!

  20. Haters be damned, Double Cross is possibly my favourite thing on the internet.

    And the mouthpiece content was awesome, not often you get to hear about the design and the thought process behind producing records.

    Much love from the UK guys.

  21. I'd buy a coffee table book all about designers and artists who did album covers.From the kid with the rub on letters and pencil to mr mac pro & 30" ACD.
    So keep writin up on the design angle and anything else really.

  22. This is your space Tim. (Along with Gordo) and feel free to write what you want and are interested it. I have enjoyed DC from the first time I found it. I like hearing about all the little behind the scenes details of things. Mouthpiece was/is a huge part of hardcore and obviously a giant part of your life. Fuck the haters. If they don't like it, piss off and go somewhere else. If they think they can do better, let's see it.

  23. Do what you want, fuck everything else. This is your blog, you're not asking for money and you're providing a free service to people. You write and present articles about a small world you are a part of, and don't pretend to be more than that. I honestly wish I had the time to comment more, and even provide stories too.
    This is Hardcore- We're not supposed to care what the fuck anyone else thinks. "At least you know you tried" is exactly right.

  24. I listened to some of the discography while driving to pick up breakfast for my wife and I. And just as I suspected, I love it.

  25. I am in most music covered here and I have dicovered a few bands I didn't know by reading each and every post. To me, DCXX is by far the best "webzine" ever created because it emcompasses many things that are important to me, and that's amazing because those are things I can't exactly find on any other website.

    I only write comments when I really feel like I have to, and I have to say that I don't quite understand why people come here to start talking crap or insulting people.

    Why such a torture? What's enjoyable about reading a website made by someone you don't give a care about, just to have something to swear at? It's like if straight edge kids would start going on "wine tasting" forums and telling everyone that they are completely stupid for liking the taste of wine. I just don't understand the motivation behind such actions.

  26. Quite helpful material, thank you for this post.
