Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I got involved in the Orange County, California hardcore scene in 1990 by accident. My brother wanted me to go to this show at the Reseda Country Club. The bill was Judge, Carry Nation, Walk Proud and Farside. There may have been another band… Quicksand might have even been scheduled to play… that was 21 years ago now so it's hard to remember.

Anyway, I went to that show and I kept going to shows. Even now, while sporadic, I still go to shows. However, the majority of my friends from the height of my show going days are still the people I spend the majority of my free time with. That to me is what's most important about this unique scene. My major involvement with hardcore was from 1990-1997. That is the time period that is chronicled in the documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER.

The reason for making this film isn't to say one period of music was better or more important than another. Rather, I think my friends did some stuff, musically or otherwise, that was important and special. And because these people are my friends that's why I wanted to make this film. I hope you enjoy this clip and I hope that makes you want to see the full film (it is completed!) which should be screening somewhere near you, in some way, very soon.

The above video is from the first 7 minutes of ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER.

- Evan Jacobs


  1. Are there any good bands in your film?

  2. Anonymous... by "good bands", are you trying to say Uniform Choice is not one? Inside Out, Carry Nation, Judge... none of those float your boat either? Very interesting Mr. Anonymous, very interesting.

  3. Cant wait to see the whole movie! Great work Evan!

    Did something happen???

  4. A 90's documentary without Earth Crisis?, or Snapcase? PASS!!!

  5. Looks good, definitely want to see the rest.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. A few things...

    - No Earth Crisis or Snapcase because....IT IS A FUCKING CALIFORNIA HC DOCUMENTARY!

    - There are GREAT bands in this film.

    - I will buy the dvd as soon as it comes out.

    - I wish someone would do this for NYHC.


  8. It is simply amazing that a few people here have written such utter garbage about what was the absolute height of HC in CA. I was there before this, and after... and no... Earth Crisis was not part of this scene. Bless their tattooed heads.

    There is no reason to expect an OCHC film to even mention the east coast, or midwest, but at least he does these other scenes justice by providing the larger context. Just be stoked that this guy has put the film together... the more the better. Maybe someone will make a Snapcase documentary? Of course, I'd rather see a docudrama about Chi Pigs's asshole than a film about Earth Crisis or Snapcase.

  9. just curious.if this is a film totally depicting the west coast, ochc scene put together by an "orange county hardcore scenester" why are there images from city gardens in it ?

  10. That's a photo of Uniform Choice at City Gardens, so it should get a free pass scene policeman.

    I think the best part of this film is that it's told from Evans point of view, and not a bunch of people. Anybody who grew up in O.C. and knows Evan, knows he has zero ego, so it appears this film comes across from almost an audience point of view. I'm looking forward to seeing the whole thing.

    I also hope the DVD contains his crazy ass brothers commentary as one of the bonus features.

  11. I believe The Jake has a documentary coming out called. "I Was Never There, but I have a lot of opinions anyway"

  12. Uniform Choice were great! What other band got a bunch of sanctimonious dorks to sing along to lyrics lifted directly from Hallmark greeting cards?

  13. Evan, please slow down the narration so that I have time to google all the bands as I watch the film. Thanks man.

  14. Look The Jake is posing as Billy Rubin and making a a funny. What a tool!

  15. "- I wish someone would do this for NYHC."

    There is a great NYHC documentary out there; excellent Madball, VoD and Crown of Thornz footage and interviews.

    go back to school!

  16. GREAT! Can't wait to see the rest.

    You walked out on Judge? What were you thinking? Was that one of the big regrets of your life? It would be for me.

  17. I hope you talk about Chrous in this. VERY underaated OC band

  18. Seriously, fuck The Jake and fuck post-1989 hardcore. Both suck.

  19. Thank you Evan.

    That's all I need!

  20. Wow, surprised DCXX took a break from posting about the latest Chain of Cheese bootleg t-shirt to post something actually worth reading. Kudos to you, DCXX, but even more kudos to you, Evan Jacobs.

  21. Oh and FYI - Judge fucking suck.

  22. What's the over under that 1/2 of these posts are Andrew "Jake" Jacobs? I actually feel bad for him. It must be hard living off your younger brothers scraps your whole life.

  23. Actually Evan, don't bother slowing down the narration. Most of the '90s hardcore bands have non-white guys and/or chicks in 'em. So not interested.

  24. "Wow, surprised DCXX took a break from posting about the latest Chain of Cheese bootleg t-shirt to post something actually worth reading. "

    Seriously, can I fight you? Please leave your REAL name so that we can get together and just duke it out. I've got nothing to do with double cross, nor do I even know those guys, but that statement was fucking ridiculous. What a pussy.

  25. There seems to be a lot of lame ass bitch talk on this site,i'm getting on the blower to Exodus to open up a can of whup-ass,teach you a real 'lesson in violence'.

  26. Its pretty weak to post as a fake Billy Rubin and then try to make him out too be a racist or sexist, Jake. Everybody knows its you on 1/2 these shit talking posts. Why are you raining on your brothers parade? get it?

  27. Who's Jake? ROFLMAO

  28. I don't post anonymously or under fake names. Nice try though.

  29. I love that the comment section for Evan, a dude who talks no shit on anybody ever is just the opposite.

    Jake we're friends and all but that is definitely you posting as fake Billy Rubin. You were even posting links to it via Facebook, which is the only reason I bothered to check this out in the first place.

