Thursday, August 25, 2011

Making A Scene


Originally released in 1989 with a scant 79 photos and under 100 pages; this expanded edition brings over 200 photographs as well as reflections from key characters documenting a special time period in one of the most notorious hardcore music scenes in the country.

Making a Scene - New York Hardcore in Photos, Lyrics and Commentary Revisited 1985-1988 captures the energy of the New York hardcore music scene in photographs, lyrics, and comments from those involved in their music, their attitudes, and their lifestyle.

Hardcore is a way of life for thousands of band members and fans all over the world. Here, New York City's hardcore movement is represented in all of its outspoken, opinionated, and often contradictory variety. Participants are shown with friends, spouses, even children, performing, dancing, and hanging out. They also explain in their own words and lyrics to songs what they think hardcore is all about.

From moments of quiet intimacy to the controlled mayhem of live shows, Making a Scene documents in a unique way this flourishing and often misunderstood underground style.

Bri Hurley's photographs have appeared in the Village Voice, Jersey Beat, Teen Punk, and Maximum Rock 'n' Roll. She has also shot album covers and promotional photos for many of New York's hardcore bands


I've seen preliminary layouts for this revised edition of Making A Scene and I can assure you, this updated version is looking great and is jammed packed with a ton of incredible, never-before-seen photos that perfectly document a specific era of New York City Hardcore. Pre-orders are being taken right now, so follow the link at the bottom of this entry and get your order in ASAP.

Check out Chris Daily's commentary, which seems to perfectly sum it all up...


I remember looking through the original edition of this book countless times at See Hear fanzine store on East Seventh Street in New York City in 1989. I am not sure why I didn’t purchase it at the time, but I can speculate it was because I just figured those days would last forever, that every Sunday for the rest of my life I’d be at CBGBs seeing my favorite bands.

While Bri Hurley did document on film her friends and her friend’s bands she also kept a keen eye on the peripheral surroundings, people and bands. In 2011 I finally found her while in search of my next book project. When she said she still had 4 giant binders full of negatives from those days, I knew there was going to be some great unseen photos. I was not expecting to find hundreds of photos of people, just like me and all my friends, hanging out on the sidewalk before and during those Sunday Matinees.

This book is not perfect, it wasn’t in 1989 and it isn’t in 2011. There were so many more people and bands that made up the New York Hardcore scene than are shown on these pages. This book takes a candid glimpse at the New York scene thru the lens of Bri Hurley and while I wish she was there to photograph every band and every bystander, that would have been an impossible task. I just hope this Revisited edition of Making A Scene will spark even the smallest excitement in you that it sparked in me looking at each and every one of the pictures presented here. - Chris Daily

Making A Scene on Facebook



  1. I still have my original copy.

  2. Only NYHC band that ever mattered:


  3. Looking forward to seeing this... I'm putting out a book of my NYHC photos too.

    Please come to my NYHC photo show at PRIMARY Gallery- 195 Chrystie Street- NY 10002. Sept 15-Oct 17.

    Brooke Smith

  4. Thanks so much for the article, quite effective information.

  5. The chap is absolutely just, and there is no question.

  6. Documentaries about this topic are really important , I would like to enjoy more about it , excellent post my dear friend
