Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Joe D. Foster - Interview

Joe D. Foster (Surf Photographer?) from David Lee Scales on Vimeo.


  1. fuckin sad, so sad man.

  2. someone needs to knock this kook out and piss in his butt.

  3. This is really sad. Obviously Joe did not age well, and lost his brains somewhere along the way.

  4. he maybe some crazy old hippy now but at least he busted some great jamz that still inspire.

  5. Sad!? Are you joking? Dude has led an interesting life and is currently making his living doing something he loves. He sure doesn't seem sad. I found this video to be inspiring.

  6. There is nothing sad about this. Sad is sitting behind a desk working on nonsense day in and day out simply to pay bills. Joe gets to be outside everyday and practice his art (which is damn good). Maybe someday you guys will move out of your parents basement and realize people change and have every right to pursue their dreams.
    To bad that video was put together so poorly, there is a great story to tell there.

  7. Nothing sad at all. Foster is a talent. Looking forward to part 2.

  8. This is just typical west coast lifestyle stuff here... nothing to generate "pissing in butt" comments. Unless that is a metaphor for something even more bizarre? ...and using the word 'kook'? Really?

    I just wish he would get into comments on some of the earlier bands.

  9. ShayKM said: "and using the word 'kook'? Really?" Did YOU just use the term "really?" How very hip. I bet you use to say "Double Dip." Pot calling the has been kettle black.

  10. Very cool and interesting video--Joe D. Foster has led an interesting life to say the least--most of us will never do half of experiences he's had--good for him--and Helge are you THE Helge from Germany that did all the great photos in the late 80s?

  11. One night in 1997, Ignite, LAB, and eleven thirty-four played the Living Room in Goleta, CA, and after the show, Joe Foster stayed up until 4:30 in the morning telling me his whole life story and his philosophies on life in front of a guy from the Aquabats' apartment where he was staying. He's a very interesting guy. He said that hardcore is an attitude, not a sound, and he insisted that there are folk singers that he considers hardcore, because of their approach and intent.

    He must have chain smoked two packs of cigarettes right in front of me.

  12. I can't say I was ever a fan of Ignite, but Joe seems like he's a pretty cool guy, who is doing what he loves. Someone who has made something of his life, and isn't all bitter like most of the negative people on this site.

  13. Joe seems a little crazy, but I don't see what is so sad about his life. Being a competent surf photographer in Southern California is not a worthless pursuit considering how huge the surf-related/'extreme' sports industry is down there. I know plenty of SoCal photographers who make a lot more than I ever will in my professional college degree earned 9 to 5 and get to hang in the sun, water and sand all day.
