Tuesday, May 25, 2010

James Hetfield of Metallica on Straight Edge


I got a message from my cousin Bob today telling me about the new issue of So What, which is Metallica's fan club magazine. Bob told me that there was a piece in the mag with James Hetfield talking about his tattoos. What surprised the hell out of both of us was that James recently got himself a straight edge tattoo… yeah, you read the right, a straight edge tattoo. Here's a couple interesting excerpts from the interview. Thanks to Bob for scanning and sending this over to me. -Tim DCXX

SO WHAT: (Caught by a tattoo)… that's a new one, right? Sorry-

James: Straight edge? Yeah.

SO WHAT: You're not getting away with the last comment, incidentally. We'll have to go back to that. But anyways, the straight edge X.

James: Right. Well, straight edge, this was certainly a design of my own. You know, the old straight edge tattoo, it's just like a big X on your hand. No drinking, and I don't drink. It's like when you go into the clubs, they put and X on your hand…


SO WHAT: Right. It's because you haven't shown your ID.

James: And I don't need drink or drugs. That's straight edge life. Obviously I'm not straight edge - a true, hardcore straight edge has never had any of it in her or her whole life. But I'm a reborn straight edge.

SO WHAT: I always associated Minor Threat and Ian MacKaye and those guys with straight edge punk. That's what they were all about.

James: Absolutely. There's some hardcore people that are straight edge from birth. So this was my take on the straight edge X, you know? Straight razors. A straight edge, is what that was all about.



  1. Not everyone is 'straight edge from birth' but close Jaymz - big ups on living sober to him! That's rad!

  2. fuck it up james. take control of your mind - walk tall walk straight.

  3. Kudos to James for making the commitment. He almost killed himself with the addictions so it's definitely in his best interest to walk the straight edge!

  4. he spelled it str8......LAME

  5. Listen, this is no set of rules.
    All I am saying is that I am free of three things that are, like, so important to the world
    I don't find much importance in
    because of these things
    whether they're fuckin'
    or whether they're playin' golf
    because of that i feel ...

  6. stupid cunt........lol!!

  7. stupid emo cunt.....lol

  8. Reasons not rules.

  9. Hopefully he won't fly to Siberia again with a tour guide and murder a bear, and get his picture taken with it, like he did in that documentary.

    That was uber-lame of him.

  10. Actually someone who never drank or did drugs is not straight edge. jus a boyscout.
    How many people are sxe til 21?

  11. james is as straight as the line...

  12. +1000 for James. Realy cool that he finaly found his path.

    - Dimi

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  14. Whatever makes people healthy/happy.

  15. Okay, look, glad homeboy is clean and sober, but: Straight Edge and AA are not the same thing. Mr. McKaye explains in "American Hardcore" that he and his fellow-travelers were looking for ways to explicitly reject society's values, and that they couldn't help but notice that getting blotto and shutting off your brain was a big part of the violent, anti-intellectual, frat-boy meathead ethos of the Reagan era, and so they explicitly rejected that. Clean & Sober isn't Mr. Hetfield's personal philosophy, it's his only choice if he wants to not die of alcoholism. It would be like a diabetic getting a tattoo that said "Insulin"-- dude, that's not your philosophy, it's your medicine.

  16. "waahhhh SE belongs to me and nobody else understands and owns it like I do WAAAAHHHH!!!!"

    jeeeez seriously??? maybe dude's interpretation is a little different from yours or mine, maybe it seems a little cheesy....but this isnt some 12 year old pop diva talking about SE in BOP magazine or something.

    dude probably has had more first hand interaction with some of the original SE players than 95% of us.

    sure the tat is cheesy and maybe it's flavor for the month...but i'd rather see him doing this then getting a tattoo of 2 crossed bottles of jack with the words "drunQedge" or something.

  17. Hate to rain on your parade guys, but:
    "Hey, I almost drank myself to death and killed my career let alone the horrible records I put out since like the black album, I am way too fucked up, I guess I´m gonna try that crazy straight edge thing I heard about, give it a shot, might work out"
    that doesn´t qualify as "Edge" in my eyes.

