Thursday, November 3, 2011

Danzig Legacy tour hits NYC

Danzig at Hammerstein Ballroom, NYC, 10/29/2011, Photo: Village Voice

Time to wrap up what's been a week's worth of Misfits/Samhain/Danzig material here at DCXX. It seems that every year, like clockwork, I end up listening exclusively to nothing but Glenn Danzig related bands for a few weeks. Traditionally the October/November/Fall season brings on the inspiration, but it's by no means kept only to this time period.

What came around in perfect timing this year, was the Danzig Legacy tour. For a fan, Glenn doing sets by all three bands, Danzig, Samhain and Misfits is pretty much sure to be an epic night. I can assure you, this past Saturday, October 29th in NYC at Hammerstein Ballroom was all it was built up to be. The Samhain set being the highlight for me, but the whole show really being incredible on all fronts.

Danzig at Hammerstein Ballroom, NYC, 10/29/2011, Photo: Village Voice

What was also an added bonus was the opening Corrosion Of Conformity 3 piece era lineup (Mike, Woody and Reed) doing a great set of the "Animosity" and "Technocracy" classics, as well as a few new tracks. I've been really looking forward to catching this and it did not disappoint.

Here's a few videos that highlight the Danzig/Samhain/Misfits sets. I realize that the intros may come off a tad boring for those that weren't there and might just be watching here online, but I can assure you that in person, the combination of the intro music, sounds and dropping of each banner, made for some pretty exciting stuff. I also thought, for what I came across, these videos were the best in terms of quality. -Tim DCXX


  1. i would have gone, but tickets were overpriced, and danzig's voice has been shot since the mid 2000s. all of the videos i have seen of this tour don't make me regret missing it.

  2. is it just me, or is danzig's face starting to resemble the "crimson ghost's" mask, as he gets older?

  3. if someone doesn't take that last pic and work some photoshop magic with it, i'll lose faith in all mankind!

  4. Brutal rear comb over (comb back?) at 2:55.

  5. @Steve - Danzig's voice was definitely shot in the mid '00s but he's done something over the last few years to recover. He's sounded great the last 3-4 times I've seen him, including this show last Saturday.

    The show was great and the Misfits set in particular was incredible. Samhain is probably my favorite Danzig project so I was a little bummed on the subpar choice of songs but overall I had a great time.

  6. Oops. I was referencing the Misfits set video.

    Also, in the top picture, he looks like if Paula Deen was an Oompa Loompa.

  7. Why on earth would anyone want to go see a Danzig show?

  8. Like Jeff said, Danzig's voice did sound pretty shot in the early 2000's, but someway, somehow, he's brought it back and I think he sounds just about as good as he's ever sounded. Just check out a track or two off his latest album, "Deth Red Sabaoth" and compare his vocals to a track on an album like "I Luciferi" and the difference is pretty massive. But then again, if you aren't a fan, you probably don't care and you're going to get your kicks off taking shots no matter what. -Tim DCXX

  9. Someone told me that X-Men was a failure, because there was only one man in the world who could have played Wolverine...and that man is Glenn Danzig.

  10. Agreed, Tim. I think GD's vocals especially shine on the last track on DRS – would love to hear him play that one live someday.

  11. i am a fan, but the videos i have seen dont make his voice seem so hot. i also saw him fucking up the words in the videos and the band doesn't even seem that tight. i guess i am going off of the chicago show and the LA stuff i saw. maybe new york was different. when i saw him in 2005 it was still pretty good, and the danzig and misfits selections then were better than this tour.

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