Tuesday, May 18, 2010

3 questions with Harley Flanagan

Harley Flanagan drops the dual fingered salute

We welcome NYHC legend Harley Flanagan to DCXX with what we hope will become an ongoing weekly installment where we pick his brain with random questions and he fires off in a way only he can. Maximum respect. -Gordo DCXX

What is your all time favorite Cro-Mags song, and why?

Well let me just say I don't think the records ever really did us justice ,I think the old demos and "Revenge" came the closest, but we were a live band, as anyone who ever saw us back in the day would tell you. Age Of Quarrel didn't come out nearly as good as we were live, none of it really did. But all time favorite, and why? I'm not sure, because they all mean something to me.

Some of my favorite ones never got recorded and or haven't been recorded yet just due to circumstances and the band falling apart, etc. Parris and I did write a few cool ones back in the old days even before Age Of Quarrel when Eric was still with us that never got recorded - they had great riffs and great lyrics, its too bad they never made it into the studio. Really great stuff.

But I feel like I still have my best songs in me - whether they ever got recorded or not we will see. But overall I can't be sure which one is my favorite. Whether it's a lyric or a riff or memory that goes along with it, they all mean something to me.

For example, Eric and me wrote the words to Life Of My Own and World Peace and those were some of the first sets of lyrics I wrote. The lyrics to Life Of My Own are still really meaningful to me, and we were just kids when we wrote that shit - like 14 or 15 years old. I mean the song is only one riff really but for whatever reason it works. Me and Parris writing the riffs to those songs...we took that shit real serious for two fuckin' kids barely into our teens.

I still enjoy playing all of them - Malfunction is real fun to play, even some of the stuff on Best Wishes like Death Camps or the song Age Of Quarrel...those are some heavy riffs. And I really liked some of the stuff on Revenge like Premeditated or Can You Feel - that one has a lot of the best elements of different styles of Cro-Mags songs in it. In a lot of ways I thought musically and performance-wise that was some of our best stuff.

Regardless of whether we get along or not now, I gotta tell you that Parris is one nasty motherfucking guitarist. I still haven't seen ANYONE on the NYHC scene that can fuck with him at all. His rhythm playing is as nasty as James Hetfield or Scott Ian, if not better. There's a few guys out there on the HC scene that are decent, and I've played with some great guys: Doug Holland who I gotta say was one of if not the best lead guitarist to come out of NY during the 80's, Gabby Abularach, Joe Affe, Sean Kilkenny, Will Dahl, Jay Vento, even AJ...and so on. But Parris, I gotta say, he is really nasty and probably the best to come out of the NY scene.

And no matter what people say or think of me, you still can't fuck with me, my shit, or the riffs I wrote. I mean some guys can fake it and play the right notes and shit Craig and that Chinese kid or whoever else he gets. And that's not to say they are not OK bass players and I'm not trying to dog them as people, they're nice guys and everything. But let's get real...they ain't really doing it right, they ain't got my right hand or my rhythm chops or skills and they don't bend the strings the way I do or have the grip I do. And I'm not bragging or talking shit.

Harley with the Cro-Mags at City Gardens, Trenton NJ, Photo: Ken Salerno

I mean it's kind of like trying to replace Darryl in the Bad Brains or something, or Geezer with Sabbath. I mean even if they are playing the same notes it ain't gonna have the same feel, period. I know Tony had other guys but it just ain't the same...no one ever does it like the original.

I mean cats like AJ or whoever, even though he's pretty good, they can't fuck with Parris or Doug, he's not half the guitarist they were, never mind Rocky George or Gabby.

And I developed my style from years of being a drummer, and that strength comes from playing the ride cymbal and the high hats doing 16th notes and shit for years and years and watching the masters like Darryl and Lemmy for all those years back in the day. Once I learned all those songs and got down with Geezer and shit, then I started checking into guys like Stanley Clark and Jaco and crazy shit like that, and I took what I could and made it my own and that's why my playing is the way it is. I listen to a lot of different kinds of music and I try to incorporate it into my style. Plus, I've been playing for nearly 30 years.