  18. What an inspiration that guy is!

  19. Metallica have sullied their legacy, Larz is a jerk, but if one kid reads this and thinks "I'm giving living clean a try" or goes to google straight edge and maybe moves on to actual hardcore bands - what' wrong with the picture?
    I for one support Jaymz and hope he continues to live well.

  20. Last I checked, many of the earliest straight edge guys still had the occasional drink, but they did it all in moderation.

    The "game," if you will, has changed over time. No eating meat wasn't a part of the original ethos, but it's become part of it for many, but not all. Ian always said "this is no set of rules. I'm telling you what to do" and made it abundantly clear that the "I" was heard in the second recording of the song before "don't drink, don't smoke, don't fuck." Straight edge is individual and personal, so fuck your various dogmas on what it should be and who can and cannot claim it.

    Good for James for taking it on. I, for one, think it's great that he can potentially shed a positive light on what it's about and not let the hardliners be the face of straight edge.

  21. hey James, welcome to 1988, we're all glad you make it

  22. Sorry to burst your bubble kids, but this is lame as fuck... Just how long is he gonna be"edge" then? We might as well be saying " im glad he found god and got some shoddy jesus tatto, maybe kids will be influenced by that..."

  23. Why does anyone care?

    Him being straight edge doesn't mean fuck all to me, and it shouldn't to you, just like he doesn't give the first shit about you or I.

    Fuck him.

  24. I think it's awesome that JH got the tattoo and made that statement. Good for him!


  25. fuck this fool. how are you going to claim straight edge when your forty. definately a publicity stunt.
    obviously he doesn't know shit about it. its not just no booze and no drugs. its no permiscous sex too. i don't know if he's married or not. if he is. great. if not. better not fuck random sluts on tour faggot.

  26. Excluding a select few, what a bunch of self-righteous, close minded, homophobic douche bags you are who frequent this site. Nice fucking work, dicks.

    "Publicity stunt?" You have to be kidding me. If he said that he was embracing Lady GaGa or a nickname given to him by one of the actors from "Jersey Shore," I could see that being a publicity stunt. However, 99.9% of America has no idea what straight edge is nor will they ever.

    Get the fuck over yourselves, shit heads. The guy has more power in his little finger to make a positive statement and promote clean living to a broad population than all of you put together. Go stroke your cocks while wearing construction gloves and rub little your balls on your Project X 7" resissues, you bunch of divisive high school cunts.

  27. oh no!! what a nightmare!! thousands of metallica fans with straight edge tattoos!!!!; pathetic, poor fashion victims. james hetfield is the ian mckaye of metalcore. metal sucks.

  28. whats next wrestlers being sxe? oh
    oh wait


    up the punxxx

  29. Good to see you fucking nimrods in the comments knocking a man for doing a positive thing!

    Hella bigups and propers to Het for taking a step in the right direction, AA or not. He might not be in the best place he could be but at least he MADE AN EFFORT.

    You judgmental pricks and the high horses you rode in on can go jerk eachother off.

  30. All bullshit! Let him be what he wants to be. He wants to be straight? Great. I'm glad for him
    This fucking dickhead is a fucking hunter! He is killing animals for a sport! Being SXE doesn't make him a great personality.
    I'm the first to cheer if he comes with the comment " I stopped hunting. Sorry for being wrong for all the years" until then: FUCK HIM!

  31. i can't believe how much people talk shit about this kind of thing. the dude was an alcoholic and drug abuser....if straight edge is the means by which the man stays clean...so be it. there shouldn't be these "club" rules..it's total bullshit and lame as fuck. this is coming from the outside looking in. i love hardcore, but this shit is some of the reason i took the personal choice to drop out. i'm gonna go skateboarding now, listen to "kill em all", have a beer and definatly get laid.

  32. Straight edge is a lifetime commitment. if he breaks his edge. he should get his ass beat.
    Mook-syracuse NY

  33. Firstly, most of you guys forget that James Hetfield grew up listening to Minor Threat, Discharge, Misfits, and tons of punk and hardcore. It's not like he just found out what straight edge is. Also, he's done more shit than any of you can think of. You don't go edge at 40 without basically deciding that you're doing it for life. Good for him.

