Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Vision at The Court Tavern, New Brunswick, NJ 11/6/2010


This Saturday, November 6th, New Jersey Hardcore legends, Vision will take the stage once again at The Court Tavern in New Brunswick, NJ. For anyone that's made it out to one of these shows in the past, they can surely attest that they are always a blast. This time around though might be a little more special, the Vision boys have some surprises up their sleeves to help celebrate Vision frontman, Dave Franklin's birthday. I can't let the cat out of the bag, but I can assure you that some special guests will deliver. Hold Fast… Tim DCXX

Dave Franklin with Vision at The Court Tavern, New Brunswick, NJ, Photo: Ken Salerno


Dave with a Vision sing along at The Court Tavern, New Brunswick, NJ, Photo: Ken Salerno


  1. Sounds like a blast! wish I could be there

  2. best shows around. Average age is 35, sketchy dudes with skrewdriver shirts, even sketchier hate-squad dudes dancing ... always a rowdy, drunkin' good times...

  3. Thanks for that very generous post, Tim! In response to 'Anonymous,' and in fairness...ONE time, some dude in a Skrewdriver shirt showed up - and I think we all looked at him with the same puzzled expression. Just sayin' :)

  4. Pete - I know :) It was just odd seeing that dude at a Vision show. I think we're all too 'old ... er' to even care anymore about this, to each his own. Think the guy had an IQ in the low 40's anyways :)

  5. just wanna put my 2 cents in on the "sketchy dude" in the skrewdriver shirt.... i took the time to talk to him, because he's been showin' up in my photos for years... yes, that sketchy dude ain't so fucked as some of you might think... just because he was wearing a fucking shirt ??? guess freddy "madball" is a sketchy dude too... and what's this shit about "hate squad dancing" ???? i've been with vision since day one of their over 20 yrs. of good shows, and almost all of those people at the court that night were old friends who stuck with them all those yrs. too....and for you pete... billie( that's his name) has been to many, many vision shows ( goin' back to scott hall) and has supported vision thru the years.... so maybe some of you out there oughtta free up your minds once in a while, and instead of always takin' the "hard "stance , find out what people are about before you go off half last thing about billy, he had a great time at that show, danced his ass off( old school style) and stepped up plenty of times ( for vision and KT)that night to sing along.... oh yeah....for anyone who signs off as anonymous...wanna be taken seriously ??? sign your name...just tavern....11/6....birthday bash !!!! be there....see what shirt billy wears...hahahahaha

  6. hey pete,

    have a good show, man. was a blast meeting up @ the blink of eye gig last year...

    take care,

  7. Kenny, my brother, you're on fire!!! :) ...and thanks, Jeff - should be a pretty crazy show.

  8. wow . thatwas the best birthday present i have ever gotten!!! (my bday was on Nov 6)...growing up , my parents did not celebrate birthdays, so i ignored them for most of my life. but last night was a divine gift from whatever super power is out there, to me, to make up for all the birthdays i missed growing up!!!!!

    VISION Ruled! Lou, the 2 Tims, and Dave's brother RULED (Mr Mcmahon, you did a GREAT job on the mike last night!!!!! really great energy as usual from you!)

    who was the other guest singer? that dude killed it too!

    thanks you all. i am sure i will have to repost this on FB or something, just so i ca gush out more gratitude....or RADITUDE!

    thanks for being my favorite bacnd for 20 years, vision!

    and thanks to tim for running this great site!!! this is a highlight in my day, whne all things in the world seem to suck!

    peace be with you all

  9. BTW - thanks Ken. Your ability to se through misconceptions, and being judgemental, comes through once again. I appreciate that you take the time to understand things....i gues it is part of your skillls in observing the human condition....and this skrewdriver shirt incidrent was no exception, even though it was a petty matter in a world of bullshit. you rule , mang'

  10. Christy aka The German RoseNovember 8, 2010 at 9:16 PM

    Ty Ken for your stand on the Skrewdriver shirt.Billy is my ex and still a great friend.We have 3 children together and he is an amazing father.People need to start thinking outside the box and stop jumping to ignorant rants.Every person is entitled to their own beliefs.But to knock my man on his iq because you dont like his shirt is juvenile.Someone commented average age of 35 not avaerage age of 3.So grow up.I am proud to wear a Skrewdriver shirt and honestly dont give a rats @$* what people think.Why dont you take the time to talk to Billy???Oh yeah close minded people can only make snide remarks.If Vision has an all age show I will be there with Billy and our girls with Skrewdriver shirts on.Havent you ever heard dont judge a book by its cover??Let this be dont judge a man by his shirt.Billy gotta love ya and I know our baby girl cant wait for her own skrewdriver shirt.Thumbs up to ya Ken!!
