Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Underground Faction

Rich and Steve from INSTED recently launched a brand new clothing company called, The Underground Faction. Bringing it back to the roots of what they believe with an Animal Liberation, Human Liberation t-shirt as well as other cool designs dedicated to underground music and lifestyle. The company is a collective of sorts and will feature designs from their old hardcore friends, musicians and artists. I've been talking with Rich about putting together a couple designs myself, so it's just a matter of time before I get myself in The Underground Faction mix. Check out what they've got going on over at and if you see something you want to pick up, receive a 20% discount by using the special code
Doublexx during checkout. -Tim DCXX

Animal Liberation design (Left), Live And Let Live design (Right)

Rich and Steve of The Underground Faction


  1. Some cool designs, I'll be ordering.

  2. Good guys & it's a good cause. But the graphic's on the tee's are pretty weak / boring.

  3. @9:26...seriously....M16s, combat stencils, stars with circle around them, aliens, faux communist propaganda sunrise....its like every bad tattoo, post hardcore and skate design from 1992 rolled into one catalog.

  4. red star, is´s look a little bit like......

    anybody know the RAF?! ( german guerilla fighter in
    the ´70 ,´80 and ´90)

    google the RAF (Rote Armee Fraktion)-Logo and you will see what i mean:-)


  5. The name and logo also instantly reminded me of the Red Army Faction. Flirting with the iconography of terrorists and murders? Pretty poor taste imo, and not exactly "human liberation". The RAF killed scores of innocent people; nothing revolutionary there. If you value the lives of animals, you ought to value the lives of humans as well.

    Having said that, I wish them all the best with their business venture. In times of crisis, we need more entrepreneurial people.


    For some interesting Tee's / graphics. Check out
    Lush Life Nyc.!

  7. of course the raf killes many people but not all
    of them are innocent...
    there a always to sides
    maybe you have to be German to understand it all
    germay in the 60 was not only beatles and beatnik...
    the ww2, the holocaust was not so far away.
    but public life went on as nothing ever happened
    adenauer (member of the nsdap) was chancellor
    and many old nazis were living with impunity...
    students were killed by the police.....
    it was a was a very explosive time....

  8. I speak German fluently, and I have German ancestry.
    I don't want to be rude, but your statement that Adenauer was a member of the NSDAP is just not accurate. He was never member of the Nazi party, and in fact was arrested on several occasions. As a mayor of Cologne, he refused to shake hands with NSDAP leaders.He quite obviously had a more negative attitude towards the regime than most Germans, including several left-wing icons of post-war Germany (like Günther Grass).
    That being said, many former Nazis were reintegrated into German society of the war. Obviously, that was not a good thing, but that does not justify their murder by a gang of thugs like Andreas Baader. The RAF were cold-blooded assassins, logistically and financially backed by authoritarian regimes of the Eastern Block (some RAF members were granted asylum in Eastern Germany). Some members expressed virulently antisemitic opinions (failed Tupamaros bomb attempt on a Jewish institution in Berlin, collaboration with anti-israeli, anti-semite Palestinian terror organizations, Entebbe, Munich etc, and nowadays ex-RAF lawyer Horst Mahler).
    For a good article on the antisemitism of the RAF, check this article from a German leftwing newspaper:

    None of the ex-RAF members ever repented their crimes, in which the death of innocent policemen, chauffeurs and the like were just taken for granted.
    Sad that the RAF still has its apologetics in the HC punk scene.

  9. Yehuda,

    I'd really like to read that article about anti-Semitism within the Red Army Faction, but that shit is in German.

  10. Google translate...I've translated entire interviews with no problem.

  11. Ben Edge,

    There is a decent documentary on RAF that is currently streaming on Netflix called The Baader Meinhof Complex.

    And yes, that name/logo of the Underground Faction is definitely very reminiscent of RAF.

  12. Correction: The Baader Meinhof Complex is not a documentary, but rather a feature film about RAF. I finished my post too quickly.

  13. @yehuda

    you´re right. adenauer was no member of the nsdap.
    sorry, my mistake!


  14. I have no sympathy for members of the Nazi party who were killed, no matter the means, who did it or how long after the end of the war.

    Also, "innocent police," ha.

  15. Not very original, agree with "....its like every bad tattoo, post hardcore and skate design from 1992 rolled into one catalog."

  16. @ Ben Edge

    yeah, unfortunately it's in German. It's a pity since it's a really interesting, well-researched piece. I am not aware of a similar analysis on the antisemitic tendencies of the RAF written in English.

  17. @ ben:
    fuckers?! who?

    The Baader Meinhof Komplex (by Stafan Aust) is
    a realy great book about the raf.
    it shows both sides.
    a look behind the scenes.

  18. i mean:
    @ John:(not ben)

    fuckers?! who