  34. I support his choice. True till death!

  35. Hetfield was never a drug abuser. His vice was the drink and women. Obviously he has found a new outlook on life. I give him mad props for being sober almost 10 years now...I think its great that he identifies with straight edge and associates with it. More power to him.

    As for his hunting interests, from what I understand, he may have given that up as well, as his hobbies seem to not include that stuff much anymore.

    I'm glad to see some positive comments on here about this though.

  36. If he stays syright edge cool

    If not he's just another fucking sell out

  37. i think its great that he is doing this that dood has a lot of problems and the fact he can do this shows the strength he has after every thing so people can hate all they want

  38. It's 'True Till Death' not 'True Since Birth', haha. Good for him. But please James...no covers of any sxe bands..the Misfits covers were enough.

  39. That's so insane! Getting a tattoo in this day and age. What an incredible statement! I mean the dedication somebody must have. The commitment. I mean... that's for life, man! That doesn't wash off! Fuck...
    What a daredevil. This puts St.Anger in a WHOLE new light now.

  40. It's awesome that James went back to being Edge. Since he used to drink it would be even HARDER for him to quit it and say no more. If you don't like him for being Edge, fine whatever, i'm sure he doesn't care if you drink your life away, smoke to your death, whatever. It's his choice. I'm sure the premiscous sex thing won't be a problem either, he's 40! and a lot of band members are Edge in constant touring bands and they seem to take control of it. Why couldn't he. XXX

  41. thats awesome more power to him. he should wear straight edge shirts

  42. There is no such thing as straight edge. We all put intoxicants into our bodies.

  43. permiscous

    Get a dictionary, you stupid idiot

  44. I heard he is looking for a Wishing well long sleeve sleeve

  45. Fuckin aaaaaaaawsome! hahahaaha

  46. Good for him. And to all the haters. Your favorite band probably wouldn’t exist without Metallica. You all should do some history lessons and respect your elders...Let the man live!

  47. all are free to choose their path

    hugs from mexico

  48. Hell ya man i was once an addict my self it took some lock down and a few SXE members to help me turn my life around so big ups to you for sure

  49. I tip my hat to you James to battle your Demonds and come out on the other side
    Now from this old school Metallica fan, can you Please search your soul and find your place,You & Lars lock yourselves in a room ,with pepsi ,pizza,and bandages,and BASH US OUT A NEW CD,after the summer fest Shows of course :) hardcore since 84,Pier 59 San Fran Baby,Much Love man

  50. metallica wouldn't exist without my favourite bands. metalheads never will be hardcore, why be something that you're not.

  51. Let the man live?
    How about him killing animals for fun!
    Die motherfucker!
    He did more than anyone else?
    Right! He drank more beer, took more drugs and killed more animals than all of us. What a great 'history' lesson.
    Fuck him!

  52. WEEEEEE.........If he was addicted to something, its great that he is not doing it anymore, beyond that, what he labels it doesn't matter to me.....what matters at this point is if that newly "clear mind" will realize how lame Metallica has been for the last 20 years and just blow that shit up, or call it Creed or some shit....oh, and stay away from the guns and ammo dude.

    Except for Cliff!!!
    Fuck the Rest

  54. “Metalheads will never be hardcore” ahahaha!!….What! Are we still having fights between longhairs and punks? Is this 1984 again? Metallica helped bridge the gap between punk and metal long before the “crossover” movement. If you listen to any HC post-1989, chances are there’s a few Metallica riffs in there. And I’m far from a “metalhead”…but like Sabbath and Motorhead, Metallica deserves their own category all together. Amazing how close minded and bitter people are about their beloved labels.

  55. Great comments from everyone here. The 'drunQedge' idea had me laughing for about 3 seconds, which is a damn long time for a bitter old shit like myself.

    He is to be commended for taking control of his addictions... not easy to do when your whole world is defined by being insulated from the reality of normal life. Rock stars getting sober is like a Republican making sense: rare and stunning.

    A better choice for a tat might be two crossed dollar signs.

