Thursday, February 5, 2009

Suicidal Tendencies

Last month at some point I had done an entry where I talked about finding a pile of random flyers, photos, stickers and fanzines in a closet of mine. Well tonight I decided to take another grab into that pile. This time around I pulled out this classic Suicidal Tendencies flyer. Not only is it a great Suicidal flyer for a show with one of Texas's best, the Big Boys, but it also uses some sick Pushead art. I've also had a few old Suicidal photos from Ken Salerno, so I thought I'd post all of this together for a little homage to the mighty Suicidal.

On a side note, how great is the first self titled Suicidal Tendencies album? Stay tuned for more jems plucked from the closet for future entries. -Tim DCXX

Suicidal Tendencies at City Gardens, Photo: Ken Salerno

Mike Muir of Suicidal at City Gardens, Photo: Ken Salerno


  1. I would kill to have seen the Toy Dolls.

  2. The first album is great, no one disagrees. I love it. But honestly, I enjoy the more metal stuff more. It's annoying how few people who know the first album have ever listened to How Can I Laugh Tomorrow... or Feel Like Shit..Deja Vu, two albums which I feel totally nail the catchy, thrash sound, with killer solos from Rocky George and relentless rhythms. I encourage anyone who likes punk/hardcore, but also likes metal to check out everything they did through Lights, Camera, Revolution; it is classic stuff.

  3. finally a suicidal tendencies post!
    i'm with tim up here, the first album is great and the crosssover stuff is awesome. but my favorite album is "freedumb", the drums and bass on this cd is totally insane, i think it is a perfect comeback from their hiatus.

  4. honestly, even suicidal for life and art of rebellion are solid records. 1 of their strengths was never making the same record twice regardless of what people thought or said.


  5. I love the first album and that is the record that was responsible for getting me into hardcore. Suicidals on the other hand were a bunch of pricks. Ruined allot of shows at Fenders Ballroom. I have a couple of scars above my eye from them.

  6. I was at this show, it was amazing. Not as good as the the time I saw them at Thew Cuckoos Nest in Costa Mesa. Here's the short version...

    Suicidal was playing 2 shows that night. I had a curfew so I walked fast as I could the block and a half to the venue to not miss them. First show was sold out, I was bummed because I most certainly would be home late if stuck around the second show. Fuck it I said, it's Suicidal... I'm not missing this. There was a long line to get in as the first show filed out, I was second in line and alone. As the first show filed out, amped from seeing a great early show some little Mexican Suicidal dude with the flipped up painter's cap pulled back and socked me in the eye and yelled, SUICIDAL!!! And just kept walking. Normally that shit would not go unpunished but I was already in line for the show and would be upfront for sure. So I stood embarrassingly as my eye swelled, alone waiting to chant S..T..!! To ad insult to injury some mohawked punkers behind me whispered, "that kid just got punched... His buddy whispered back, "yea.... and I think he's alone..." Poor pathetic me.

    Show was amazing. Mom was cool, I just said I got jumped that's why I was late. Got a good show in, some mom sympathy, and officially beat up at a Suicidal show.

  7. That's a great story Isaac. S.T. were great. Possessed To Skate is one of the best songs ever. And I've gotta agree with the other posts in that some of their later more metal stuff was very good.

  8. the video to possessed is fucking hilarious, mike yelling into some weatherman style microphone...thats just too much!

  9. "Join The Army", "Lights, Camera", "How Will I..." are all SOLID records.

  10. To this day, that Perkins Palace show is one of the greatest shows I have ever attended. Stalag 13 played as well. All different bands, all different styles, all great.

  11. tonerone did you know the guys in lion's pride?

  12. Fuck You! Thats My Name!February 6, 2009 at 4:40 PM

    Issac I call TOTAL BULLSHIT on your story. An A for effort though punk in trying to "put yourself in the scene" during that era. Now go drink some beers and practice your Straight Edge songs for the big GLORY DAYS reunion show next month.


  13. dbl. cross should run a post on the legendary show that those photos came from.... trenton, so. jersey, philly skins trashed the suicidal bus to avenge a west coast beatdown of one of their boys by some "v13/suicidal sycos"....mike muir took it right back to them the next week.....anyone out there remember it ????? randy lost lots of hair on that one....ks

  14. I have too much class to respond with how little you know about anything.

    This is a Suicidal thread, and I just wanted to share a stupid little story.

    Everyone knows I'm an old man and have been places and seen things. Not bragging just sharing.

    I will defend the cancer benefit show we are playing by saying:
    Not for ego, not for fame. Not for glory nor for shame.

    This show is so little about me and so much about people needing help.


  15. Fuck You! That's My Name!February 7, 2009 at 11:35 AM

    Oh yeah that's it. Let's get a bunch of old hacks together to raise what? $50 for “cancer research”. You dudes are true Philamprophists. You would get so much more respect if you just came out and said we really want to try and recapture some old glory from 20 years ago since our lives in 2009 are completely pathetic. Instead of doing a “show” in the name of Cancer so nobody will make fun of you losers for being washed up ex-edger’s singing straight edge songs. Think I’ll pass. I’m sure all the other So Cal fags though will fill up that venue, and if you’re really lucky that loser Joe Nelson will write some stupid, long winded, boring story about it, for 30 of you especially “Josh” to slobber over. How you guys all live with yourselves on a daily basis is beyond me. Hey, there’s your next “Double Cross” piece? Isaac? Joe Nelson? Tim Mouth Piece? One of you can write it and it’s called “How we live as 35 year old losers still clinging to 80’s hardcore!” I also think the next D.C. poll should be Who still lives with their mom. I bet the farm it would be more then 60%


  16. Hey Fuck You That's My Name:

    You are pretty tough when you are behind a computer screen. Why don't you talk that shit to his face? Why don't you tell us who you are and we can analyze your life?

    And if you don't like 80's hardcore or are going to trash DC readers, why are you looking at this site?

    Pull the stick out of your ass and don't be so bitter.

  17. What's a "Philamprophist?"


  18. Mr. "Fuck You! That's my name," instead of bitching on this board about how so-and-so isn't living up to your "standards" you should probably just go fuck yourself. If you don't like it, DON'T GO TO THE SHOW.

    Besides, Issac was writing the songs that you know by heart when you were still sucking your mommy's dick.


  19. Thanks for the support!

    Now back to Suicidal....

    Does anyone think it is weird that at one point there was major beef between Suicidal and Cro-Mags, and then at another point Rocky George from Suicidal was playing in some crazy reincarnation of the Cro-Mags?

    Like Banks said, "Robert Trujillo ruined Suicidal!"


  20. Huntington Beach said...
    tonerone did you know the guys in lion's pride?

    I just new Eric Owens back in the day. I haven't been in contact with him for ages. Why?

  21. Think Mayorga got beat up in CBGB's by Flanagan in the toilets.
    It was something about the Mayorga being dressed as a cholo or something.
    Don't know if the other guys in ST stepped in or not.

  22. Despite the first suicidal record being amazing and a few other songs, suicidal has been an absolute embarrassment for years.