I mean these hardcore kids can fake it jump around a lot and look tough or whatever, but there's only a couple guys that are really musical you know? As far as cats that I give props to, Robert who played with Suicidal and Ozzy and all that, yeah...he'll smoke me, but I will say that we have two different styles. I love his playing, he's also a great guy. Darryl, he'll smoke me, but I learned almost everything I know from him. Rainy from Discharge - he's fucking off the chain, you can't even fuck with that shit.

Brian Baker was really good back in the day when he was playing bass with Minor Threat. I mean there was some good guys here and there, and there was some really cool bass lines from back in the day like the song Problem Child from LA's Wasted Youth. There was a lot of great stuff, like Randy Rampage from D.O.A. Also Chuck Dukowski - I don't think people realize how good he was 'cause they were so crazy and sloppy live but that dude could really play. I used to sit and watch him warm up and practice back stage and he's fucking nuts. There was a few guys who were good, I can't think of 'em all right now - I mean Flea was sick, he used to be with FEAR before the Chili Peppers. But with most hardcore bands for the most part it's more about the look - they got the right tattoos, the right look and the moves...they can jump real high or whatever or they've got the tough guy look, that's enough for them. But can they actually play the shit? Like really?

For instance I mean John can get whatever Cro-Mag fan he wants on bass but it ain't gonna sound like me. It might sound sorta like the song, they may fake the left hand but they can't fake the right, and besides that he doesn't have anybody with him that wrote any of the songs. It's all kind of pitiful to me, it's real fake. I mean I'm not trying to take away who he is or what they are, but still, what they are doing is fake. And, Eric Casanova wrote most of the words to AOQ with me, and he never gets any credit.

I mean, Craig from SOIA knows it is not the real shit, whenever he runs into Sean Killkenny or other mutual friends of ours he never says yeah I'm playing with the 'Cro-Mags' or I'm filling in with the 'Cro-Mags' or jamming with the 'Cro-Mags' or anything like that, he always says yeah I'm filling in with 'John's thing,' they all know it ain't the "real' thing," and anybody who ever saw it when it was real knows it too. What can I tell you.

Harley front and center with the New York Crew, 1983, Photo: Ran D.

You've played with some great drummers over the years. Who do you say is the best, and who have you clicked with most?

Well I clicked with all of them, each one differently for different reasons, obviously Mackie set the bar high back in the day. Dave Dicenso was one of the most technically skilled drummers I've ever played with and he's a great guy. Ryan Krieger is sick. Gary G-Man Sullivan is off the fucking hook, I mean crazy! That motherfucker's nasty, I dont know too many humans who do anything with the power or intensity that that mofo drums with. I love playing with him and he's a great guy as well. Eric Arce is another one, Walter Ryan too.

I've been really lucky, but I'm a drummer so I don't settle for anything but top dog motherfuckers. Plus like I said we had Mackie and that set the bar kinda high, he's a nasty motherfucker so everyone that followed had to at least be able to pull that shit off which made them a great drummer automatically just to be able to do all that shit. Of course I mean I can't forget Pete Hines, he was another one who was one of the best drummers on the scene back then.

But man, any of those guys, I'd play with any of them gladly, purely on a musical level for that alone.

Harley with Andy Warhol and Joe Strummer, Phone courtesy of: Harley Flanagan

What has been your favorite place outside of the U.S. to play, and why?

Well I have so many great memories of different countries so it's hard to say.I love traveling and meeting people, trying new foods and all of that so touring outside of the states is always fun. I have been digging Japan a lot as it's just such a different culture, the people are so nice. They are almost too polite. The less drama the better, that's why I like it there. To get to travel by playing music just makes it all even better. If you would have told me when I was 14 years old living in a squat that I would travel the world so many times by playing music, I would have laughed at you. These days I don't do it as much as I used to, as I have a family now, and with that in the picture, it really has to be worth it to leave them.

I always have fun when I'm out with Harley's War, the guys are all so cool it's fun and it's all a good time. It ain't really like being in a band at all because there is no schism and no drama, and in truth, with all of the Cro-Mags bullshit over the past few years, it has kinda made it a drag for me. A lot of the people I used to deal with I just don't even feel like dealing with anymore. I mean I used to have really good memories of the shit, but people are so fake now. I don't know, maybe they always were, but everyone's always involving themselves with all of this bullshit that ain't really even their business except for the few people that were involved, so fuck 'em.

