Monday, August 29, 2011

Chain Of Strength at The Yester Year Club


Alex Pain with Chain at the Yester Year Club, Pomona CA, 8/11/1988

I've seen very few, if any, photos pop up from Chain Of Strength's first show at the Yester Years Club in Pomona, California. I know the back cover photo from the "True Till Death" 7" is from this particular show, but other than that, I'm not so sure I've ever seen any others. So when I saw this photo pop up on Facebook the other day, I knew I had to grab it and get it posted up here on DCXX. I'm pretty sure this photo was used in MRR at one point, but I haven't gotten a chance to dig for that to confirm. Either way, cool photo and sort of significant in a way considering it's from their first show. -Tim DCXX



  1. Pomona Hard Core!!!!!!!

  2. maybe in the 80's people thought this was cool but in retrospect it's just wack that almost everyone in the shot is wearing the cos shirt.

  3. sick show!!! I think Hard Stance also played

  4. i have that flyer!
    in ´88 i stay in the staates for 3 weeks!
    i saw accüsed with dri in portland. so f****** great!!
    (but i missed the cos show:-{

    best regards from hamburg (germany)


  6. That is a LOT of Chain shirts considering it is their FIRST SHOW! Hilarious! I love how when you are young you have a dope logo before writing any songs!

  7. they had the whole first EP written and recorded before a shirt was made or that show was played. so.........

  8. yeah i gotta agree it looks silly with everyone includng the bass player wearing the same shirt. almost looks staged. funny thing is that instead of using pix from this show from what i heard cos ended up staging pix at a rehearsal studio for the 7" pix. weird.

  9. I was at the Pomona show and even have some video footage on an old VHS tape. I have Underdog, Insted and Hard Stance stuff on there for sure.Will have to see if I got any Chain footage.

    I was also at the show at Trojan studios. It wasn't really staged. It was a practice room and a few bands would chip in and play in the bigger showcase room. It was what we did when there was no shows. Learn your history before you go talking shit.

  10. Aaron- If you've got Chain footage from that first show, please get in touch, would love to see that. Thanks. -Tim DCXX

  11. Yeah Put that footage up !!!!!!!!!!!!

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