Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hands Tied EP pre-orders plus launch of Livewire Direct

Hands Tied - "Through The Wreckage" EP

Friday, July 30th (at roughly 6PM PST) marks the launch of pre-order's for Hands Tied's "Through The Wreckage" E.P. Originally formed in 1996 after the disbanding of MOUTHPIECE, HANDS TIED delivered classic, in-your-face straight edge hardcore that echoed the spirit and delivery of pioneers such as DYS, UNIFORM CHOICE, and YOUTH OF TODAY. With a 1996 seven inch EP released on Equal Vision Records, the band played up and down the East Coast and toured Europe before abruptly ending their run—just as the band was getting into high gear. Over a decade later, HANDS TIED has returned with a “right-where-they-left-off” two song EP of anthemic blasts that will have you stage diving and moshing in no time—proving that the flame still burns. With a discography LP in the works and a summer of shows on the east coast, it’s clear that this band is back on the map.

A collection of various Livewire vinyl that is available through Livewire Direct

Please note: All pre-order customers will receive a code enabling them to instantly download the E.P. HERE

In other Livewire news, we are very psyched to announce a brand new site: LIVEWIRE DIRECT!

Livewire Records started in 1999 and has been based (at various times) on opposite ends of the country. As the back catalog grew and storage spaces shrank, Livewire made the move to hand over all of its order fulfillment to our good friends at Merchnow and our exclusive distributor, Revelation Records .

The purpose of Livewire Direct is to showcase and make available items too low in stock and/or too limited to warrant distribution through traditional channels. If you see something you like email us and make an offer. It's that simple. In the very near future expect the addition of old shirts from The First Step, Hands Tied, Running Like Thieves, Face The Enemy and more!

Thanks for checking it all out! - Ed McKirdy/Livewire Records

Triple Threat - "Live at CBGB" EP


  1. Isn't Friday July 30th?
    Stoked to hear the new 7".

  2. You're absolutely right Shaun! Thanks for the heads up, I fixed it.

  3. Nice job on both of these, gents.

  4. where is it? how long before those pre-orders go up??


  6. Yeah definitely 'dont belive' the hype.

  7. As always, leave it to the "Anonymous" to take shots. Thanks buddy! Hope you enjoy reading my cheesy blog. -Tiim DCXX

  8. your band is Cheezy not your Blog

  9. Why say it anonymously? You're welcomed to your opinion, but have some balls and back it up with a real name. That's all I ask. -Tim DCXX

  10. Ok got me on that one , but you got to admit that layout those pics those poses very un original. It is just my opinion dont take it to heart.

  11. Yeah man, those Hands Tied dudes sure are unoriginal and cheezy, putting live photos and everything on their record. Why can't more straight edge bands become more artistic and daring?

    (SARCASM - in case you are slow)

  12. So wait... You're judging the band by the way someone caught us on film in a live setting? Ok cool, that's obviously a sure measure of what the band is all about... for you at least. Whatever works for you buddy. -Tim DCXX

  13. with all the great art,pics,layouts,designs,logos,Fonts, you cover in DC and that's all you could come up with???

  14. so wait, how is this fuckstick criticizing the layout of a record that isn't even out yet? has anyone outside the band even seen anything other than the cover? how would you have any idea what "art,pics,layouts,designs,logos,Fonts" even exist on the record?

    unbelievable how many critical nameless PUSSIES there are on the internet. give me a break.

  15. man you guys cant take criticism. talk about being a pussy.

  16. No one else thinks that cover is Cheesy ?

  17. Your old lady is cheesy. That cover is not. Carry on hiding the salami in her cheese.

  18. hey, I preordered the hands tied off Revhq, does the download code come via email with the order or with the record? I am super keen to hear this record! Can someone let me know please...Allan

  19. Just read over the last bunch of comments.

    I get over people trying to label bands as unoriginal, especially bands who play youth crew influenced stuff. For me the value isn't in some form of ground breaking hardcore, it is in the quality of the band, the belief and energy in the music, and the ability to pay homeage to bands of the past while maintaining enough originality/songwriting skills/musicianship/live presence to stand on their own.

    I dont live in an area where traditional hardcore bands are that common, and if a band like Hands Tied popped up here, I'd be over the moon.

    Very stoked about this record, in every way possible!

  20. The new songs are awesome!

    And is it about the songs or the artwork?

  21. "Please note: All pre-order customers will receive a code enabling them to instantly download the E.P. HERE"

    so what's the deal? i placed my order yesterday. revelation tells me only the first 100 costumers are getting a code. and i haven't recieved mine yet...

    peace mike

  22. Granted I haven't seen the rest of the layout, but based on that cover alone, I'd say thing thing looks great. It's hard to compare anything to a Y.O.T. - BDTW or a C.O.S. - WHUA, but this is leaning towards that style and in my opinion, pulling it off! ORDERED!!!

  23. what up with the bass player on his tippy toes doing a Michael Jackson OOOOHHEEEE!!!

  24. So much funny comments here!..

    I heard you recorded some old songs like "gagged and bound", when they will be available to buy or download?

  25. this thread is pretty funny. a

    anywho, i got the song from the download, awesome shit, stoked. it reminds me of that circle storm 7" for some reason but with some more mosh parts. i always thought the first hands tied record sounded a lot like the insted ep. this is a little more aggressive and harder, but really fuckin good. good to see a band come back and do it right.

  26. 482 XXX- Yes we did record "Gagged and Bound", "What's Right" and "Shifting Days", all of which were previously unreleased tracks. Those tracks as well as the 2 new ones and everything else, (EVR 7" recordings and 2 song demo) will be released together on a complete discography. The discog will most likely be a vinyl release with downloads, like we did with this new EP. -Tim DCXX

    PS: Never noticed Ed's Michael Jackson moves on the cover of the new EP, but hey... I dig MJ, so that's cool by me!
