Thursday, September 30, 2010

Youth Of Today European Tour 2010 videos

You probably thought you were going to get through a weeks worth of DCXX and not get any Youth of Today Euro tour 2010 talk… sorry, you were wrong. Gordo dug these two videos up and sent them over to me.

The first video is from Prague and consists of the Sammy on drums, Ken on bass line up. Personally I think they sound great in Prague, it's obvious the night in and night out playing has tightened them back up into a well oiled hardcore machine. The second video is from Italy and has the switched up lineup with Ken Olden taking over drum duties and Graham Land on bass. Apparently Sammy had something come up and had to fly back to NYC early, so an improvised lineup was put in place to finish the tour. If only we could get these guys to play one more show in the states. -Tim DCXX


  1. this shit is goddamn pathetic. cue the ridic comments about what "great shape" ray cappo (or bappobappo or whatever he calls himselves these days) is in. yeah he's a well-oiled machine, a machine built to take these stupid foreigners for every dollar he can. at least at looks like europe is finally wising up to pathetic cash-in tours like this, the crowds in these videos either look 1) asleep or 2) non-existent.

  2. Sammy was back on drums for last show in Vienna, Austria and that show was great.I even like voice better then early years.

  3. I have seen YOT in Cologne. They were awesome!
    An dont get rich playing HC shows in front of 200-300 people. YOT were great because you could see how much fun it was for them playing. thus they had a lot of energy.
    Thats why the crowd got into it more and more after every next song they were playing....
    shows like that keep on my flame burning strong....

  4. Saw YOT a couple of times in the late 80's and then on their 2004 (?) Euro Reunion tour. Whereas '04 was a big disapointment they did kill it in Berlin this time around. Tight set, great show, heart-warming in-between songs talk. And ... crowd going nuts. I had low expectations and was more then surprised. Not sure what was wrong with the crowds at their other shows. YOT Berlin '10 full score.

  5. I went home from the munich show with mixed feelings.
    As much as i like the SPERMBIRDS - there seemed to be no real connection between the two bands whatsoever. Simply just a jointventure to attract more "old" people to the shows.

    Since the tour got booked by a bigger "non-hardcore" agency they played at a too big venue with too high door prices.

    I don't have a problem with bigger agencies but in this case they obviously didn't put the bands in good hc/punk venues but just used the same corporate rock venues they always work with.

    The audience in munich was old, bald and drunk. The room way too big. The ticket too expensive.

    YOT would have been better off with an agency more hardcore orientated, different (and perhaps younger) opening bands and smaller clubs.

    Despite the fact that Ken switched to drums the night before and Graham Land had one day to learn his bass parts YOUTH OF TODAY were really tight and energetic.

    But the whole vibe of the tour just left a weird aftertaste.

  6. anonymous 1, YOU are pathetic, you don't know what you are talking about, you weren't there, you don't know a clue about what's great. I'm so sorry for you.

  7. rip off tour and band. hc is dead

  8. hello! i went on the yot date in milan and it was great! the place was little, packed with people, i mean mostly young people. no barriers or bouncers, two nice bands as opening act. when yot starts everyone got nuts, stage divings, mosh and most of all smiling on every faces i saw. they were full of energy and yes passion. ray said that was the best date of the entire tour and saw some videos of the other dates i have to agree with him (except Prague, which was awesome). Sometimes the people and the places could make the difference.

  9. YOT - disengage & BDTW @ willem 2 den bosch,the netherlands

    not bad at all,band sounds good,Ray vocals are not my cup of tea but cant expect that he sounds the same as on the records,time flies...

  10. european hc lives. ask terror, trapped under ice, bitter end and such...

  11. True. They all appreciate your money and your hospitality.

  12. YOT needs to play not just one, but multiple US shows.

  13. Youth of Today need to sod off.

  14. TERROR? hardcore?, that's mtv headbangers ball metalcore. real hardcore is (or was) very very different, in all senses. youth of today is hardcore!!.

  15. yeah terror sucks! fucking metal core only for tough guys! they aren't hardcore at all! yo!

  16. Great pics from the show in Hannover (Germany):

  17. The last show in Wiesbaden, Germany, was great. Small packed club, completely sold out (around 300 people). Both bands were awesome and the crowd was going nuts. So glad I got to see the Spermbirds and YOT twice this tour.

  18. i am wish amendment 18 would come to europe once more. those guys are amazing. i say hello to ray of today in prague and he did not even look at me nice or say heelo too.

    real hardcore shold be here. terror, a.18, something better like that. those guys still care and are not bourgeois or stuck up.

    "because you make me breathless and my lips turn blue, but all i can offer in return is... to give my life to you"-a.18

    greetings, jan.

  19. Isaac,

    Quit making fake posts as a Euro.

  20. :DD
    Youth and spermbirds was really awesome. hope that you guys in US will've a chance to check it.

  21. I love YOT but I don't think it's right to sing songs about straight edge if their vocalist broke years ago. Same for Strife. If the lyrics have nothing to do with some members of the band, there's no point in singing them.

  22. YOT in Berlin was a full blast. the band, the line up, the set list, the crowd, the spirit - were simply priceless. i waited 20 yrs for this one, was afraid that it's gonna suck. it was great. btw t-shirts "designed" by Tim were ugly.

  23. Ha! Ben, you wish! Well, actually I wish too I guess.

    I think those YOT shows look fun I don't care what anybody thinks.

    Thanks to our one European fan anyway.

  24. I didn't any signature Ray or Porcell kicks. Ahhh we all get old...

  25. I've like very a lot YOT. I enjoy very a much when Ray does jump and Sammy play drum. YOT is great band.


  26. I really enjoy this video..Thanks a lot for sharing such a amazing video here..I would like to see more..keep posting..