  56. Really, to go to SXE from "Alcoholica - drank 'em all" is a pretty fucking big step. Whether you like it or not, this is where he is now. To get all butthurt over his past is pretty sad. It's /his/ past, and it's now in the /past/.

    Also, considering he's pushing 50 (46 right now), he's probably feeling his mortality. Give the guy a break. If he wasn't a public figure, none of you would care.

  57. LOL @ all the straightedgers giving him a pat on the back (or getting all self-righteous) for this rubbish.

    Alcohol used to control James' life, and in my opinion, it still controls him if he can't enjoy a fucking drink in moderation without going overboard.

    Same case with these assholes at AA meetings who say "I'm Jimmy-bob Joe and I've seen sober for 7 years". That's not control.

  58. That comment about him looking for a Wishing Well longsleeve had be dying laughing. Some A+ stuff in here.

  59. Man, James with the edge past 40, why not? But what about that Hell's Angels tattoo on his hand?

  60. fuck that stupid bitch


  61. By 'fuck that stupid bitch', did you mean Hetfield or the previous comment from Mary about us SE types? Maybe you should ratchet your anger down a notch or two and save it for the drumset. And no need for mindless banter about such personal choices. To drink or not to drink? Sit with your own decision and get on with life bro! Most SE kids I knew growing up now drink, and a lot of fucked up druggies that ruined the scene back in the day are straightened up and trying to get back on track with life. No need to get aggro about someone who makes a different choice. Tolerance is, and will always be, the greatest aspect of OUR hardcore/punk culture. Remember that anonymous!

  62. Mary,

    Wild guess - you're from the UK?

    Aside from your use of the word "rubbish," your attitude against AA is VERY British. The whole idea that people should just be able to control themselves, drink in moderation, and not ever go see a therapist is totally . . . self-righteous!

    Think before you impose the values of YOUR culture on others.

    Of course, you might not be British at all, in which case, stop using the word "rubbish"!

  63. Who really fucking cares if this ass-hat claims to be straight edge? Most straight edge people probably can't agree on what straight edge is in the first place, much less maintain that lifestyle/attitude/whatever 'until death'. He won't be the first nor the last person not 'getting it right'.

  64. I think straight edge tattoos looks nice. Then why they make such a big issue.

  65. "my lifestyle determines my deathstyle"

  66. Does it means straight edge will be cool and trendy again, now that a guy (rock-star ?) like that promote it ?

  67. i think it's cool he decided to go sxe but to say only true straightedgers never had/used anything is lame (someone said it before: true till death not true since birth).

  68. Hahah just look at those stupid ass pussy hating on James, hahah they keep judging when they have done nothing with their lives...and never will.

    But eh, they're pussy ass bitches, what can we get from them? Haha

  69. I love how all of the super straight-edge types are totally bashing Hetlfield and calling him a poser, but then all of their favorite straight edge bands were singing anthems about understanding and forgiveness and tolerance. It's actually YOU guys who are the posers, because you wear the right clothes and have all the right 7 inches but you're only immature little brats with no real understanding.

    Think about it, Hetfield has been touring the globe since you were still playing with He-Man action figures. You don't know shit!!

  70. "Go stroke your cocks while wearing construction gloves and rub little your balls on your Project X 7" resissues, you bunch of divisive high school cunts."

    I can't stop laughing! Priceless comedy in these comments!! Hahha

  71. I didnt learn about Straight Edge until I was 26 years old! What gives a shit if james is 40 something before he claimed. Maybe some kid will see this interview and look up straight edge and get into a local music scene and claim edge himself or herself

  72. He should wear a floorpunch shirt when he plays.

  73. Can you please put a link to download the magazine? ive been looking for it. Thanks :)

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  81. Lol did anyone else see that t-shirt from diomand cut that says "James heitfield is not fucking straight edge"

    I don't even think he knows what he's talking about really... But good for him I guess

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  88. he still admittedly smokes. pretty edge, eh?

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  100. I think you do not need to be straight edge from birth. If you are asking me deserves everybody that chooses to live after a rough and drug lasting life, straight edge my respect...

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