Monday, January 3, 2011

The infamous Britches BOLD shirt

Matt with BOLD in Asia, 2010, Photo: Khairul Piesay Faizi

This here is one of those very strange, unexplained, anomaly, coincidence type shirt designs. Although I wish I had more details on it, the only thing I have are these photos.

Front design

What I can tell you is that this particular shirt was bought by Ed McKirdy from the clothing store Britches, back sometime around 1989. Ed obviously knew the shirt had nothing to do with the band BOLD, but the logo and concept were so similar, that he had to buy it anyway. The logo literally looks like it was plucked directly off a Revelation Records BOLD shirt, minus the bars and minus the traditional back photo. What's funny is that before I actually knew Ed, I remember seeing him wear this shirt to a City Gardens show, sometime between 1989 and 1990 and getting a bit of a chuckle out of seeing someone wear a "fake" BOLD shirt. At the time I had no idea what Britches was, but I knew it wasn't a product of the band.

Either way, it's an interesting find that really leaves you scratching your head. If any of our readers happen to remember this shirt and or know any further back story on it, feel free to comment or get in touch with us. -Tim DCXX

Back design


  1. Wow dats my pics, thx 4 mentionin

  2. my father designed those shirts!!!! he copied my og tee!!

  3. A bit of a none event this i'm afraid to say.I'd rather have seen a nice early 'Bonded By Blood' shirt discussed.

  4. anonymous no.2- for real?

  5. sure, i sent one to matt bold circa 90.... my father told me:"the logo is good, but the band sucks!"...ah ah ah

  6. ah, ah, ah.. Anonymous should call himself Hilarious.

  7. Too many Anonymous douchebags on this site.. you should make it a requirement that people comment through their Email, Facebook or whatever identity they have.

  8. ive heard years ago the story of anonimous no 2

  9. Most boring DCXXX post so far.

  10. It can't truly work, I believe like this.
