Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Joe Nelson Fights The (White) Power

Joe Nelson contiunes with part II of the Orange County White Power saga.

I really didn't think this needed clarifying, but in light of some comments to Part I, let me be very clear: Double Cross and Joe Nelson are not down with any racist movement or ideology, we think it sucks. In publishing these tales, we are letting Joe take us to a time and place in hardcore where this shit creeped up. The below images are examples of the stuff that was circulating by WP types in the hardcore scene. I can't believe I have to actually clarify this, but: WE DO NOT SUPPORT THESE VIEWS.

Thanks and enjoy... -Gordo DCXX

You Tube footage of the Geraldo brawl

Things were quiet on the Western Front for a while. The Nazi skins were not seen anywhere really except on the occasional Donahue or Morton Downey Jr. show. They also gained international notoriety with the infamous "Geraldo Brawl", where John Metzger and a couple buddies ended up in an all out fight with security and other Geraldo guests. During the fight Geraldo had his nose busted by a flying chair. They were now at the peak of their fame, the absolute pinnacle.

I started to think that maybe with all this new found national media attention they weren't as interested in the occasional Aggression or Battalion of Saints show. All the better, I rationalized. I had my 2 stickers, which was 2 more then I had ever hoped for anyway. A lot of us started to grow our hair out as well. The last thing we wanted, especially with the Nazis infiltrating the suburban airwaves, was to be mistaken for one of them at the mall or something.

Around my town of Huntington Beach, a couple of pretenders to the Aryan throne did arise. There were gangs with names like SFU, which is perhaps the most original gang name ever, since every city has at least 3 under the same name, and the Huntington Beach Skins. They weren't as organized though as the Metzger gangs. To me they seemed like amateur hour. I mean for Christ's Sake, they didn't even have any stickers to hand out. How the hell can you run a racist group without stickers?

Then the "Battle of St. Simon Jude Fair" happened. In fairness to the WAR and AYM skins, the H.B. Skins were very minor league, especially for a White Pride/Power type outfit. After all, their leader was a Hispanic kid, and one of the number ones was a Jewish dude, who had a swastika tattoo, and was nicknamed "Cornball". With people like that running the gang it was obvious they would self implode before ever being a real threat to us.

Skinheads on the prowl, Photo: Ken Salerno

However, on a fall night there they were en masse at the annual St. Simon Jude Fair. The kids I ran with were called the O.C. Sloth Crew, and we were considered a gang by some as well. So the fact that we were there at the church fair too meant that there were now 2 local gangs in the same motherfucking place, at the same motherfucking time. It was only a matter of a word or look being thrown before there was an all out brawl happening in the parking lot.

It wasn't even much of a fight, but being boring ass Orange County, where it took place, the local paper reported on it. My friends and I also now had an enemy, but not the one we really coveted, not the real Nazi Skins. It did mean however that we would get to spar with these fucks for a while. It meant we were now able to get some real combat training under our belt. After all, we knew the other skinhead gangs were practicing daily on the lone gay kid, or maybe even if they had a good day, hit the mother lode per se, the occasional single suburban black kid. At least we wouldn't be completely rusty if we ever came across the menace again.

I also started to hear from agents around the country that there were similar problems happening with bush league skinhead gangs. While I was traveling I ended up encountering one of them in Allentown, PA at a Gorilla Biscuits, Insted, No For An Answer, Beyond show. I also heard a tale of Pat Dubar of Uniform Choice fighting off all the Dallas Nazis armed with nothing more then a Gatorade bottle. The menace was indeed national, and infesting the hardcore community everywhere.

The hardcore community retaliated of course, in the BEST way it knew how too...by writing a series of anti-racism songs, and printing shirts that said things like "Fuck Racism". Wow, that will really show em'! I'm sure when the Germans were bombing London on a daily basis, Churchill thought, "My God, if only I can find a great mosh part for this song I'll have the bastards right where I want them." I knew better. I knew that the only thing the Nazis would ever understand was direct violent retaliation. After all, in a war, which this indeed was, you can't sing your way to victory.

D-Day came. It didn't happen on the Normandy Coast though. No, this D-Day occurred at the County Club in Reseda, CA. It was actually the last place I thought I'd ever see The King Of The Skins, and his cronies at. They seemed to be a primary San Bernardino or San Diego County based army. Reseda was Northern Los Angeles, and it was our turf...well, at least the clubs were. At first nobody really cared that they were even there. A couple of kids from another skinhead type group who called themselves S.H.A.R.P., (Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice) were making a huge fuss about the Nazi presence in the parking lot. They were almost more annoying to me then the Aryans. At least with the WAR/AYM people you knew where they stood, no matter how twisted and perverted their beliefs were. The S.H.A.R.P.'s only stood for a haircut. They were ludicrous human beings really. I remember the argument outside we had with the S.H.A.R.P. leader.

