Sunday, November 21, 2010

A dose of Chain

A collection of original Chain stickers

Chain Of Strength at Gilman Street

Curtis and Alex with Chain Of Strength at Gilman Street

Chain Of Strength "What Holds Us Apart" back up session

Ryan leads the back up crew


  1. Chain of Strength! Very great band of California. Has Edge Gone Dull is great straight edge anthem of all the time. I make me sad that COS is dull as butter knife now.


  2. Ya gotta be hated to be loved, one of the greatest... for sure.

  3. the first strike version of "what holds us apart" kicks ass. heavier sound. revelation should have released that mix.

  4. COS is the band that made SXE uncool. They were the hardcore version of New Kids On The Block. Just a terrible, terrible band.

  5. I couldn't agree more. They fucking blew.

  6. Some of their tunes were okay, but I own their stuff more out of obligation to punk rock than because I really ever liked it.

  7. That band fucking sucks. Why some people (like Double Cross) hold them on such a pedestal is beyond logic. I'd love to hear an argument as to why this band is even B level good? Because its sure not the unoriginal music, the ripped off Youth Crew style, the posed pictures at a fake show for that 7", or the hair gel.

  8. Both chain 7"s are awesome. Those tunes have really stood up and aged well. well played solid hardcore.

    I wish there were more bands around nowadays that sounded more like chain!!!!

  9. I wish I had been in Chain of Strength. What a cool band name - I'd love to hear the story behind that. I'd rather have been in a B level edge(ish) hardcore band in the late 80's than an A level anything-else

  10. The dress code for SXE sucked post 85'. It wasn't Chain that made it look goofy, it was YOT. COS did unfortunately make it worse. Ultimately, I really don't care how Chain dressed because they great musically.

  11. That band suuuuuuucccccckkkkkssss

  12. You know you've done something right when anonymous fuckers talk shit on the internet 18 years after your last show.

  13. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
    Jack we know that was you.

    We said stop and go away.

  14. The problem with that band is they were just so late coming into that scene. By the time they arrived everyone was moving past it. They also came across as very contrived instead of organic. Obviously fake live shots are pretty damn cheese.

    All of those dudes seemed like nice enough guys, but man did they have trouble in Southern California being liked. They would have had it way better coming from say New Jersey, because they were not popular in their own home town.

  15. You'll never hear anyone speak a bad word about Frosty. That's because there's nothing bad to say.

  16. who cares what they looked like. it was 20 years ago. get over it.

  17. I like Circle Storm more than COS. Am I the only one?

  18. Fuck You...THATS MY NAME!November 23, 2010 at 8:10 AM


  19. I remember the first time I saw COS. All i could think of as they took the stage was, NERD ALERT

  20. This is a great band with a couple of great can't tell me "Through These Eyes" doesn't totally thrash...but all you douches want to talk about is how they wore "preppie" clothes and used hair gel? Who fucking cares? Chain is sick, end of story.

  21. "You know you've done something right when anonymous fuckers talk shit on the internet 18 years after your last show."

    This is it right here. These guys sure made an impression from just 2 7"s and a ton of t-shirts sold! I was and am stoked on COS. Opinions vary and that's ok. I wish I had gotten to see them back in the day.

  22. I think most the Chain guys were doin the Punk thing years before they started Chain (Justice League,Malicious Intent,Jolt,Pills Bury Hardcore)Much respect

  23. COS were responsible for 2 of the best records to come out of that whole Youth Crew era. Anyone who says otherwise is just jumping on the hater bandwagon and must not have an ear for the ‘core.

    So they used pics of themselves that weren’t actually in front of an audience? Who gives a fuck?! The hate these guys receive is so unwarranted. Listen to their music. Read their lyrics. They wrote and performed some amazing emotional songs!

    “Too Deep Until Now” is so much better than anything your favorite band could ever do. And they dressed better than your favorite band too….

  24. Man,those girls were cute. Here's the fucking deal. COS spawned from Justice League...and Justice League were a horrible milk-toast band. So when come from dogshit and start coming off bullshit meter was in-effect. The vinyl....not so bad. But the pics and imagery tried too hard. But,like I said...those girls were real cute.
