Monday, June 28, 2010

Straight Ahead poll results

Original Straight Ahead artwork from the collection of Duane Some

Although you couldn't pick a loser out of the songs on the record, the self-titled tune by Straight Ahead took the win here, followed closely by my personal favorite, "Breakaway." While the song Straight Ahead is a no-nonsense classic anthem that should practically be the theme song for all youths growing up in New York City, the mosh part in Breakaway and accompanying solo is what I would want to have cued up on headphones if I was ordered to demolish a large bridge. I'm not sure anybody has ever sounded cooler than Tommy when he yells "BREAK THROUGH, BREAK FREE, BREAAAKKKKAWWWWAAYYYYY!!!!!..." Perfect, man.

That whole record is a classic. When I think of 1987 NYHC, I think of the Straight Ahead LP. Perfect recording, perfect raw energy...and I know there are people that will tell me the record is not nearly as good as how they were live, yada yada. Here's what I'm saying: this record is a classic. If you don't know it, if you don't love it, if you don't abide by it: you pose.

Original ad for the Straight Ahead LP that was posted on the door of Some Records is probably a good time to mention that in the coming weeks, we should have an interview with none other than the man himself, Mr. Tommy Carroll, brought to us via DCXX contributor-in-the-trenches, Howie "In-Effect" Abrams. Psyched!!! -Gordo DCXX

Straight Ahead - 86
Breakaway - 68
Spirit Of Youth - 27
Not Afraid - 13
We Stand - 13
Right Idea - 12

Straight Ahead flyer from the collection of Duane Some


  1. "Be yourself and be proud!"

    I can remember the first time we walked in to Some to sell demos (mid October 87) and Duane was blasting this in the store. I was sold. I walked out with the record and the lion t-shirt. Good times.

  2. can't wait for the Tommy Carroll interview! hope there are "no punches pulled"...

  3. this is my favourite late 80's new york hardcore record. i still got the 12". it's a shame they didn't record a whole album. or they did?.

  4. INTERVIEW WITH TC?!?!?!?!?!? DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. The fastest, the toughest, the greatest. My favorite late 80's NYHC band as well, and my second favorite sXe band ever even though they weren't technically a sXe band.

    Also, probably the best hardcore band ever without an official reissue.

  6. Straight Ahead is perfect.

  7. My favorite HC record of all time…Favorite song is “Right Idea”. Glad at least 12 people agree with me.
