Thursday, December 22, 2011

Walter Schreifels - The Storm (Judge)


  1. Man this guy just oooooooozes talent! (but some of the stuff he's done in the last deacade.....eeeeewwwww)

  2. in the last decade he couldn't write a proper pop song so he fell in love with hardcore again...

  3. The Walking Concert, solo, & new Rival Schools' Lps were awesome. I wish Walter would give up the HC reunion tours & focus on the now. The music he is making today is far superior to what he did 20 years ago. It's too the bad the past overshadows the present.

  4. Nice way to ruin a great song.

  5. I think its cool to hear a song like this stripped down to the bare basics....
    It shows that without distortion and big drums that it is just a good song with great lyrics in any genre...

  6. ATC - it's one thing to say you like what he's doing now but can't expect anyone to buy that. He wrote some of the best HC and "post-HC" songs that have ever been written. There are about 6 people that are happy he choose to revive Rival Schools rather than Quicksand which was a better band in every way...

    As for those that say he ruined the song - everyone has an opinion....

  7. Walter rules in so many ways. Haters gonna hate !

  8. fuck nostalgia core. we need a new songs...

  9. Fuck Anonymous postings!

    As for nostolgia core as you call it. The HC that is played today has very little relation to the HC of my youth. That doesn't make it bad - i just don't know that if there hadn't been a running history if very many of today's bands would even be called HC. Most are closer to some sort of metal hybrid and that is fine. It's just not the HC that I love and judging from which bands sell out there is a strong desire not just for nostalgia but to hear bands that are still more on the punk side of the HC pendulum...

    BNB had never been bigger than having GB headline with SOIA and AF primarily playing Victim In Pain (punkier than the later albums) and new songs that have "OI OI OI" screamed in them...

    Point is I would love to hear new songs from new bands but the world is not the world it was in 84-90 when many of the bands you call nostalgia were coming up. And the bands today are not those bands. There is a reason that oldies and classic rock radio are still popular. People like what they grew up with and younger people often respond to what's good and loved...

  10. "ATC - it's one thing to say you like what he's doing now but can't expect anyone to buy that. He wrote some of the best HC and "post-HC" songs that have ever been written. There are about 6 people that are happy he choose to revive Rival Schools rather than Quicksand which was a better band in every way..."

    JC Stark-Arts-you are completely right about Walter writing some of the best HC songs ever. No question. Quicksand is my favorite Walter band as well.

    My comment was more in response to a previous post that Walter has not written anything worthwhile in a decade. So I may have overstated the strength of Walter's recent work, although I do personally prefer his newer material over GB & Civ but not Quicksand.

  11. sure, walter is a talented dude, but i'm not into his type of bland rock or his acoustic hardcore. his talented would be better used on tv commercials. the only thing he could wow me with is an acoustic version of discipline's "we all learn" , replete with gus sxe's cracking voice.

    bong hits & brew haha's

  12. Classics.... Walter sings the hits. And you knw what? Better he is doing it than Nickleback. It's awesome and true to the Bone.