"We have to do something about it," he cried. "They can't be here, we need to team up and stand up to them!"

In my General Patton moment I retorted with "Fuck Off, maybe we should just team up with them and kick you and your communist nerd friends' asses instead."

The S.H.A.R.P. leader babbled on for a while about their tradition, and something about how the "Skinhead" look came from Jamaican Moonstompers in the late 60s...I eventually turned to him and said "Jesus Christ are you still talking to me about this?" Inside I knew though that the little moonstomper was right. Today was the day, and they would probably have to help us rid the punk world of the scum once and for all.

Once inside the club I approached my "friend" David and his gang. I figured I'd determine how many there were, and at the least get another sticker for my collection from them. At first he didn't even recognize me, since my hair was now grown out. He introduced me to his girlfriend, who called herself "Eva Braun" if you can believe it. She actually had a couple of cuter girls with her, which was about as shocking a thing you could find at a show in those days. Nazis at shows Sieg Heiling the bands all night was commonplace, but one cute girl? No fucking way. That just didn't happen.

Sarcastically I asked if they had any new stickers, and to my surprise, Eva Braun handed me one that had what I imagine was the Aryan idea of a dream girl, a full figured blonde holding an M16. It had a message as well stating something like "My man is a real racist..Is yours a wimp?" Some gibberish like that.

"Rad...thanks" I said.

I returned back to base, and reported on the numbers of the enemy. Twenty maybe? Weapons? None I could see. We talked for a while about the best strategy to attack them, and concluded we didn't really have one, and that it was weird to just attack somebody first without being attacked. "Fuck, we suck" I said, "We've waited for this day, and now that it's here...we don't even really care. Oh well."

Then out of the blue and from the Country Club stage came Big Boss, a rock of a man, who I'd watch fight everybody throughout the years, and never come close to losing. He was a legend, and one of our greatest allies in the scene. Behind Big Boss stood the Chorus of Disapproval guys, including our very own "Street" Regis Guerin. Big Boss was shouting at the Nazis, who in between my undercover mission and failed strategy summit had started sieg heiling. There wasn't even a band playing yet either. They were just Sieg Heiling the empty stage. Obviously they'd gone completely mad, and Big Boss was not going to have it. Not tonight. It was ON!

Frank and crew charged the Nazi skins from the front swinging at all of them wildly, and we immediately attacked their left flank from our position, and when we met in the middle it was a full on war. Guys picked up chairs and started bashing the Aryan Warriors with them. Big Boss was dropping 2 - 3 of them at a time, while the tougher dudes from our platoon like Scott Sundahl, Brett Page, and Greg Brown were head butting them and doing wild WWF type maneuvers off the tables into them. Together we pushed them into the streets of Reseda, and the battle continued out there.

Somewhere in the melee the S.H.A.R.P, skins joined up increasing our number to an overwhelming majority. The Nazis were falling in heaps left and right. They were getting brutalized. They were done. I watched David flee in terror, nose bloodied, into an alley. If he had a slingshot to hurl at us it never materialized. It would be the last I ever saw of him. Some of his followers held their ground a while longer, but eventually succumbed to the constant assault of fists and feet. As they all retreated, somebody from our side screamed, "You thought Hitler was cool? That's what you get."

It was over. We had won. The Nazis were never seen at a show I attended ever again. Eventually after a series of betrayals, the entire Metzger organization collapsed, ending with a crushing defeat inside a Portland, OR civil courtroom in a wrongful death suit. As for me? WelI I ended up going home after the show with one of Eva Braun's friends who had stayed behind. I guess I felt that a true warrior gets to take the losing armies one cute woman with him. I mean that's what Genghis Kahn would have done, right?

I remember back at this girl's house hung a full on Nazi flag, a collection of 45's from the English Nazi Rock band Skrewdriver, and on her bedside table an 8 X 10 of a smiling Tom Metzger, displayed proudly like one would a boyfriend. As I lay there in her bed staring at this creepy picture, trying not to think of the "father" issues she obviously had, and reflecting on the war which had just been waged, I said to myself, "one day I need to talk to this fucker, this Tom Metzger, and get some answers as to what happened here, during this time in our lives". In the year 2002 I would finally get that chance, and although no real answers came from our discussion, I did get a funny fake Christmas card out of it.

The Skinhead salute, Photo: Ken Salerno


  1. Probably the best story yet. That shit was entertaining.

  2. By far the best story on this site yet.

  3. Not digging the "sleeping with a Nazi chick" part, but pretty awesome story otherwise!

  4. That GB show was actually in Bethlehem at a club called Wally's. I think.

    The best part of the story is the sleeping with the nazi chick part

    -Kevin Mack

  5. oh...and that Gb show was one of my fav shows of all time.


