Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Way It Is poll wrap up with Ray Cappo

Ray Cappo and Raybeez break it down at a CB's matinee, Photo: Boiling Point

YOT's "Together" took the win in the most recent poll where we asked you what your favorite track was off of the NYC Hardcore The Way It Is comp. This was also the song Tim and I voted for, although there are at least a dozen other stiff contenders on what might be the best comp of all time. Although I'm personally partial to the version of "Together" that appeared previously on the Together seven inch comp (Tim is vehemently more partial to The Way It Is version) , the Way It Is version still beats out anything else on the record for me.

We figured we would go to the guy who wrote this song, fronted YOT, and put out this comp in 1988 to pick his brain a little. Take it away, Ray... - Gordo DCXX

Ray and Walter with Youth Of Today in Boston, Photo: Unknown

When I wrote the lyrics to "Together" for the Together seven inch compilation, the scene was all over the place as far as idealogies, styles, sounds etc. But, we had one thing in common: we were all misfits from our suburban youth culture. Despite all our differences we were like a family of outcasts in a sense and we all had a mutual respect. This is also what Break Down The Walls the song was about. Straight Edge was for self betterment - not a "better than you" mentality. What was once was inspired for self-edification (this was recognized by the end of the Can't Close My Eyes era of YOT) was now turning very elitist and causing more walls than before.

The reason for doing The Way It Is as an LP that expanded off of the Together seven inch was because we realized there was so much more to offer and that the world at this point was interested. So we doubled up tracks and brought in new material. I remember wanting to get Altercation, I liked those guys. I was also happy to showcase BOLD as opposed to the defunct Crippled Youth name. Nausea were roomates and I was tight with them. Hell, we were tight with everyone back then, even YDL.

But, Together...I didn't write the music to this song and I'm not sure who actually wrote it. Believe it or not, it wasn't my favorite song of ours, as the pace was mid tempo and it was copying bands like Cro-Mags and Bad Brains...thus I felt I couldn't sing it so well. But I wrote the words. Some YOT songs definitely mean so much more to me than others. Off the top of my head, Flame Still Burns, Can't Close My Eyes, Make A Change, What Goes Around, Modern Love Story, I Have Faith, Slow Down, the list goes on. Together would be 65 out of 100 if I had to rate it. opinion only :) - Ray Cappo

Walter with Youth Of Today in Boston, Photo: Unknown

Growing up with kids
I can truly call my friends
there from the beginning
and they'll be there until the end
Together we've built this
and all done our part
together we've stood here
right from the start
With all these great experiences
I know I won't forget
all the places that we've traveled
and the people that we've fucking met
Together we've built this
and all done our part
together we've stood here
right from the start
I will never forget
all that we've done
all that it's meant
There's a youth culture rising
In front of your eyes
take pieces of you in my memory
until the day I die
Together we've built this
and all done our part
together we've stood here
right from the start
Youth Of Today - Together - 86
Supertouch - Searchin' For The Light - 77
Breakdown - Sick People - 57
Warzone - As One - 48
Gorilla Biscuits - Better Than You - 23
Side By Side - Time Is Now - 23
Youth Defense League - Blue Pride - 23
Bold - Wise Up - 22
Gorilla Biscuits - Forgotten - 18
Youth Of Today - Understand - 17
Nausea - Fallout Of Our Being - 16
Warzone - Escape From Your Society - 12
Sick Of It All - Pete's Sake - 11
Side By Side - Dead Serious - 11
Trip 6 - Back With A Vengeance - 8
Sick Of It All - Politics - 8
Krakdown - Ignornace - 4


Classic Cappo taking flight, Photo: Unknown


  1. Tim (not that one...)July 14, 2011 at 8:22 AM

    How Krakdown came in dead last is beyond me. That's just criminal...

  2. wow great photos

  3. id be interested to hear mark ryan contextualize searchin' i cant remember if i have read about him talk about that song yet.

    ill never forget how cool it was to me when they played toronto, and biv spoke into the mic and said 'yall are gonna wanna move up for this one'.

    i chose searchin. together is a great song too though.

  4. I chose Searchin' For The Light too just because there's nothing else like it on the comp and it opened my eyes to a wider range of music. I hated it as a kid... "wtf is this shitty rock song doing on a NYHC comp?" (was never a Supertouch fan back then). Then I grew up and it became the track I skipped TO rather than skipped OVER.
    Great record, though. Still my favorite HC comp of all time.

  5. i love how people actually voted for YDL. i mean, it's not a bad song, but theres no way you can possibly like that more than everything else on the comp. well, unless you're white pride.

  6. sick of it all songs are the best for me. krakdown and side by side are pretty good too, a lot better than breakdown, supertouch or ydl. and like ray says i think together is not one of the best songs of yot. sick of it all and krakdown are at the end of the list, is not only criminal, it's a fuckin' disaster. mp3 damages ears.

  7. I voted for "Searchin' For The Light," but "Together" was my #2.

    And I agree that Krakdown being dead last is not right. That song has some great bass playing in it and great lyrics. Too bad anything positive Krakdown had to say about racial relations was negated by the presence of a self-professed white pride band on the comp.

  8. i was surprised that SOIA not only didnt win it but didnt get many votes either. Pete's Sake is easily my fave

  9. is raybeez talking to popeye in the first pic?

  10. "Together" chorus = "Everyone's Gonna Die".

  11. let's discuss that SLAPSHOT shirt walter is wearing in one of those YOT Boston pics

  12. This is the first I've read about Ray living with members of Nausea. Interesting mental image there!

  13. LOL @ Tim Morse of Anal Cunt wearing the Token Entry shirt behind Walter in the Boston pic.
