Sunday, December 26, 2010

Riot on the Dancefloor

Greetings all.

Just wanted to let you know that we launched the official website for the upcoming film "Riot on the Dancefloor: The Life and Times of Randy Now and City Gardens".

Thanks for taking the time to check it out. If you are interested in being involved in this project, feel free to contact me. - Steven DiLodovic


  1. Looks like a cool film, but WTF? You couldn't find anyone else to interview except some pussy suburban gang member that was up on charges for murder? Seriously.

  2. RE: Berk

    Thats some fucked up shit to say in public. i'd be careful if i were you.

  3. Up on charges, but proven innocent.

    "You couldn't find anyone else to interview"... looks like a shit load more people have been interviewed and more will be interviewed, so what the hell are YOU looking at?

  4. re:berk...first of all, you are entitled to any opinion you may have, regardless of it's one of the people involved in this project,i also have an opinion...we are making a documentary,which is a film based on the real world and real people,depicting things as they are, or telling about events that happened in a truthful or objective manner.. our documentary is about CITY GARDENS,an iconic venue in trenton nj...a history,of sorts,of the 80's thru 90's punk/hc era as told by the people who worked there, hung out there, and some of the musicians who played city gardens influenced and/or changed their lives and where they are now... we just started this project, and we have literally hundreds of people to interview/film yet...each one of them has a story to tell... how you make an offhand statement " we couldn't find anyone else to interview except some pussy suburban gang member"is pretty ridiculous on your part... your obviously referring to alex you actually know alex ???? i'm willing to bet you don't... you just THINK you know what he's all about, and you go on a public forum and mouth off about him, probably thinking that he won't ever know about it,therefore can't defend himself... i'm not defending him, but i'll tell you why i chose to interview him...because he has a story.. he went to many,many shows there...i spent probably more time than anyone there as i was documenting that era in my photographs... alex was part of a group of people who really spent time there...people that i would see on a weekly basis...these are the people who are the core of our film...we aren't making a film to judge anyone,just a film about a collective experience,shared by many....

  5. I was born and raised in Northern California, a completely different scene than that of the East coast, so I'm really looking forward to seeing this.

    Ken: It's nice to see that you chimed in. People like you and others who were there first hand, I trust your judgement on who you've chosen to interview.


  7. Ken, I also respect your judgment on whom to interview. With respect to Alex in particular, there is no question that he is a key player. I have never met him personally, but I can say that I saw him at nearly every single CG show I was at in the late 80's and early 90's, regardless of whether or not it was even a punk/HC show. He was always present and everybody seemed to know him; I can't see how the subject of his past charges have anything to do with the film.

  8. I had some 3rd party static with said person back in the day.. but he is one of the few people from back then who actually GREW the fuck up, left all the negativity behind and is one of the coolest, laid back people out there right now... As opposed to others who still wave the flag of negative energy after 20 years. Many of us were involved in the scene from when we were young kids.. shit happens. What counts is that you grow out of the BS and take responsibility for your past mistakes by being a better person now.
    and yeah, he is THE one to talk to about a City Gardens film. He lived it.
    BERK: I wouldn't say "be careful" cause it ain't even like that.. but you need to just check yourself fool.

  9. Tough guys, word.

    Thanks MTV.

  10. Looking forward to this, saw all of my favorites there, met some great friends and have some great memories as well. When the stage diving ban was lifted all hell broke loose.

  11. A documentary focusing on Randy Now!! So there will be lots of talk about doing coke and having sex with underage girls?

  12. Why do peope have to take away from things that are greater than they are?
    There is so much more to Alex and his character than what you read in a newspaper or heard through childish gossip.While it is human nature for people to talk shit about things they know nothing about, it is particularly lame for a person to hide behind a keyboard and say things about a person they would never say to a persons face.
    Alex is one of the most stand up guys I know and his intelect is untouchable. Alex did not grow up in a suburb nor does he reside in one now, not that that fact has any bearing on your hearsay. I grew up going to City Gardens and Alex was part of the heart of it, he was just one of the many friendships I formed and look back on fondly, and he is one of the sweetest people you could meet. There are two sides to every story and the least you could do is hear them or have a clue about them before you open your mouth.
    @Ken-well said and I think you defended the integrity of your film, City Gardens and Alex alike wonderfully. I can't wait to see one of the most pivotal points in my life on film.Thank you Ken and Steve