  6. Nazi boosh is still boosh. Boning a Nazi might not be so bad.

    Once you sieg heil, you never fail.

  7. Digging the "sleeping with a nazi chick" part. I used to bang a girl who had worked for Resistance Records ha.

  8. I especially like the bit where he gets the spoils of war with the nazi chick. It's cool as long as she doesn't make you dress up as hitler or something.

  9. I remember that. Being 14 and very small at the time, I opted to stand on a table and watch, rather than get killed. (honestly the sight of Big Frank yelling at anybody was a good sign to stand back) That brawl was just one of the gnarly things you get to witness or be a part of when you're 14 at a show in fucking shit hole Reseda. If I remember right, the biggest skinhead dude in the middle of the floor was taunting Big Frank (while Carry Nation was on stage) with sig heils and that's when Frank lost it. I remember Chorus and Sloth joining in. (although I don't think I saw the Ugly Stick in action)
    As far as sleeping with the enemy, it's like I said after part one: "throw the Skins off the pier, then tool their chicks"
    FSU, Cornball and Pee-Wee. Fucking cartoon characters.

  10. Oh yeah Joe, because of you dicks hosing those guys all the time, guess who they frequently tried to recruit or take it out on?! Us younger dudes hahahaha!

  11. 'How the hell can you run a racist group without stickers'?

    Awesome story thats made my day, been waiting a while for the part 2!

  12. I love the title of this story...so how many of the White Power Skinheads did you hit Joe? Sounds like you just sat around and watched and if the White Power dudes had won, maybe you'd be celebrating with them and their women.

  13. joe likes to bang!!!

  14. Sorry, not feeling it. I know it's just one big joke, but I just don't get it. Once you know someone who has been beat up VERY badly by skins the stickers and framed photos of Metzger lose their humor. Guess, it's just me...

  15. Once you get a nazi girl in the sack, you never go back. Hilarious story!

  16. Well worth the wait The two lines that made me lol are

    "Nazis at shows Sieg Heiling the bands all night was commonplace, but one cute girl? No fucking way. That just didn't happen"


    "As they all retreated, somebody from our side screamed, "You thought Hitler was cool? That's what you get."

    Great stuff

  17. Neckdeep you're right. It's just you.

  18. Neckdeep, please lighten up. I myself and 2 friends were beaten badly by 3 carloads (yes 3 carloads, I counted as they drove by sig heiling us after the SSJ Fair)of Peni Skins. We all had holes and cuts from rings and concussions, I was knocked out for roughly 10 seconds or so to wake up with boots flying in my face. And I still think it's funny and entertaining. Many other people have had similar or worse encounters, but it's still an entertaining story, and that's the point.

  19. A couple of quick things.

    1) I as going to leave out the whole Nazi chick part, but I couldnt think of a way to tie back in the Tom Metzger joke Christmas card, which belive it or not was the whole point of the telling the story. Therefore it is what it is. I also didnt mention that I stole her Skrewdriver 45's the next day, along with a collection of white power comic books called "Eric Thompson All American Youth"

    2) That show was in Bethleham at Wally's.

    3) The funniest Nazi / Straight Edge kid fight story I've ever heard happened on the Huntington Beach Pier between whomever and Matt Enright, Chris Lisk, and others. Enright threw the Nazi Skins off the pier into the water. As they were all treading water in the dark they kept sieg heiling and yelling white power gibberish back at the straight edge kids. Fader you probably were there and know it better then I do.

    4) Neckdeep sorry your friend got beat up. join the club. I took 10 stiches to the chin, and a broken nose from some skinhead hitting me with a crowbar once. I know I'm not alone in those kinds of beatings either. It's just how it was back then I guess.


  20. did she have her vag shaved like the hitler mustache????

    sorry, i had to ask.

  21. So Joe Nelson you never answered the questions from the 1st part of this story. Did you own Skrewdriver records, and if the answer is yes, how can you not also be a little bit of a racist too?

  22. "The kids I ran with were called the O.C. Sloth Crew, and we were considered a gang by some as well." - Now that's hilarious!

  23. Considering he just commented that he "stole her Skrewdriver 45s the next day", that would be a yes to the question if he owned them or not.
    Bill, in HB the cops considered Straight Edge a gang, and we routinely got written into the "gang file" and checked for our tattoos, etc.
    Joe, nope I just missed the fight on the pier by 20 minutes or so, I was doing something stupid with my girlfriend, but I do know some of our non-edge friends were there and joined in with burning the skins with their cigarettes just before getting thrown overboard.