That said, it's all for money anyways with all these promoters and shit selling a fake band. They can claim whatever they want, it ain't really the band, it's some really fake shit, and all the new kids, well, they dont know any better so I guess they'll take what they can get. I mean I understand, they're fans of the music, so, it's like going to see Ozzy instead of Sabbath or going to see Sabbath without Ozzy - but on a much much much smaller level. Believe me I'm not trying to compare us to Sabbath, trust me - you take what you can get. They just want to hear the songs and have a good time - they didn't see it back in the day so they take what they can get. They dont know what they're missing, they didn't see it back in the day and they never saw the real shit. So they're happy to see whatever they can and I understand.

I wish the band could have put all the bullshit and egos in the past a while ago and given the fans what they wanted. But I guess John would rather sell some fake shit, that way he can be in control of it all instead of having to be a part of something where everyone is in control and has a say. That's why he's been talking all this shit for all these years, so people will support it. He's even been writing books to try and put this weird twist on everything, to make us look bad and make him look good or whatever. I tell people all the time, don't believe everything you hear or read. He's an entertainer and he does what he has to do to sell what he's doing. And Parris, well I don't even know what to tell you, it's just too bad and kind of pitiful. I never thought grown ass men could be this way.

But hey, none of us are innocent, and it don't help with all these fake motherfuckers adding fuel to the fire.

But fuck it, and fuck 'em all anyway. I'm so busy with my family, my kids and Jiu-jitsu. My kids train now, between me and them we are at the academy 5 to 6 days a week. It's a full time family affair now, I'm having a good time and life is good. I'm having fun with them, just living life. I am in the studio at the moment and I do have some stuff coming out soon, but I'm in no rush, I'm chilling. I'm supposed to be going to Japan again this summer. But that's about it, I'm training and chilling...


Harley and his boys hanging with Renzo Gracie, 2010, Photo courtesy of: Harley


  1. Cro Mags Jam might sound tight but it isn't the Cro Mags without Parrish and Harley.

  2. I'm stoked that he mentioned Jeff Long from L.A.'s Wasted Youth. Such an underrated bassist.

  3. the image with joe strummer is just so fucking classic !!!!!

  4. As soon as I saw the words "with Harley Flanagan" I wondered to myself how long it would be before he mentioned that Cro-Mags existed with a different vocalist before John Joseph and how how much of his interview time he would spend talking about how fake John Joseph's current Cro-Mags are. The answers were, obviously, "right away" and "pretty much all of it". What I've heard of Harley's own material has been grade-A stuff - I have the Harley's War "Cro-Mag" CD and I even liked that rap-metal song with the cagefighting video from a year or two back! He's an awesome bassist and can obviously still write great riffs so I'd love to see him get over this Cro-Mags things just a LITTLE bit to help him focus on putting out new stuff and staying relevant. He's really holding himself back from being anything other than "that guy who was in the Cro-Mags".

  5. For the love of god, please do NOT make this a weekly thing.

  6. Damn straight, Mackie was a nasty motherfucker. Still is!

  7. Good bass player, but not the most intelligent, articulate dude.

  8. Anonymous B/C I don't need Harley stabbing me for my opinionMay 19, 2010 at 11:15 AM

    i can only imagine how much work gordo had to do to make harley's answers even readable. the caps lock alone must have been a nightmare.

  9. God damn, what an annoying dude. I'd focus more and talk about hanging with Andy Warhol and Joe Strummer than talking about this played out nonsense.

  10. Im Scared! guys like that creep me out where is 7 seconds when you need them!

  11. The Bad Brains weren't the Bad Brains when they had that horrid album w/out HR. As long as Cro-Mags still has JJ up front, it's still the Cro-Mags.

  12. for all you guys that rag on harley...imagine what itd be like to have something that was apart of your life for good while, and to have it gone after the falling out...on top of that...based on some of johns central involvement and repping of the band, its quite reasonable that harley is as pissed as he is...on top of that theyre not reaping the benefits of all their previous hard work.

    hearing harleys opinion is quite welcomed in my mind. on top of that, id really like to hear the other guys speak out...especially eric cassanova...

    not to sound that im against JJ...i think hes a real positive force to be reckoned with. its great to see/hear about some of his involvements.

    harleys bass sound on the cromags demos sound fucking amazing.

    harley!! get somebody to release those early mag recordings man. dont do those early days the diservice. everybody wants to hear them.


