Friday, April 24, 2009

JUDGE- "What Was Said and Where It Went" unfinished documentary

Just got a link for this sent to Gordo and I from Alex at Super7. Within the first minute of watching it my phone rings, it's Gordo, "Are you seeing this?!?!" I'm like, "Yeah... what the fuck is this and how have I never even heard about this?". A 17 minute documentary on Judge aka a collection of some of the coolest film ever compiled... mind blown. Had to make a special Friday night post for this. - Tim DCXX

Here's what Joseph Pattisall, the videos creator had to say:

This is a rough cut of a short documentary that Porcell, Sam Siegler and I were doing together. The audio is NOT mixed so please take that into consideration. Unfortunately I had a hard drive crash and lost all the elements which stopped us form wrapping this project up and making it final. This almost complete version is all I had left over. I hate showing incomplete work so please don't JUDGE it too harshly (pun intended), I just want to show what it was going to be to anyone that may have heard about this project and then never saw it released and also find a bit of closure in it for myself. - Joseph Patisall

Also it needs to be noted that this is owned by Revelation Records


  1. Thanks so much for posting this. Amazing.

    And, as always, thanks for doing Double Cross... great work.

  2. i wonder if he still has the corrupted HD. Rev could front the cash to have it sent and repaired at a good HD recovery place so they could finish the job. still, i'm incredibly grateful this has surfaced!

    Mike looked like he was all smiles throughout his interview and Sammy still looks like he's 16 haha. any idea when these interviews took place?

    great piece of tape and without trying to sound selfish, i almost wish it were longer than the 17min. still, this was a very nice surprise.

  3. Wow that was amazing! I actually got goosebumps! Judge is and will always be one of my favorite bands.

    Thank you so much guys for doing Double Cross it's the best!

  4. Absolutely awesome. Despite the hard drive crash and such unfortunate circumstances it's nice to see this get out there for people to watch and enjoy. Great work!

  5. Ah these elusive interviews finally see the light of day. I know theres more back story to why these took so long to come out but I don't have the complete story so I won't start rumors but as far as I can remember, there was a battle over the tapes between the kid who shot them (Joseph from DC) and the girl who worked at Rev at the time (I believe Larry Ransoms ex gf). This was in the late 90's I believe, as my old band Rain on the Parade saw the raw footage at Tru Prays house (Malfunction Recs) while we were on tour. There was also some rumor of a phone call put in by said Rev employee to John Joseph in an attempt to stir the pot, as there may or may not have been some Cro Mags footage on the tape. Apparently JJ called Joseph at work in refference to his "property" and pretty much scared the shit out of him and the tapes were shelved until now. I know Joseph sometimes posts on the LWB so maybe he could chime in and give the full story. Or even Larry since I think he was dating that chick at the time.

    These interviews were originally taped for a documentary on late 80's sxe hxc. I remember seeing Jules from Side by Side being interviewed at Tompkins (where the Mike Judge interview took place). It'd be cool if they could compile all the footage and really do a full length feature ala American Hardcore.

    Thanks for posting this Tim. It always sends a little chill down my spine hearing Judge and seeing the footage.


  6. great shit,this thing should be 90 minutes long,it totally sucks you in. never cared much for the second record but they were untouchable when that first single came out,they were just a total kick-in-the-ass no-bullshit band with a great enigmatic frontman that captivated kids nationwide.

  7. The fact that Judge has never cheapened their legacy is testament to what a great band they were.

  8. best thing I've ever seen at 6am on a sunday morning!

  9. This was a great surprise. Watching footy footy of me laying the smack down out on some kid out on the street in broad daylight (My 16 year watched it with me was not even born yet).

    The still photos coming in from 16 minutes on show the real fun of that last tour from swimming in the Colorado river to random outside show shots never seen before (at least by me).

    I had such a great time on that tour. We had (Sam) 16 yo. all the way to old man John at 24 yo. racing across the country fighting Nazis in the name of what, I don't know. At 41 I still have stories of those days that parallel my Marine stories. The fun only got started when the band came off the stage. Forget about the gang vocals, we had to plan escape routes from Nazi groups. The band was fine with fighting like 10 to 1, but full blown Klan Rally's called for evasive maneuvers on occasion. We experienced racist cops, redneck pearls of wisdom from junk yard owners, kids, kids and more kids. Big ups to the Sloth Crew. I loved those guys, even Lars,sorry for choking you in Tampa, I'm sure you understand that you were being a whiny bitch. Mike and me stayed friends till today. I'd love to hook up with the rest. Hey Judge lets do dinner on me! Laughs guaranteed.

    -Todd your humble bodyguard, roadie, road manager, mechanic & more (We do Sunday HC Matinees once a month)

  10. Very nice find. I very much enjoyed watching that.

  11. Can't believe how cool and humble Mike Judge (still) is.

  12. Very nice. Thanks for posting this! I'd also be interested in knowing the dates of the interviews, if anybody has any info.

  13. if in doubt, blame susan wills..

    still have photos, flyers and videos that a zillion people I know (myself included) that were given for this Rev thing and never returned..

    i saw a number of my flyers in that video and oops, i guess they have just dissapeared with her.

    that video was a great start though..

  14. This video made a an appearance on pretty much every board i post on/read.
    There is some awesome footage in this.Such a shame the finished product cant be seen,but this unfinished portion is amazing.

  15. If anyone remembers "The Runs" videos, shot and made by Jim Brown (put out by Rev), a lot of the goof-around early footage and the fight scene (all shot by Jim) with the skinheads were in that. Cool video. It's nice to see Porcell not acting like such a tool.

  16. Damn that was great... The 2nd to last picture i believe thats Ratbones from detroit. If so the detroit show is still to this day one of the best i've been to.