  24. This story along with the other one about White Power people makes me really uneasy. I have no idea why people find these people humorous. Hopefully D.C. will stick to straight edge topics in the future, and not discuss these people. Just my 2 cents

  25. DCXXX should definitely NOT stick to only SXE topics. This and the Doggy Style post are 2 of the all-time greats.

    While many racists own Skrewdriver records, owning them doesn't make one a racist. See where your logic is wrong?

    Lighten up.

  26. If you would read further you would realize that "white power groups" were a huge part of what Straight Edge and punk people were resisting during that time period. Just like drugs, alcohol, gangs, police authority, shitty parents, etc. In the '90's these fucks were just as big a problem as those other topics, so discussing it here fits right in.

  27. Anonymous what makes me uneasy is how many times you used the word "people" in your comment

  28. oops I meant XXXTMACXXX Aka Anonymous with a fake name!

  29. Nelson I remember that Country Club fight you were hiding in your moms vagina the whole time. BWAAA HAAA HAAAA HAA!

  30. A couple more points since theres obviously a nerd alert on this thread

    1) I did hide in my moms vagina. I forgot about that part.

    2) As far as the Skrewdriver stuff goes. I owned all the Skrewdriver stuff along with about 2000 other records. Unlike about 1400 of the other records though I actually listened to the Skrewdriver stuff sometimes. I also have read Mein Kampf, and The Turner Diaries and still never have considered myself even close to a racist. I also have read The Satanic Bilble, and The Book Of Mormon, but dont consider myself a Mormon or Satanist either.....WEIRD HUH??

    However what I do know that while living in an apartment in 1996 or 1997 a water radiator broke and ruined almost all my 7 inches. including, 10 Project X 7"s 4 - 5 copies of all the early Rev and Dischord stuff. 2 - 3 copies of all the Misfits stuff, and on and on and on.. The only thing that was spared were the Skrewdriver 7 inches... NO JOKE. What I learned from that lesson was that while I am not a racist God obviously is, and on top of that he HATES STRAIGHT EDGE KIDS!

  31. Such a great story. My favorite part is the hardcore community responded in the best way it knew how by writing a series of anti-racism songs. Ha Ha Ha Ha. How true is that statement? Too funny. Good work D.C.

  32. What show was it at the Country Club????

  33. I have to agree with Neckdeep, Simon, and a few others in saying there is "no good side to this white power scene". I dont find this stuff funny, or entertaining in the least. I'm not talking bad about Joe Nelson, but I would have prefered a story on Insted, Chain, or Bold from him rather then people who if they had their way would rid the world of minorities. At least I take it there's no Part 3?

    I'm also hopping ROA starts contributing more. His story on Curtis is so far my favorite part of DxCx Please dont take this as "talking shit". I just read this blog a lot and want it to focus more on bands that we all can get behind, and not stuff that divides opinions.

  34. The banging the Nazi chick at the end kinda bothered me at first, but if put in the same scenario as a teen, I'd probably have done the same thing.

    I can understand people being uneasy about this whole story. But I think that stories like this are vital. If this stuff goes untalked about, it's opening the door for it to come right back.

    Also, if all this site talked about was being edge and edge bands, it'd get boring quick. The variety of coverage is what makes this site one that you can keep coming back to.

  35. I agree. I thought after we overwhelmingly asked Double Cross to not support anymore of this Nazi shit they wouldn't have posted another story about this scum. Maybe they should have read the comments from their readers first next time

  36. I sure hope you've got a damn good paternity lawyer on retainer.

  37. I found the "gang" comment funny! I know Joe and the Sloth guys. I always thought they were a bunch of clowns. And I mean clowns in a good way, not a put down.

  38. Here's the problem I have. As a father of 2 boys 1 age 14 the other 11 I've had a good time lately showing them what my life was like as a youngster via this blog. I'm hoping that some of the straight edge stuff sticks with them of course so they'll lead productive lives as men, and to show them that their old man was pretty cool back in the day.

    However I don't want them reading this crap at all. Now I feel I have to monitor this site because who knows what the next thing might be. Already I'd be fearful that they'd come curious about nazi's and Skrewdriver, that they'd hear all about sex at way to young of an age, that there's profanity strewn about for them to read, and all from this story.

    Please Double Cross keep in mind how easy it is for children to access the internet these days, and how we all have a responisbility to protect them from, well , stuff that is in this article.


  39. Mr. Edge I think your kids could read this blog for the rest of time and you'd still be a total fucking dork in their eyes.

  40. WOW. Fucking amazing. It's called LIFE. Some people live it, some people hide from it. There are so many wild stories that can be told, this blog is the LEAST of what you all should worry about. Ever walked outside? Or watched a movie? Or the News? Joe is telling stories of what a large group of Hardcore kids had to go through for many years and it is totally relevant to Hardcore and Straight Edge because it's something we were forced to fight and resist every fucking week while those dicks were around and showing up in numbers to Hardcore shows. Just like anything else on the entire planet, YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ IT, but it is the truth and part of our many memories of being a Hardcore kid.