  13. Is there a photo of Harley, anywhere in the world, where he is NOT making some ridiculous face?

  14. I agree with what The Mosher said....Harley is crazy and always has been but he did start that band and it was a huge part of his life. I'm not really sure why Bloodclot likes to say he was the original singer...just not true. That being said there is only one Cro-Mags line up that matters: Bloodclot, Harley, Mackie, Parris, and the added Doug Holland for the LP. Everything else is just a watered down version and anyone who saw the Cro-Mags at CBs back then knows exactly what I am talking about. Cro-Mags 84-86 unreal and untouched.

    It's a shame what happened between them but they were both nuts back then so no surprise. Anyway some things are better off left alone and the Cro-Mags without that line up is one of them. IMO like Sabbath without Ozzy...say what you like about Dio but just not the same. The same is true for the Cro-Mags. I wish both these guys would move on.

  15. Comment number 15 is spot on. What John is doing now is not the Mags. But neither is any other post AOQ variation.

    Here's what I think: Harley and John are both probably equally as crazy, both have gigantic egos, and both clash with each other. Where John comes out on top is that fact that he is great at playing the game, carries himself better publicly, can string his words together and spell them properly, and generally comes off as more intelligent. Harley on the other hand, regardless of what he did or does, comes off like a crazy 12 year old who just drank a bottle of soda and popped 9 various pills...totally off the way, unpredictable, and extremely unrefined.

    I would never in a million years leave my Mother alone in a room with either of them.

  16. I saw the Cro-Mags on a semi-original line up in 1990 (I think) when they toured Europe with JJ & Harley. It was hard to figure out which one of them was the best frontman because they where both amazing...

  17. Perhaps Harley and JJ need to resolve their differences Cro-Mag style: a no-holds barred steel-cage match. The loser shall be banished from NYC and may never again publicly speak about the band or perform in any version of it. Until then, both of them are tarnishing the band's legacy with this never-ending soap opera...

  18. I have always felt on the fence about The Cro Mags split or whatever, saw them at Fender's that's all I think about when I hear them... In any carnation. Great band, great memories, their legacy as one of the greatest hardcore bands stands. That's that.

    Plus, back in the day I sent a Chorus 7" to whatever address was on the the back of a cd, and I got a handwritten letter back from Harley. It said that the 7" was really good and that we should play some shows when they came out. That was a classy move. I wish I still had that letter.


  19. This makes hardcore what it is, venting feelings, speaking out. Hardcore can't always be nice and about moshing with your friends and printing ltd edition sevens or shirts. Two driving forces of our culture, clashing like this should serve us all a reminder of how LIFE can drive wedges between us, no matter if you made the single most important hardcore release of all time, which AOQ was and is. Youth, take note.

  20. Issaac nobody cares about Chorus. Would you please stop referencing it , or making up lies about how Harley said he liked it. Everyone always thought that band sucked, and that you were an idiot.

  21. All of these comments are funny... though not nearly as funny as Harley's absurd PR banter. The best solution to the Cro-Mags 'Days of our Lives' episode is to dissolve all incarnations of the band. Harley can train up to become a Gracie-licensed sensei and work out his inner demons off-stage (on someone's delicate joints). Meanwhile, gentle John can open a veggie cooking school - or even better, a daytime cooking show for disaffected housewives. Tentative title: "Tats-n-Tofu".
    But seriously, give us some new bands, new core, new edge! I'm tired of hearing from these guys who had their day. Where are the new voices, the new talent?

  22. All of these comments are funny... though not nearly as funny as Harley's absurd PR banter. The best solution to the Cro-Mags 'Days of our Lives' episode is to dissolve all incarnations of the band. Harley can train up to become a Gracie-licensed sensei and work out his inner demons off-stage (on someone's delicate joints). Meanwhile, gentle John can open a veggie cooking school - or even better, a daytime cooking show for disaffected housewives. Tentative title: "Tats-n-Tofu".
    But seriously, give us some new bands, new core, new edge! I'm tired of hearing from these guys who had their day. Where are the new voices, the new talent?

