Sunday, February 20, 2011

Porcell says "F You"


  1. Wow, I wish i didn't see this.

  2. Porcellina you could do so much better ;-)

  3. did porcell actually say "nigga"?

    ps- i love you porcell

  4. Andy Jacks said...

    I'm sure this guy is a nice guy and means well. I'm sure he has some guilt about selling out the edge and now cashing in on it by selling edge gear (whatever that is). I'm sure worshiping a blue alien that I'm positive Disney is making a 3D movie of as we speak is healthy in some weird way. I'm sure some people thinks he is a total talent and responsible for some great hardcore records. Good for him. Props for getting over on the hardcore Lemmings. Maybe it's just my taste and a personal preference, but I prefer heart and substance.

    I didn't even have to play this to know it would not be very good. We all make mistakes and this is yet another for him that tells me to stay away from anything these guys do.

    Armchair Quarterback out!

  5. He looks like Owen Wilson

  6. You people are so insanely harsh, he's OBVIOUSLY just having fun. For truly sick perversion, I would love to see your home videos.

  7. Jeez. What a fucking joke. This goof is so removed from hardcore. Made me sad.

  8. "You people are so insanely harsh, he's OBVIOUSLY just having fun. For truly sick perversion, I would love to see your home videos."

    ...what more can I say?...

    Fuck You!

  9. The comments on this post are hilarious. You guys are such babies. Lighten up.

    Here's to hoping that all your hardcore heroes break the sacred edge and cover pop songs.

  10. Seriously, what's will all these 'post-HC' posts lately?
    Rivals Schools, Your favourite train wreck (who?)...Sure some of these guys made great hc records at one point or another in their life and they sure deserve credit for that, but do we need to keep on blindly fetishizing and hyping them even if they haven't been out of the scene for years? Who cares about these people and their lame 'mature' rock bands?

  11. All these scathing, negative comments from a bunch of HACKS.

    Seriously, what a bunch of FUCKING IDIOTS on here.

    It's time to go to school:

    -Do you really think Porcell is totally serious here? I'd bet a lot of money dude was having a good time adopting a song and goofing around. Forget whether you like it or not...what's wrong with the guy having a little fun on the acoustic guitar?

    -Porcell "selling out the edge"...are people really still using this against him? Dude has been SE since like 1984. He had a slip up or two along the way. I'm pretty sure the guy has been 100% absolutely straight since like 1990. You could say he's done more good for SE than possibly any other human being...and yet he still gets shit on. Unreal. Seriously, fuck you morons.

    -"Getting over on hardcore Lemmings." I don't even know what that means. I'm now dumber for reading it.

    -Porcell is "so removed from hardcore." Really? What does that even mean? Should be being doing bands with 16 year old kids and following whatever trend is going on now so he's not so removed? I don't think him doing this video has any bearing on whether or not he's removed. You're an idiot.

    -"Who cares about these people and their lame 'mature' rock bands?" Isn't this Tim and Gordo's blog? Can't they post whatever the fuck they want? Clearly, people do care. Go do your own blog you fucktard.

    I really don't get it. Such insanely critical DO-NOTHING NOBODIES that leave comments on here.

    I'm a nobody, too...but you don't see me blasting people who deserve at least some sort of minor courtesy and respect.

    Porcell, if you are reading this (and I hope you aren't wasting your time doing so)...FUCK THESE IDIOTS. Respect to you.

  12. what's everyone freaking out about? he's just goofin' around. lighten up!

  13. what are the odds porcell is "bringin' it down"? dude is taking the comments on this video way to seriously...

  14. Stop playing your guitar, get a job and make some child support payments. thanks.

  15. the video and the whole idea of this museum blog creating little pedestals for some teenage morrons from the past has nothing to do with hardcore.

  16. Porcell, if you're taking requests, please play "GayXedge Revenge" by Gayrilla Biscuits next. I mean that with total humility and respect too.

  17. First off, many of you are taking this video a little too seriously. Lighten up, Porcell is clearly just having a good time with this. I highly doubt he did it to conjure up some major label interest and bring about an acoustic career.

    As for the "Post HC" comment... you gotta be kidding me right? We post 99% full on hardcore content and 1% post HC content and you think this is the direction of DCXX now? It just so happens that this past week had the Rival Schools and Your Favorite Trainwreck entries, which happen to be two bands that we dig, but surely isn't "a sign of things to come" for DCXX. Bottom line is that we will post about whatever bands we like, whether it's Negative Approach or Farside.

    And for the "Anonymous" commenter who refers to DCXX as a "museum for teenage morrons from the past" and doesn't think this site has anything to do with HC, why are you here? And while you're at it, please explain to me what "HC" really is. Apparently what I've been involved in for the past 25 years must be more in line with Carly Simon?

    -Tim DCXX

  18. am i gonna be the first to comment on the Morrissey shirt? can't believe the simpletons that have already commented haven't freaked the fuck out over that too

    but this shits funny i need to get a mp3 of this

  19. 25 yrs...sure there is some service award medal for Peter Pans...

  20. Peter Pans... I like that. Now this Peter Pan is going to go and tend to his museum. Peace and love, peace and love. -Tim DCXX

  21. This whole comment section is a riot (i mean that in a humorous sense). Its like witnessing a all girl middle school slumber party. The best line though was the guy who said that "Bringing It Down" was Porcell I DIED LAUGHING props to you.

    But seriously I think there is some truth to the historical notion that hardcore became incredibly sheepish in the wake of the east coast based late 80s "Youth Crew" era.It became more important to write shitty songs about how SXE we can all be and how people aren't friends because they stabbed us in the back and aren't cool. Now we see that inheritance of that era in the present day as hardcore has for the most part become a corporate dick sucking enterprise ran by washed up highschool jocks and hyper conservative chauvenistic white kids from the suburbs, where it was suppose to be an actual effort at lasting social progress and sociopolitical/spiritual resistance against the culture at we are...i love YOT don't get me wrong but compare their shit to something like Manliftingbanner who were more or less their contemporaries and tell me who is the real deal.

  22. "Stop playing your guitar, get a job and make some child support payments. thanks."

    Hands down, the best comment so far.
