Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cro-Mags backstage interview 1986

"Clean the shit out of your brain"… you gotta love the Cro-Mags. I'm a sucker for anything Cro-Mags related, so when I stumbled upon this vintage video interview with Harley and Bloodclot hanging out backstage on the 1986 GBH/Cro-Mags tour, I was more than psyched. Whether you're interested in spirituality (which is what Harley and JJ are talking about in this interview) or not, this is classic Mags material that's well worth documenting and well worth watching. Turn down your TV, turn up the volume on your computer and get schooled on Kali Yuga. -Tim DCXX


  1. GBH ?
    When YOT opened for them back in the day, Ray would change the lyrics of the last song off 'Break Down The Walls', which were ""live fast die young" was just a fad for a bunch of losers who didn't care"
    ""live fast die young" was just a fad for fucking faggots like GBH".


  2. yeah, everybody in the early 80's were into g.b.h., then came youth of today and said g.b.h. sucks; but now looking back to all these years, i say ray "faggy krishna" crappo fuckin' sucks and gbh fuckin' rules!!!!!. This video is from 1986, they talk about the age of quarrel album, and at the end there's the cover from a gbh album from '86.

  3. agnostic front and cro-mags were friends with g.b.h.; ray crappo was a stupid jealous. Epic.

  4. I'd go to see GBH over YOT or Cro-Mags any day of the week.

  5. I love these mid-eighties interviews. They get right to the heart of what happened when punks started reading religious texts, and taking them seriously. The classic, "yo dude, like a million years is just a breath". Really?
    Then I have lived trillions of years, but I still have good teeth and one chin.

    Don't get me wrong, I love the Cro-mags sound. These guys were a monstrous band musically, but let's call it as we see it: not the sharpest knives in the kitchen. But Tim is right on the money with his intro. This is very important material for younger punks/HC types to watch. It helps reduce the 'idol factor' with these earlier bands.

  6. Ray Crappo was always a tool going back to when YOT first started. He always had a huge ego and for what? YOT were good but not great and far less significant than GBH or the Cro-Mags.

    As for the interview...well I didn't watch the whole thing because I didn't want to hear about Krishna shit then and I still don't now. It amazes me how people idolize these old HC scrubs nowadays on FB, Myspace, Twitter/twatter. If all these little teenyboppers only knew them back then. They were just part of the scene and that's it!

  7. Blowitdafuckouchaazz. Talk all the shit you want, Cappo had an enormous, positive influence on tons of kids which is more than most bands can ever say. I was around when both the Mags and YOT were in full stride and their music still gets me pumped. Some bands transcended just being part of the scene and everybody knew and felt it then.

  8. Whatever...I was there too and sorry but I didn't buy into the whole little youth crew crap.

    As for Krishna well back then half those enlightened Krishnas were some of the biggest druggies and violent dudes on the scene so I don't buy it...sorry. I knew some cool Krishna guys as well ( eg Kieth from CFA)...but for the most part those dudes were looking for free room and board and that's it.

    You're right some bands were better than others but idol worship didn't exist. As far as people...they were just part of the scene. Also...these guys are running the same old scams they have been doing for years...now they have the web to help.

  9. i thought harley had a pomp for like 3/4's of the video

  10. "GBH ?
    When YOT opened for them back in the day, Ray would change the lyrics of the last song off 'Break Down The Walls', which were ""live fast die young" was just a fad for a bunch of losers who didn't care"
    ""live fast die young" was just a fad for fucking faggots like GBH".


    Wrong song.
