Sunday, January 25, 2009

Favorite Wishingwell Records Release Poll Results

Cappo climbs out of the crowd at the Rat in Boston

It's funny, no matter how many people criticize and talk shit on Youth Of Today or Ray Cappo, they always seem to win easily in every poll we ever include them in here on DCXX. I guess the greatness of a record like "Break Down The Walls" is simply undeniable. I mean, think about it... how can you go wrong kicking an album off with a hardcore song as perfect as "Make A Change"? And "Stabbed In The Back"...I still get goose bumps when I hear it. Not that we didn't have tough competition listed, Uniform Choice "Screaming For Change" took second, BL'AST "Power Of Expression" took third, Insted "Bonds Of Friendship" took fourth and Unity "You Are One" took fifth, because absolutely every single one of these releases stand on their own with greatness. But, Youth Of Today is Youth Of Today, they are a one of a kind and they have left a mark on the hardcore scene like few bands can. Ok, enough talking about it, I've gotten myself too psyched up, now I gotta go listen to it. "Break Em' Down!" - Tim DCXX

Youth Of Today - "Break Down The Walls" : 204
Uniform Choice - "Screaming For Change" : 157
BL'AST! - "Power Of Expression" : 55
Insted - "Bonds Of Friendsship" : 36
Unity - "You Are One" : 32

Youth Of Today at the Rat in Boston


  1. x Goose Pimple x Straight Edge

  2. DC needs to ado a dedicated week of YOT posts and pics like you did with Dave Smalley.
    -Kevin Mack

  3. this poll was definetly a tough one. Uniform Choice is one of my fav as well.
    i did a tribute record for YOT on my label and i thought especially ray would ask me lots of green for it, and plus with so many bull about them by many people this past few years, i thought they would never agree to that. and when i ask ray and porcell for it, they just say, "go ahead man, do it!". people just talk bad about them and never stop, but like you said tim, Youth of Today is Youth of Today.


  4. BL'AST! kills all...

    more BL'AST!!!!!

  5. It's funny, these records are
    actually listed in their order
    of availability.

    imo YOT won because REV kept
    that record constantly in print
    over the years. The Uniform
    Choice LP was kept in print more
    or less as well while all the
    others are listed from hard to
    find to RARE.

    I own them all but the only
    one i still regularly play is
    'Screaming For Change', which i
    own in 5 different colors on
    Wishingwell and after all these
    years is still the best record
    for me.

    I'd love to see more UC on here !
    Shouldn't be too hard since some
    members AND their kids are on
    myspace these days - hint hint...

    Ed Good Life

  6. I've only heard the remixed Revelation re-release (wow, say that re times fast) of Break Down The Walls. How does it differ from the Wishingwell mix?

  7. Blast! got my vote and it was a very easy decision.

  8. Break Down The Walls probably never would have been the album that it was if Screaming For Change hadn't come first. Seriously. SFC=Best hardcore album ever.

    Plus REV needs to re-release those YOT releases with the original artwork. Those 1996 Photoshop 3 filter effects have to go.

  9. UC not winning is a travesty.

    I agree big time. I love the Uniform Choice record. It is still my favorite record from 1985-today. I heard that UC might play Liskfest this year??? Anybody know if this is true????

  10. Jake, The Wishingwell release was a little more raw and didn't have the ridiculous counting of "" at the beginning of Honesty. The Wishingwell was a far better version in my opinion, than the Rev version.

    I love all those Wishingwell releases. I think the Unity record was my favorite overall, with Blast coming in a close second. The thing is, these were all GREAT bands and they were all great records.
