Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Chain Of Strength - Has The Edge Gone Dull? shirt

Chain "Has The Edge Gone Dull?" athletic gray shirt, two color front with X

Another dip into the collection and this time I pull out one of my personal favorites, the rarely seen, athletic gray, Chain Of Strength "Has The Edge Gone Dull?" shirt.

Back in the mid 90's, I started going back and forth with a kid who was heavy on the trail of filling out his New Age Records shirt collection. The dude was big time into all the New Age band shirts, Unbroken, Mean Season, Strife, Mouthpiece, Outspoken, etc. and since I was in Mouthpiece and on New Age, I had plenty of that kinda stuff laying around.

The trading started with me sending off an Unbroken tour shirt and an early Mean Season shirt, in return he sent me one of those classic navy blue Revelation BOLD shirts with the gold ink front and Matt finger point photo back and a white Schism Judge "New York Crew" shirt.

The standard white Chain "Has The Edge Gone Dull?" shirt

Eventually we worked out another trade that brought me this Chain Of Strength shirt. Most of the time when you see this design, it's on a white shirt with the royal blue ink Chain Of Strength front minus the X and the royal blue or navy blue ink "Has The Edge Gone Dull?" back photo. This one here though is an earlier and limited version of that design with the classic Chain X Of Strength green and black ink front, navy blue ink "Has The Edge Gone Dull?" back and on an athletic gray shirt.

Ultimately this is one of my favorites, if not my favorite Chain shirt. For me, this is right up there with the original navy blue Chain puff ink "True Till Death", which we'll get into for another entry. We'll pick up where you left off-Tim DCXX

Chain "Has The Edge Gone Dull?" athletic gray shirt, back design


  1. Mark from Undertow sold me that middle shirt (blue ink, no X) for $20, and promised that he'd use the money to join the San Onofre Surf Club, which is some organization that helps clean up the beach around there (southern tip of Orange County, CA). I think he bought beer with the money instead!

  2. Chain always had killer shirts. There was some guy selling really nice bootleg COS True Til Death shirts on eBay for a while and they were much better than the current Rev version. Revelation, of course, got pissed and complained to eBay. I wish Revelation would bring back some of their older, much better shirt designs.

  3. The Edge Def Went Dull with COS.Used to dig them alot in my teens.I won't front,they made some solid jams though.

  4. The "has the edge gone dull" shirt is by far one of the best post-edge shirts ever. A must have.

  5. i have the same athletic gray chain shirt (although in not that nice of shape), for what it's worth they were selling that color on the tour that they did in late summer of 1989. it was being sold by the band at the gorilla biscuits, judge, bold, chain, insight, project x, etc show in cleveland... so i have no idea how many they made (i didn't even know it was the rarer of the shirt) but that tour was where it came from.

  6. A long time ago I had a white one...I forget where I got it from, probably a Rev Board trade. I rarely wore it though; I was never a big Chain fan.

  7. Those days, those fucking days.....

  8. i REALLY love that CHAIN shirt without the X. is there a good bootleg for sale? i need one!

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