  41. Hey motherfucker don't you dare attack my kids. Takes a real man to talk shit as an anonymous person on a website huh? You fucking pussy.

  42. I'm not talking to you Sfader.. I'm addressing the PUSSY hiding under the anonymus monicker

  43. Wow, everybody needs to chill out and get real lives I think.

  44. Mr. Edge chill out. I was making fun of you not your kids.

  45. I know dude. Trust me, I know what it's like with the kids. I have a 15 year old step-son. Luckily my chick and I are the "cool parents" of the neighborhood.

  46. When I was 14 I was watching Toxic Avenger and listening to Martha Splatterhead everyday after school.

    Plus my ninth grade teacher made us write book reports on the Holocaust as well.

  47. Do you guys READ these articles before posting comments?

    Comments about DCXXX "supporting" this Nazi scum and being a bad influence are totally skewing what this post was about.

    Joe's entire story was about how WP Skins got beat up BECAUSE they were WP Skins. Nothing about Joe's story supports them or their views. I'd say it COMPLETELY DISCOURAGES one from becoming WP. Sure, he banged the girl, but that's hardly support or encouragement.

    Should we omit discussing Hitler's views when studying WWII? That's basically your argument.

  48. I just want to type something to say I typed something

  49. I think what irks me is that even though we all know that d.c. does not support racism this story glorifies these creeps. Now there's a father on here who's upset that his kids can't read this because of this irrespobsible content.
    This site is suppose to be for straight edge only, yet we're now devoting time to white power skins?

    See where I'm going with this?

    Everyone makes mistakes I'm chalking this one up to a lesson learned to joe nelson and the double cross team. Some things ARE off limits.


  50. There NO WAY that last comment is real. About Straight Edge ONLY?? Start looking back at all the posts and interviews and stories. Count how many are by people who are not Edge and never were. Come on!
    HR???!!! You think THAT guy was or is Edge? You think the majority of interviewees are even Edge anymore??!!
    Think again. You are as ignorant as the skinheads.

  51. Balls deep in nazi meat.

  52. My goal with Double Cross has always been to document the hardcore experience. In the late 80's, as unfortunate as it was, white power skinheads were a big part of the scene. I lived it and it sucked, but truth of the matter is that it existed.

    Joe's story is both entertaining and historical because it documents what was happening in the scene at that specific time. At no point does Joe ever seem to glorify anything these people were doing. If anything, he's made complete fools of them and talked about the actions that were taken against them.

    Sorry if these two entries have bummed anyone out, that was NEVER the goal. Well, maybe bumming out a few nazis would be fine, but other than that, it was just supposed to be an entertaining look back at something that was happening at the same shows bands like Youth Of Today were playing.

    Thanks to Joe as always.

  53. "Joe's story is both entertaining and historical because it documents what was happening in the scene at that specific time. At no point does Joe ever seem to glorify anything these people were doing. If anything, he's made complete fools of them and talked about the actions that were taken against them. "

    I couldn't agree more with this. Anyone who doesn't like what D.C. is doing with these blog entries needs to stop bitching. Start your own blog. Conduct your own interviews and get the info you wanna know about your favorite bands... As far me, I'll sit back and enjoy all the work that the D.C. contributers do. Keep up the good work! reading the blog is one of the high lights of my day.

  54. Back with a bang!!!! Love this story

  55. I cant believe half these posts are real. I thought the story was great and super funny. It's hard to find humor in something like that, and Joe Nelson really pulled it off.

  56. Hi dad. Mom wanted me to tell you that the check bounced again and to only send money orders from now on.

  57. Some people can be sxe forever and they can listen to best music ever, but they would still be a losers for not getting a simple message: these people are not glorifying boneheads, they just write about what happened (it still happens sometimes/somewhere).
    If you don't know, or don't wanna know a dark part of the scene, I guess you just never were part of it.

    Anyway, both parts of this story are great (except Joe's view on sharp).

    Anyone noticed Brendan SFA on this video?

  58. To clarify, my comment was just saying the banging the Nazi chick part was lame. That's all.
    I, too, have read the Book of Mormon, various fascist texts - actually, in college! Shock.
    As someone who grew up in the 90s, and didn't get active in hardcore until post-2000, I'm glad that I can find some real, verifiable stories about how WP was part of the scene, what people thought of them, and (the best part) how they got their asses kicked.
    So, I think this is pretty valuable stuff.

    To the dude with kids: I think it's rad you're introducing your children to hardcore and straight edge stuff. However, you have to realize that they are probably the only people under 16 (or 18, maybe) reading this blog. Can't you just be more selective? I mean, even Youth of Today throws the f-word around. It comes with the territory. There's plenty of software to restrict their internet browsing; if you're concerned, I'd suggest installing it. Simply put, it's not for kids. If your kids can enjoy it, awesome, but please. 95% of people reading this are adult men.

