Thursday, July 21, 2011

Two record collecting sites you should check out

Kyle's Minor Threat 7" collection

There's a lot of great hardcore blogs and websites out there and considering the fact they we've been doing DCXX for three years now and have accumulated a pretty solid following, I think it's important to shine a little light on the efforts of others. Here are two blogs that are well worth checking out and following. -Tim DCXX

Seeking The Simple is a killer site put together by Rivalry Records mastermind, Kyle Whitlow. Lots of cool content on this site, but the highlight material for me is the showcasing of Kyle's record collection. Kyle has a remarkable eye for detail and leaves no stones unturned when he breaks down each and every record. Kyle's Dischord and Revelation collection is just mind blowing and it's obvious that he's spent a great deal of time documenting everything. Check it out at: Seeking The Simple

Kyel's Warzone - "Lower East Side Crew" 7" collection

The second site I wanted to clue people in to is this very simple, but fun Revelation Records Vinyl Tumblr page. I happened to come across it a few weeks back and have been following it ever since. It's updated pretty much daily, so there's always something new popping up. All the images that have been posted have been collected off the internet, so it's pretty interesting that someone can put together an entire site based solely on Revelation Records vinyl images that they find or that are submitted. I happened to submit some images myself just yesterday, so if there are people reading this and have some Rev vinyl photos, submit away! Here's the link: Revelation Records Vinyl

This insane GB 7" collection photo was pulled off of the Revelation Records Vinyl site


  1. I SHIT ON THE WHITE RACEJuly 22, 2011 at 10:08 AM

    Almost half the world — over three billion people — lives on less than $2.50 a day.

  2. By no means do I have good REV collection, but I was surprised to see a couple of my photos on there.

  3. Sweet, thanks for posting this!

    That Carry On entry on Kyle's blog was incredible. Awesome read.

  4. $2.50 a day?!?!?!? You couldn't even buy a Poison Fingers 7" on black for that. Now that is poverty.

  5. three friends got together one weekend for fun and records, we thought this would be a great pic and never did i think it would become so popular.


  6. Man, they stole my CK picture. i let sam sign the inner sleeve. so i know its mine ;)
