Thursday, February 3, 2011

Rest In Pieces at the Free For All show, CBGB, April 1989


  1. I was in attendance. Great fucking time.

  2. Amazing! too bad "Wasted Away" ain't featured in it...

  3. I meant "waste away"...

  4. That was my first cbs show!

  5. lets just take a moment to acknowledge how cool these dudes are in this vid. Armand is jacked and his voice is strong. Rob Echevaria looks like Bela Lugosi with some crazy ass voodoo pendant around his neck and a tucked in striped vest. Craig Ahead in what looks like a schism longsleeve. The drummer is tearing it up (listen to him wail on that kick drum). The bouncer wearing flight goggles. Explosive crowd. Someone should make action figures out of everyone on stage.

    Man I love this band. Stoked to see the under my skin tracks played live here. Brings back memories of Rampage practices trying to hack all the songs from Under my Skin.

  6. Well Zach, anything would be a cooler look for Armand than a Skrewdiver shirt and booty shorts….hahaha. And yes, great vid!
