Sunday, April 12, 2009

Poll results for favorite Double Cross features over the past year

Djinji with Absolution, Photo: Dave Sine

I threw this poll together more or less just to gauge what features the readers seem to appreciate the most here. That's not to say that we're now only going to run interviews and that we're going to ditch all video posts from here on out, but it's nice to know what the readers think.

Personally my vote would go to the interviews as well, but I think the combination of different features is what makes Double Cross interesting and somewhat unique. Between the various people that we're able to pull out of the wood work and interview, the stories and other guest contributed pieces and the incredible photos that people like Ken Salerno, Dave Sine and many others keep pumping into our inbox, it all goes hand in hand.

So thanks to the readers who keep coming back, thanks to the contributors and let's hope our second year of Double Cross is just as strong if not stronger than our first. -Tim DCXX

The interview - 134
The stories - 91
The photos - 44
The guest contributors - 30
The videos - 2


  1. I too voted for the interviews but I actually like the inability to post anonymously feature just a bit more. ;)

  2. Can't beat the photos-- that's what impresses me the most. Don't know how come that didn't get more votes... interviews can be done at any time, by anyone, but to have first-generation photos from 15 - 20 years ago... jeez, stuff like that doesn't just pop up everyday! It takes a bit of effort to keep that stuff around, and to still have them in good condition or to be able to reproduce them right.

  3. I actually liked the anonymous shit talking... Pretty entertaining sometimes.