  23. I think that if I do the exact opposite of JJ or Harley for the rest of my life I will come out pretty good.

  24. is Harley a good MMA fighter? all i have seen is that one vid where he gets his ass handed too him. maybe that was just an aberration?

  25. I am always queezy about reunions but COME ON the Cro Mags jam or whatever JJ's crew is called is a fucking SICK lineup no matter how you slice it. Harley is probably the most enigmatic personality in hardcore bar maybe Stigma....All the great hardcore punk bands ended in egos/addiction/a single record that inspired an entire scene. Jeez what do the haters want? This shit is GOLD. Issac : addiction to disease was the singlemost influence to me becoming SXE. It blew my fucking MIND. I dunno who the anonymous coward is but they have their head FIRMLY up their ass. Praise be to the interweb.


  27. anonymous RE: isaac.
    "everyone" did not think chorus sucked, or that isaac was/ is an idiot. "everyone", upon meeting you, would likely think you are. and since you posted as anonymous, also a pussy.
    "the spirit of vengeance cannot be bought." brilliant.

    i've met and hung out with JJ and harley, and they're both a special kind of crazy that we're lucky to have access to.

  28. To me, Harley is a like a car accident, I cannot avert my eyes.

    I've never met the dude and have no beef with him as a person, but he is a PR machine for himself like few others are. It seems odd to me. He pumps up his image so much, it's like he thinks that people will forget about him and that he'll lose his status in the scene if he's not personally reminding everyone he's there. John Joseph seems the same way to a degree, but Harley is a master of always putting himself front and center. I enjoy that in one breath he's talking about how he hates people who talk shit, but then the very next sentence he cannot help himself from pitching endless amounts of verbal grenades in JJ's direction.

    Keep these interviews coming, please. If nothing else, they're entertaining as all hell to read.

    ps - for as powerful as Cro-Mags were and AoQ was as an album, they were a carefully orchestrated Bad Brains rip-off at best. However, they were great at what they did.

  29. come guys. everybody feels like this: the cro-mags without JJ are not the cro-mags! have you ever heard anybody say "the cro-mags without harley are not the cro-mags"? except for harley himself maybe.

  30. so jj wasn't in the band in 1981?? hey i've read that alpha omega is going to be reissued soon on cd

  31. They should settle this with a Dual Cro-Mags Tour.. Harley with his lineup.. and John with his. Whoever makes the most money.. Wins! This drama has been going on since '87.

  32. mugger the first singer, john berry the second, paul dordal the third, eric casanova the fourth and jj the fifth. harley was the creator of the band, he put the name of the cro-mags, he wrote the songs, he played all instruments and sang on the first demo in 1982, he's the cro-mags.

  33. wait wait, so who transcribed this? i'm sure it was done through email, is there a program that DE-caps locks everything?

  34. I love the Cro-Mags but come one, Im so sick of hearing JJ and Harley whine about this shit all the time. They need to either put their differences aside and do it because they love what the Cro-Mags meant or they need to just stop playing altogether. So JJ can focus on his tough guy veggie/Im a 45 year old bad ass training for the iron man thing and Harley can be the pseudo MMA fighter or whatever hes doing.

  35. The only reason you still see the Cro-Mags playing shows is because of one reason - Money. Both Worlds, Bloodclot or Harleys War never took off like they hoped. If kids are gonna guarantee you good money to play as Cro-Mags, someones gonna do it. If not Harley, then John. Cro-Mags play just often enough to draw a nostalgic crowd and get paid pretty good for band who's prime was in a small 80's Hardcore scene. Same with what's left of Bad Brains.. Cro-Mags will dissapear once they can't get good money for shows and no one buys their Merch. Might never happen.

  36. SICK OF BLACK FLAG !!!!!

    I'M SICK
    I'M SICK
    I'M SICK
    I'M SICK !!!!!!!!

  37. How long will these guys be obsessing over some beef from the 1980’s? It’s fucking pathetic if you ask me. Love the Cro-Mags, but seriously dudes! Move on and stop talking so much. If you have to get in the ring to settle it then do it….or just have a fucking duel Burr/Hamilton style.