  59. Just so everyone knows the Nazi Skins didn't die at the end of the 1980'. Ever seen a little movie called American History X?

  60. Of course the Nazi skins didn't die at the end of the 80's. In fact, there are WAY more Nazi skins and WP sects now than there were in the late 80's. Just go to splcenter.org, who monitors US hate activity and check out their hate group map, which documents racist movements and watch it grow every year. The combination of current events and the internet are major contributors to WP growth, and that's why everyone needs to be aware of how dangerous (and ridiculous) these groups are.

  61. Balls slap where nazis crap.

  62. yeah good story and all, but was it worth 60+ comments? what needed to be said has been said.

    peace out.

  63. A couple things:

    1) Going balls deep with the nazi broad was great. Is she on myspace?

    2) Any chance that this "Country Club" show was the GBH and XChorusX show? If so, I was at that.

  64. Dude, if the nazi broad is still alive, she's like 40 and looks 60 now.

  65. What do you do if you are dating a girl who is rad then gets that gawd awful skin chick haircut while you are working out of town, and is all about white power and hatred? Dunno, but b@*ging her was nice and rough. Mid sesh one time I admitted to her I was Jewish, SHE WENT OFF!!! Slapping me around, pulling my hair, spitting on me, hottest S-E-X, (cool Mr. Edge?) EVER!!! She was screaming, "I CANT BELIEVE I HAVE BEEN F*&$ING A DIRTY JEW AND LOVING IT, GROSS!!! It was hilarious to me. We broke up obviously not long after. She is happily married and living in Texas, to black fella. Weird how life works.

    Joe, good story. I was there, I clobbered one pinner skin kid. I'm glad you stuck it to her, rep it for OC!

    I think this is a hardcore site and we all have had our share of nazi scumbags trying to ruin our scene.

    Very relevant post.

    Love always, Katon.

  66. I've known a few white racist types from back in the day who ended up with black chicks. Life's funny.

  67. Honey, get off the computer and come watch Desperate Housewives with me.

  68. So if this is open to to posting about, will there be an entry about "gay bashing" next. I'm pretty sure we all remember some of Raybies rants among others. And yes I know different times, different way of life.

  69. Toasting in epic bread!

    Is that Katon from Hirax?

  70. I was there alongside Joe and Sean Fader for this story. It was spectacular. Although Joe missed one of the great side notes...As the fight got rolling pretty good, the bouncers got scared and leaned over thier protective baracade and sprayed mace into the crowd. Unfortunaly for them, they hit a lot of the good guys. After the nazis were chased out, Scott Sundahl, Brett Paige, Greg Brown, and a few others turned to the bouncers. These Roid Boys could not apologize fast enough and promised not to do it again, then hid. It was hilarious watching 3 or 4 of the Sloth Crew back the eniter Event Staff Security into the corner and scare the piss out of them.

    This was a good time to be in the scene. Great music, great shows, and some life long friendships. But we also did have a few of these scraps. There was a reason that most of us came to shows with mouthpieces...

    One last big PS...I think it has been covered, but I have known Joe a long time, and there is no question he is not a racist. He is a joker and a clown, but not a racist. I actually owned, dare I say, a Jimi Hendricks album. It didn't make me black. Good times Joe. Keep the stories coming.

  71. I've known Joe for 30 (that's right, 30) years. He's not now nor has he ever been a racist or into WP. That is all.

  72. DC- GREAT JOB!! This post has brought some really great characters out of hiding. Doc!!? Katon!!! Fucking awesome.

  73. Doc,

    I forgot about the mace part... shit that was a huge part of that brawl too. For some reason I thought that was another fight.. Oh well..I remember it made me throw up like 3 or 4 times cause it stung my throat so bad.


    Since the Skrewdriver stuff became an "issue" for some . One of my favorite Zeds moments was buying a Skrewdriver LP there, and as you rang it up you just shook your head like a disapproving father would. I was like "I know....I KNOW....but even Big Daryl (rip) listens to Skrewdriver sometimes"

    Anyway good seeing you on here. Katon stories would be ammmazzzing some day to read here.. Hirax at Fenders = always a great time.

    Rest of you dudes have a good weekend and keep your kids away from this blog for fucks sake!

