Monday, August 2, 2010

DYS Confirms Reunion Show Line-up

DYS 2010, Photo: Tim Gray -

Today, DYS founding members vocalist Dave Smalley and bass player Jonathan Anastas announced that they will be joined on stage in Boston by original lead guitar player Ross Luongo, as well as new rhythm guitar player Bobby Frankenheim and new drummer Jack Clark. Both additions bring a shared passion and history to the band, as well as their own impressive music legacies. Jack Clark plays in the current line-up of Jerry’s Kids and has played with Boston punk legends Unnatural Axe as well as with original Dead Boy Cheetah Chrome’s band. Bobby Frankenheim, who has been of friend of DYS almost since the band’s inception, co-founded Boston bands Death Wish and The Loved Ones.

DYS & Friends Reunion Show Flyer

“It was really important that this reunion show be fun and powerful,” said Anastas. “We didn’t want to do a DYS show with only one original member, or use hired guns with no connection to the band’s musical roots. Jack and Bobby have history with the core band, with punk, with rock, and with the sound we want to achieve.” Added Dave Smalley, “A great band is hopefully about more than chops, which these guys have in spades. It’s about shared experience, a shared sonic vision and it’s – above all - about chemistry. Who could you spend days with on a bus, in a studio, at practice, backstage? Jonathan, Ross and I are really glad to be playing together again for that reason. And Bobby and Jack are both guys we easily could have done it with the first time around.”

At this time, the Gallery East Reunion show and performance filming for the documentary movie “XXX All Ages XXX” are the only activities DYS currently has planned. In closing, Dave added, “Gallery East, Duane and Drew Stone are stand-up veterans of a very special time. Helping their movie and their event were very important goals for us. Right now, that’s 100% of our focus as a band.”

DYS Rehearsal Promo 2010, Video: Drew Stone


  1. great!!; but please, i wanna know the F.U.'S reunion show line up. what will LETHAL think about it?.

  2. I still fucking love this band. Support!

  3. Cant wait! its been way to long!! I was around back then also, this is gonna be such a good time! This is REAL Hardcore! the way it was meant to be.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. wow...they sound a lot better than i was expecting. very cool.

  6. I think the F.U.'s = Sox, Furapples & the guys who've been doing the Payload thing with Sox (who are also really fucking good).

  7. This how Boston Rocks!


  9. Why is DYS covering A Chorus Of Disapproval song?

  10. Why are you posting anonymously, Isaac?

  11. They sound great, I absolutely have to find a way to get to this show!

  12. Yea Ben, I would say something that stupid. I should punch myself in the face for saying that anonymously posted fag ass statement.

    In fact, even thought I DIDNT write that I am gonna punch myself in the face anyway, take one for the team since The Chorus' name was mentioned my an obvious r'tard.

    I will say this, we kept that song warm for DYS throughout the years. turned kids on to DYS by covering it. Can't deny that.

    DYS was, is, and always will be an influential band to me. Wish I could be at that show. Keep on keeping on guys.

    Love, Ike.

  13. Ike--you aren't punk or hardcore if you say the words "fag" and "r'tard" (what?) Rather, you're an idiotic jock. Your kind of stupidity is what punks and hardcore kids--some of them, anyway--revolted against in the first place.

    You're a disgrace and a douche. Go get in your minitruck and act like it's '88.

  14. What is disgraceful is the prior comment's prior restraint on freedom of speech. The use of the words may indicate a lack of vocabulary, but certainly do not present hate speech. Your leap in reasoning that the use of such words is indicative that Ike is a jock is absurd. He is punk as punk gets. His use of the word "fag ass" may as well have said "lame ass." The terms can be, in certain contexts, interchangeable. Obviously the previous post's author is a highly sensitive, gay, mentally handicapped individual.

  15. No, Mr. Anonymous is very correct. I can call you Mr. can't I? After all you might be a woman but we will never know because you are hiding. Anyway, I should have not used the word FAG-ASS or R'TARD. I should have not made fun of myself either in that same wording. Self loathing and fun is the opposite of political correctness. Next time I will turn my Downcast and Split Lip lps up louder and sit silently in the middle of my living room with my arms folded, frown and NOT have fun. Man, I wish I was as punk or hardcore as you. Any advice other than hiding behind a mask and wagging finger?

    Anyway, gotta get back to work patients are counting on me to not be punk or hardcore, just happy, in good spirits, understanding and oh yea.... educated.

    Suck it fag!

    PS. Great DYS blog DXCX. If I were more punk or hardcore I would get more out of it, but what I got was interesting and sounds fun!

  16. Why the Downcast comment? Those guys were friends of mine back in the day. I don't recall any dour navel-gazing nonsense. Just good HC! They were very positive as individuals and had a great work ethic in the scene.

  17. Shay....

    Downcast were a good band but I seem to remember they had a serious problem with dancing while they played, in fact one show they stopped playing all together and left when kids kept dancing. The singer yelled into the mic about it being disrespectful to your neighbor at the show and the band. Very pretentious and not acting in the spirit of hardcore. I think that is what Isaac might be referring too.

  18. Ike,

    The only time I thought I liked Chorus of Disapproval was when I accidentally played the "west meets east" 7" at 33. And yeah, rallying against dancing is lame, but I think the casual attitude guys like you and Porter from Floorpunch have towards homophobia is worse. It's like a giant warning sign indicating that what I'm reading/hearing is being said by a fucking moron.

    With Love,
    An Anonymous Pussy Fag

  19. Whoever that drummer guy is, he is no Dave Collins. Smalley looks old. Spute looks good. I miss Andy too.