  38. Christ, how did "what's your favorite Cro Mags song? turn into 15 paragraphs ranting about everything but the question? I have loads of respect for Harley, and all the original Cro Mags, but he's losing it a bit.

  39. So who gives a shit if Harley was the only OG cro mag, He fucking lost it years ago. everything he's done for the last 20 years has been complete shit! including that fucking revenge album, what a pile of steaming shit !!! The Cro-mags jam with JJ is NOT the real Cro mags and i don't think JJ ever said it was either, still they are lightyears ahead of everything this monkeyface has done in years+The CM jam have JJ and Mackie , the two things that made AOQ something special and HCs BEST album ever !!

  40. is Harley a good MMA fighter? all i have seen is that one vid where he gets his ass handed too him. maybe that was just an aberration?
    I'm sure he's not the best fighter. That video is all I have seen, but to be fair, he is his 40s and doesn't train like a pro athlete. He got in there and gave it his best against someone much younger-- can't hate on that too much.

  41. bitter, party of one?

    how old is Harley now?

    get a fucking therapist and move on already.

  42. taaki, you're pretty stupid. how old are you? five? seven?. harley wrote the songs of the age of quarrel that's because this album's good."revenge" and "harley's war" are a lot better than anything jj has done with bloodclot or his cromags jam sabbath bullshit.

  43. Harley's a douche and hasn't done anything worth a shit musically since "best wishes." Oh, and for the record, JJ's Cro-Mag's KILL live and the Bloodclot record is pretty sweet as well, but a little one dimensional.

  44. hey i don't like much revenge but it's way better the n both worlds and bloodclot! i think harley would be legitimate to use again the CM name , but not jj. jj gave me the idea of a very greedy person, he's in it only for cash period. harley insted who is the first to admit he would do a complete AOQ reunion for a lot of $$$ still would put more passion than JJ in things. my humble point of view it's clear. sorry for my poor english.

  45. 3(!) questions with Harley Flanagan, haha..

    Harley is Harley is Harley. He will never chance and we will never see the AoQ lineup again. To be honest I dont think its necessary...

    Probs to Harley, he started the whole tattooed skinhead toughguy stuff. He's an original, he knows it and talks loud about it.
    Also he wrote most of that classic stuff. Lots of respect for this.

    All the best for Harley and his family but please dont make this a weekly thing. Simple question and one hell of an answer....aaargh...

  46. That Best Wishes record & White Devil had some of the heaviest riffs, songs and recording that anyone could ask for. Both Worlds & Bloodclot.. not so much. If everyone in the HC scene was scrutinized & judged for their "personality" & "intellect", you'd find alot worse than these 2. If you got a few grand & 4 plane tickets, the Cro-Mags will play. Don't get it twisted that these guys are jumping in the van for the love of HC and hoofin it across the country. PAY ME BITCH. John is an entertainer and Harley is a musician.. who also entertains. I think Harley should write a book about the early NYHC scene that he had such a huge hand in shaping.. the Lower East Side.. interesting info on people in the scene.. etc. I don't know why he hasn't done it yet. He obviously likes to talk, he should put it to good use.

  47. lets face it people EVERYTHING ALL NYHC PEOPLE POST 92 SUCKS.
    maybe if they stopped doing hardcore music they could do something else musically and make it good but hardcore is a dead end street. 10 yearsMAX and thanits over. where do you go after writing fast part into moshpart. fastpart moshpart fastpart. occasionaly a band will come and put out a good record or 7" but lets see where they are in 10 years. harley was a great writer and probably could bust some shit out if he really needed to but i don't think he does. he has kids to teach.
    as for JJ he had a great voice and is a great performer. he only put out ONE good record. hahaha, i guess theimpact of that one record goes a long way tho so prop to him for being him.
    i have seen the cro mags over15 times.maybe even20. i dont need to see it ever again in any incarnation. i will always listen to it. notall the time but whenever i get the craving.
    HOWEVER i will always read what harley has to say.dumb or not he is ENTERTAINING. and thats all im lookin for.
    thanks DC!

  48. Funny how Harley says AJs guitar playing is "ok". After he heard Leeway's "Born To Expire", he ran to Normandy Sound to record Best Wishes, which sux compared to the great "Born To Expire" classic.

  49. I like Both Worlds, fight me!!!

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