  74. Not sure if this is the same show or one soon after...But I do remeber hanging out with the gentlemen from Sick of It All and getting the word that there was going to be some shit with the Nazi youth, in fact it was some of the old Suicidal and Excel boys, and they wanted to make sure that we were into taking care of business. Then in the middle of SOIA set Lou says "This is for my friends from Excel...It's clobbering time" And they go into the song. And everyone piled on the Nazi kids. The song was a great soundtrack...The best part was Daryl (or Tiny as he was known. And for those that dont know, Tiny was the largest Shaq sized black man I have ever seen). He was standing on the edge of the stage on a half riser deal so his waist was at everyones eye level. Nazis would rush him and he would pivot and throw these ham sized mits of his at thier heads. You could actually hear the impact over the music. Bam! Nazi drops...(pivot) Bam! Nazi goes backwards...(pivot) Bam! Nazi goes flying into two other nazis. It was like a cartoon. Fucking hilarious. Daryl is dead now, but that is the way I like to remember him.

    It has been a long time since I thought about this stuff and I hope Joe, Billy, Sean Fader, Big Frank, and anyone else with a good story can share it. Its fun to remember these things...Keep up the good work.

  75. Nelson you're a pretty funny fucking dude.

  76. Katon=Jewish?

    Just goes to show you that you either do not actually read or are THAT stupid.

    Katon=Sammy Davis Jr.

    Sloth Crew is washed up.


  77. huh? What is your post in reference too? Katon is Jewish?

  78. Kinda funny, but kinda weak because it seems that you were just young and confused enough to have gone either way had the circumstances been different. It's good that you went the way you did...

  79. Jesus Fucking Christ. I'm keeping it brief. This is for all and only those commenters who have managed to take offense to this story.

    Nelson isn't entirely correct when he says the Skinheads disappeared from the scene. They were back around again in the 90s but never in any serious organized way at shows. Just small little crews. So we got into fights with them rarely.

    But, what we did have, who I think are far worse than the damn skin heads, were stupid fucking HARDLINE edge geeks. And that's who you fuckers, who take offense to this story and who want this to be a EDGE PURE RACE blog remind me of. The Nazis and their aryan blood, and you hardline geeks and your vegan edge blood. And boo hoo to the coward dad who hasn't figured out how to tell the truth to his kids without wanting to send them into the world blind.

    But these new edge, edge only, take offense to reality commenters: you make me sick. Your devotion and purity is religious extremism, and it is exactly why you don't know how to find something as normal and real and historical like getting in fights with skinheads as relevant to straight edge history. Ever heard of the fucking bad brains. DO you have any idea what their tours were like. Your ideas are rigid; you live your life with bull shit rules, and you feel offended by anything that doesn't fit into your rigidity. It's sickening, pathetic, and mindless, and requires a lazy mind. All you have is a pathetic identity you call straight edge, but in reality, you'd be better off being a nazi, or a christian fundamentalist. Extremism is extremism.

    Again, this is directed at the rigid rejects who took offense to this story. You're embarrassing, fill me with shivers of embarrassment, and would make some great cops, you fucking pigs.

    -but still, I'm just sayin

  80. That was brief?

  81. Emil, how do you figure the dude was wavering on being a white power skin or not? All he does is make fun of them in that post

  82. "But still, I'm just sayin'"!!!!

    I hope that's Lispi.

  83. This needs a 15 minute movie adaption.

  84. I haven't bought a straightedge 7" since Crucial Youth released their Christmas album on red vinyl. I am still a vegan (almost 20 years), I still wear Champion Hoodies, I own a Swatch 'X' watch, and I think Insted is one of the best bands ever.

    However, I have also learned to accept other's beliefs. So if you are a Nazi skinhead who smokes crystal meth. and wants to have an intelligent conversation with me, I'm all ears. Some of the literature I have read regarding skinhead beliefs made some sense to me. Just as my beliefs probably make sense to skinheads.

    Let's use this blog to better understand each other and quit bashing the skins for their beliefs. How would you like it if a Nazi Skinhead blog said bad things about us?

    AS far as this Joe Nelson guy is concerned, anyone who would have their photo taken with a guy like Metzger would have to be involved in the Skinhead movement in one way or the other. You would also have to have credentials within the orgainization to even be that close to the guy. So don't be fooled, Joe Nelson is/was a Nazi Skinhead.

  85. All of you need a beer.

  86. Here's what I'll say about Nelson, and guys who know/knew him know this. Dude has a LOUD mouth, likes to start trouble, get's inured it seems like once a week (or use too. anyone seen the wall video?. go to You Tube type in Joe Nelson Running Into A Wall), is NOT straight edge, and goes through girls at an alarming rate.

    He's also very average at Basketball, skating, surfing, writing, and very BELOW average as a hardcore singer. Yet he has an attitude like he's better than everyone else. WTF is that?

    I like Nelson, but I'm just sayin

  87. Ok the you tube thing is pretty brutal. is that him?

  88. The only thing that would've made this story better is if the Sloth Crew had beaten the shit out of the nazi chicks as well.

