Thursday, January 5, 2012

Quicksand poll wrap up

This Quicksand poll wrap up is long overdue and I apologize for leaving the poll up for an eternity. There was a plan set in place to have a guest do the wrap up, but that never ended up panning out. The result was me ignoring the poll and letting it stagnate into oblivion. I've finally decided to take matters into my own hands and simply wrap it up myself. I know, pretty novel idea hah?

Can't say I was necessarily surprised by the results, "Slip" pretty much kicked the living hell out of the other two releases. That said, my vote went to the self titled 7" on Revelation. I can remember vividly when that 7" was released and I recall hearing it for the very first time and just how blown away by it I was. I loved what Walter had done with Moondog, so essentially, Quicksand was a revised and more progressive version of Moondog, so I was definitely into it. I guess since the self titled was my introduction, I always felt a stronger connection to it. I also liked the idea that the 7" was released on Revelation, which felt completely natural and maintained that inclusive, family type vibe.
With the "Slip" LP, although I think it's a great record and might possibly have a few of my favorite Quicksand songs on it ("Dine Alone", "Fazer", "Can Opener" and "Too Official"), the whole vibe of it being a major label release always left me feeling like someone spilled the beans on a best kept secret. Quicksand fans went from being maturing Warzone and Youth Of Today fans to poser mall punk kids with massive center parted hair cuts, that had no idea what Revelation Records even was. That said, Quicksand was still an incredible band and "Slip" was still a phenomenal album, even with Walter asking himself if everything was ok.

Why "Manic Compression" doesn't get as much love as "Slip", I'm really not sure. I think it's a pretty equally incredible album that's actually heavier and harder than "Slip", but I think the newness and exciting element of Quicksand had started to wear off by the time of this release. Either way, I still love it and "Brown Gargantuan" is another song that's added to my top Quicksand song list. I mean, how can you possible go wrong with "You're a child, you're a dad, a mother, you mother fucked yourself again", lyrics? Some of my favorite Walter lyrics ever. - Tim DCXX

Quicksand - "Slip" LP - 143
Quicksand - Revelation 7" - 83
Quicksand - "Manic Compression" LP - 41



  1. I'm with you on the 7" - while I do love Slip and even Manic Compression that 7" was released the year I graduated HS and felt like some jump forward. It wasn't exactly HC but it bridged the world between the bands that Walter had been in and the DC bands that I liked such as Fugazi. They could play any bill because of the cred of the members so they didn't get the bullshit that a band that sounded like them might have gotten playing with HC bands if they weren't who they were if that makes sense. It's the band that I'd most like to see Walter bring back - or if i was him at this point I'd just start doing all the songs he's written and go on tour. People would go apeshit....

  2. I'm right there with you on the EP since it was also the first taste of Quicksand for me. I remember hearing it for the first time on the way to school with Paul S. (aka The Polish Falcon). He put the tape in the one morning and said "Check these guys out, it's Walter from GB, but its nothing like GB." I loved their song style...the way the lyrics paused and started almost like Walter is rushing to get all the words in. There was just nothing like that style at that time. (Until the band Shift came along...but I love Shift too so it's ok). Quicksand will always be one of my all time favorite bands. I also have to add...I think the version of Unfulfilled on the EP kills the version on Slip. Much more aggressive. - Terry

  3. Manic Compression could've been pretty much on the same level than the 7" and Slip but the production just doesn't do it justice. I guess that's where the album's title also came from. Some other records from the same era that were recorded at Don Fury also suffer from the same syndrom (Yuppicide, Bad Trip).

  4. My god, yes, the production on the songs he did on Manic Compression kind of kills it for me. I know Don Fury did a lot for NYHC, but sometimes I wish bands would have recorded elsewhere. On Manic Compression in particular, the guitars sound pretty bad. I'm not sure what Don was going for. And I know it wasn't the band, cause the 7" and Slip sound way better/different.

  5. It took me a LOOONG time to get into Quicksand, but I gave them a chance because I love all the bands they were in pre-Quicksand. It didn't help that the first song I ever heard by them was "Hypno Jam With Dan." I think the order for me would be the 7", Manic Compression, then Slip. The two albums are probably equally good song-wise, I just listened to the second one way more.

    I contend that they were the best hard rock band of the 90s (not that the competition was very fierce), and I feel privileged to have seen them a couple times, including what was supposed to be their last show ever, in '95.

    To me, Moondog sounded more like a continuation of GB than the pre-cursor to Quicksand. Moondog was definitely a melodic hardcore band, albeit darker in tone than GB. Quicksand I would say were not a hardcore band at all, they were hard rock. They played rock music, and they played it hard. Post-hardcore merely implies that the members were playing hardcore music in previous bands.

    First band to copy Quicksand's sound = Drift Again (???)

  6. does anyone have a link to the moondog recordings?

  7. Moondog :

  8. The 7" was way better for me because of Walter's voice. It still had some of the vulnerable quality it has on the Moondog stuff where it's breaking all over the place. And more importantly, the mix and the songs focus on the vocals.

    With "Slip", it's more of a guitar record, with the focus being on guitar textures and Walter hiding a little in the mix and hanging back a little in his vocal performances.

  9. Along with Helmet and Dag Nasty, these 3 bands are (by no fault of their own) most likely responsible for changing rock music forever, and spawning (note - not producing) some of the most terrible music ever to be heard, both within counterculture and then later the mainstream.

    That aside, loved the 7in when it came out. Then I saw them. One of the most boring bands I've seen. I remember thinking 'how can these dudes play this stuff and just stand around... they are barely even moving up there'.
