Saturday, September 18, 2010

Youth Of Today - Europe 2010

Ray with YOT in Europe, 2010, Photo: S.R.C Photography

Porcell with YOT in Europe, 2010, Photo: S.R.C Photography

Ray with YOT in Europe, 2010, Photo: S.R.C Photography

Ray with YOT in Europe, 2010, Photo: S.R.C Photography

Ray with YOT in Europe, 2010, Photo: S.R.C Photography


  1. Despite the haters in 2010, these guys are still bringing the crowds and breaking down the walls. Cool to see only wishing I was there in that crowd!

  2. Pictures were taken in Saarbruecken, Germany! What an awesome night. They played 24 songs, 500 people went home with a smile on the face!


  4. It was a great show and i don't regret a Euro i spent to get there and to get in. Raw positive energy!

  5. Just saw them a few hours ago in Den Bosch, and it was nothing like these pictures suggest.
    I'm not a hater at all, but I just didn't get into it. Sammy (starting to bald!) plays slow compared to the studio cuts, and Ray's voice was cracking (from Saarbrueken?)
    They said they practised 1 week before leaving for tour.
    It was ok, but no goosebumps here.

  6. i'm not sure who's on bass this time around, but none the less - 3/4's of the band is close to, if not already into their 40's, bald/balding, and are proud parents... what's wrong with that? not a damn thing! other than the fact that they're playing under the name "Youth of Today"... if a band wants to go out there and rehash their glory days, so be it. but you've got to admit, they really painted themselves into a corner with that name...

  7. Did Cappos wiener fall out of his gym shorts again?

  8. they need to play a US show.

  9. if you don´t know the bass player you just uninvited yourself from discussing YOT on here.

  10. Last year in "Edge the Movie", Cappo said: "Frankly, I have nothing to do with the Straight Edge scene or music scene for that matter anymore." He said other things too, I think he was out of his mind a little. Now he's doing a tour a year after this, my question is: Why? The answer is simple: Money. I guess he's like: I don't care about Straight Edge or Hardcore scene anymore, but please buy hundreds of new YOT designs from us. No, thanks.

  11. you're an narrow minded idiot. the hardcore/ straight edge scene is full of such douchebags, so i totall agree with ray cappo. does this mean he can not play with YOT again? well, no. fuck off.

  12. Haha, I'm right in the middle of the first picture singing along! Saarbrücken was awesome and YOT ruled. Looking forward to Wiesbaden.

  13. saw them in hannover. yot ruled the pit! tight as hell. 2nd best hc-drummer of all time (#1 is mackie). pma all the time.

    btw: hannover sucks...

    no atmosphere in these big comercial music locations.

  14. 500 peeps in saarbrücken.. 20euros for a show. these wankers will went home rich, but still as wankers

  15. rich? hahahaha, go and fuck yourself, fool. well hopefully they do! and they deserve it!

  16. If you denounce SxE and the hardcore-scene and don't want anything to do with it anymore, then why come over with your "SxE hardcore-band" and do shows? I just wish Ray Cappo had the decency to face the consequences of his words. But with the amount of money they're getting for these shows I can't blame him for being a greedy spineless loudmouth...and if the kids want to spend their money on that, good luck to them, hope they had a good time.

  17. What they did with this tour is embarassing. YOT was a great band, a milestone. And they just piss on all of it, themselves, and you guys, who were at their shows. It was just well acting, that was all about money, they don't care about those values anymore that they stood for long time ago. I'm sad too see what they did, it's just fucking sad.

  18. fuckin' great gig yesterday in italy!!!

  19. Too bad Porcell is a DEAD BEAT DAD. I wonder if his children will see any of the money from what fans paid for this tour. Don't support this asshole! He tells his children he has no money for clothes or food while he tries to re-live his glory days. What a shit head.