  89. Is it just me or is everyone else sick of Joe Nelson stories?


  91. Is there a Part 3 coming soon to this? or is that the end?

  92. Part 3? Why would there be a Part 3 to this? Are you fucking retarded?

  93. I could go for a more detailed account of Nelson throwing the dick into the nazi.

  94. I could go for a more detailed account of why there are 95 fucking comments on this story. That has to be a record for this blog right?

  95. Fuck You! That's My Name!February 6, 2009 at 9:36 AM

    God I really hate 90% of the people who read this blog. What a bunch of total FAGS you dudes are with your comments. Especially "Josh".Why dont you go suck Joe Nelsons dick and get it over with you pansy dick rider. Joe Nelson you're a loser too with your glory day 80's stories. Nobody cares!!!

  96. I could also go for a more detailed account of Nelson throwing the dick into Fuck You! That's My Name!'s wife.

  97. Fuck You! Thats My Name!February 6, 2009 at 3:35 PM

    Yeah RIGHT!!! Project X's very own Kid Hard huh? My guess is it's either Josh, or Jake Jacobs in disguise. Either way you dudes are faggots, posing as fakes cause you're too scared of my wrath to come at me straight. So go Wig Oot on that beeeyyaaaaatccch!

  98. Jesus Christ I can't believe there are this many comments after this story. Has the whole world gone crazy? Am I the only one who gives a shit about the rules?

    Seriously though.. Kid Hard? Fuck You Thats My Name? How old are you dudes? I get the idiot shivers just glancing at your comments.

    I'm with Nyhus I think you dudes need to all start drinking, and drinking a lot!

  99. Fuck You! Thats My Name!February 6, 2009 at 4:31 PM

    Hey Joe "THE FAGGOT" Nelson I get the idiot shivers looking at your moms face..

    HOOOoooooooo HAAAAAAA!!!!!

    How do you like them apples you candy ass BEEYYYYYAAATCCHHHH?????

    Now go write me another boring story about the 80's punk!

  100. Squirt some KY on me if you're gonna strictly bang the OC virgins, ya nut.

  101. I could also go for a more detailed account of Nelson throwing the dick into katieFebruary 6, 2009 at 6:39 PM

    XXX Kid Hard XXX

  102. Reading these comments more than a year after I read the original blog entry has me ROLLING! Absolutely fucking amazing.

    Joe's entries are classic. He's not the best writer, but his attention to detail is unparalelled on this site and the stories are fucking hilarious! More from Joe, please.

  103. First of all, there never was and never will be anything "street" about Regis "Babyface" Guerin

    Second, all HB clique kids of the time (and still to this day I'm sure) were just as bad as any nazi idiots. They were all a bunch of douchey elitist kids. FSU was the same as Sloth Crew was the same as HB Skins, I mean, they all occupied the same city for christ's sake. A bunch of morons from a middle class beach city shouting slogans and following blindly...didn't matter if they were following racist ideals or the fake posi spew of Ray Cappo, they all were misguided and dumb

    Third, Joe Nelson is just a dunce (I mean, look at that terrible "rock star" photo on the back of the Triggerman CD...'nuff said). I can't believe that in this day and age this guy found a voice and people are following it. Sad.

    Fourth, if you people are so desperate for back in the day hardcore stories how about the one where Zack De La Rocha (The originator of rich kid hardcore from Irvine) talked Mike Rosas from Heafirst into playing in Inside Out and then stole riffs from him that ended up on the first Rage Against The Machine record? Or how about Zach stealing the name Rage Against The Machine from Gorilla Biscuits. Look it up, it's documented on the old In Effect video. The Machine was gonna be the name of the unreleased GB record and Rage against the machine was a lyric from one of the songs. Zach is a thief...How's that for some OG OC bullshit.

    Just let the past go, people. There is nothing special about a bunch of suburban dorks making crappy music from an era that was defined by all the sXe heroes coming clean years later talking about how they were high most of the time or experimenting with drugs during their "straight" years. And don't even get me started on 90's Christian "Spirit filled hardcore". Seriously, don't even think about it. OC SUCKS!

  104. Who the fuck buys skrewdriver records and keeps them unless they are into them? Would you waste money on that shit if you didn't really want it?
    I've heard this argument before: "I'm not into it, I just think it's funny." Funny? Hatred and racists views aren't funny and they aren't posi so if that's the excuse then try another one. Also, if the records aren't bad enough, the whole "sleeping with a nazi chick" speaks to this jerk's true character. I like how he thinks it's ok, but just comes off sleazy. I thought casual sex wasn't allowed according to youth crew guidelines. What next, are you gonna tell us that you weren't really vegetarian? (gasp)
    This guy is a mixed up idiot...but he is from HB so that explains a lot.

    True 'til 21

  105. joe nelson is a butthole