    Anyway good job finishing this doc Evan. Everybody is super stoked to finally see it.

  30. My name is Jake and I like to suck big dicks. Mmmmm. mmmmmm. I can't get enough of them.

  31. My name is Billy Rubin and I like to suck big dicks. Mmmmm. mmmmmm. I can't get enough of them.

  32. Are you people for real? These comments are amazing, especially since i'm pretty sure half of them are coming from 40 year old men.

    Also The Jake is a good dude. It's true he gets into trouble from time to time with his shit talking. However it's all in act. His art is making people hate him. It's actually really fucking genius on so many levels. I've known the dude for 30+ years and he still gets under my skin at times.

    Anyway, as you know you dudes are all fags (in the non-homophobic sense of course). This movie also needs way more Earth Crisis, and Snapcase....and way less of Evan BRAGGING about his days in the scene...

    I'd also like to see waaaaayyyy less of that Day-Glo jacket I'm sporting, but hey that's another story, for another day.


  33. My name is Jake and I have shit for brains.

  34. Speaking of fags, weren't there alot of fags in hardcore bands in the '90s? That's probably why The Jake is so into '90s hardcore - 'cuz he's a fag!

  35. Billy Rubin's legacyJanuary 5, 2011 at 4:05 PM

    My name is Billy Rubin's legacy and I have nothing.

  36. wow, some pathetic dudes on here.

  37. Orange County Hardcore seems to bring out the best in everybody. All these wack ass comments usually revolve around OCHC. Just an observation. What's going on with you guys?

  38. The same thing wrong with every hardcore scene.

  39. If anything NYHC is product of what not to do. Look what it became.

  40. "There is a great NYHC documentary out there; excellent Madball, VoD and Crown of Thornz footage and interviews."

    Umm yeah...I saw that one.

    NYHC needs ANOTHER one.

    There isn't even a documentary about the 2nd wave(86-90)but we have one with VOD???



  41. Seriously - a lot of these posts are retarded. I guess no one is allowed to have their own perspective on anything, let along Hardcore. Grow up ya'll and stop with the bullshit anonymous posts.

  42. No teeth this time, Rubin.

  43. Big Daryll said... Fuck you real Billy Rubin. Fuck you Andrew Jacobs. Kiss my extra brown eye Nelson.

    Ego and attitudes. Shit talking and back stabbing. No wonder hardcore is dead.

    Evan busted his ass making this, I've seen it, it shreds.

    But what is the most pathetic thing is that there are some members of some bands actually in this documentary that think they are so awesome, and such pillars of the hardcore community that they have the nerve to complain that they are not in it enough. The same guys that walked away from hardcore to become "real citizens with homes and kids" They think they deserve more credit.

    Which leads me to repeat: Ego and attitudes. Shit talking and back stabbing. No wonder hardcore is dead.

    It's a shame your "hobby" meant more to some people, rock star!

    Good post Double Cross. Thanks for still caring.

    Your's Truly Katon.

  44. Evan, I am in this film. I'm on stage with you when you verify the validity of your nickname.

  45. Katon,

    I think you should keep your mouth shut. You're already diggin' your grave deep enough.

    Big Frank

  46. Big Frank, eat this dick gramps!

    You ain't so big anymore and you might fall and break your hip, or blow your knee out AGAIN trying to be hardcore and do a jump. Get your wig back on a carry GBH's merch already.

    You were, are, and always will be just the dude who worked at Zed's. Oh, and the guy who almost got his hat handed to him by O'Maphoney.

    Ps. I know that wasn't the REAL "Big" Frank, but ain't I a stinker anyway?

  47. When I see you, there may be hell to pay, so you should just keep your fuckin' mouth shut and I'll see you soon enough, asshole. - BF

  48. P.S. Hey Nelson, you were, are, and always will be just the dude who I fired from Zed's. CHAKA KHAN, beeyotch! - BF

  49. I don't know who did the Chaka Khan call but just that alone is the funniest thing I have ever read on here.

    Great laugh to start the day.

    Whoever you are I owe you one.


  50. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  52. Oh my. I will be thrilled to download this online, not buy it... and strictly for the humor. I find everything and anything coming out of O.C. immensely hilarious! I spent some time 98-00' living in Anaheim. I was born there. Orange County is corny to the core! So freaking gay. Gayer than Earth Crisis, Snapcase, and walking out on judge. Gayer than Chain Reaction! Although I must say there were some pretty down punk rockers (i.e. those leftover punx from the 80's). Anyways, fuck HxC it was murdered by Uniform Choice, and all these fruitcake bands. It's all about Oi! and streetpunk my friends. Of course I still like to throw on some Madball, Skarhead, Terror, One Life Crew, Killing Time, Integrity, Death Threat, Bad Brains, Righteous Jams, Blood for Blood, Slapshot and the like. But any of those posi-vegan-whiney-fullertony-upside_down_bandanna wearin'-chain_reaction_lovin'-hardcore_bitch_hipster-punk_asses who can't fight need to get the steel toe. Kick the metro scum with my fellow Droogs! "O.C. Life is not the life for me".... The O.C. is for socialites, posers, child molesters, and a shit load of Pisa's. LMAO! Go have some tamales and bathtub cheese you fake hardcore bitches. - Riverside Bovver
