Friday, December 30, 2011

We're All Too Young To Die

PhotobucketI saw the world go up in flames and I just stood there watching...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Randy Johnson doing "Locked Out" with 1134

I got the urge to post something Pushed Aside related and the only thing I came across, was this video of 1134 covering "Locked Out" at The Showcase in 1999, with Pushed Aside frontman, Randy Johnson taking vocal duties. I've said it before and I'll say it again, one of Southern California's best of the late 80's and their demo still remains in my all time top 5 demo list. Take it away Randy… -Tim DCXX

Monday, December 26, 2011

A DCXX tribute to Keith Morris

Early Panic rehearsal, 1978, Left to Right: Chuck Dukowski, ROBO, Keith Morris and Greg Ginn, photo courtesy of: Ryan Richardson

"Maybe sixty seconds into the first song, it began to rain food: sandwiches, half-eaten drumsticks, watermelon and cantaloupe rinds, banana peels," remembers Keith Morris, of Black Flag's performance at Polliwog Park in 1979. Here, he ducks the raining missiles of food hurdled by offended family picnickers (Spot).


The Circle Jerks with Roger Rogerson, Lucky Lehrer and Keith at Stage One Studios, July 10, 1981, Photo: Fer Youz

Circle Jerks promo shot with Keith, Greg, Chuck Biscuits and Earl Liberty. Keith Morris says: " the next line up was pretty bad assed also, Biscuits and Flea! We played a gig with Spinal Tap, Slayer and the Blasters and wrecked the place! That night we were UNTOUCHABLE! We were in a zone that nobody could get near! John Doe and Jeffrey Lee Pierce both agreed that they'd never seen anything like us. This line up with Earl and Chuck was easily one of my faves!"

Circle Jerks at The Cathy De Grande with Keith, Flea and Chuck Biscuits, Photo: Modi Frank


And nearly 34 years later, Keith is still tearing it up with OFF!

Keith and Steven McDonald with OFF! in Triple Rock, MN, Photo: Adam DeGross

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Holidays from DCXX

Ian Claus with Minor Threat, photo: Bill Daniel

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Jersey Fresh

The infamous Ewing VFW show

Everyone's got that one local band that at the time, seemed almost legendary. Well in 1986, straight out of my home town of Ewing, New Jersey, we had Jersey Fresh. As far as I knew, all the members went to my high school, but were a few years older than me and graduated before me. I do remember their guitarist, Dave, going to summer school at the same time as me. We weren't in a class together and I was just about to enter high school, so I assume he was probably taking a class so that he could graduate high school. I just remember seeing him around the school and seeing his Charles Manson tattoo, which he was pretty damn legendary for. Their bass player, who was also named Dave, was friends with a few guys that I hung around, so I remember going to a show or two with him and being at a couple of the same parties.

Jersey Fresh bassist, Dave Bryson, take notice of that sweet Justice League sticker on his bass

Jersey Fresh played a few local shows, none of which I got a chance to see, but I was well aware of and heard the stories. The Ewing VFW show with F.O.D. in January of 1987, was one that I always thought about because the VFW hall that they played was right across the street from a soccer field that I played many games at. I don't remember hearing about too many hardcore shows happening right in Ewing, so that one that went down was definitely etched into the local history books. Every time I passed that hall, which was quite often, all I could think about, was the fact that hardcore bands actually played there.

This flyer hung inside my junior high school locker in 1987, along with a handful of other choice flyers of the time

Like I said, everyone's got a band like this from their town, but considering a Jersey Fresh page just popped up on Facebook, I thought I'd mention it and draw a little attention to it. I've been talking to their drummer, Todd, off and on for a year or two now and I'm planning on getting an interview together with him for DCXX. Really just out of my own curiosity, I'd love to hear some stories and details from him about the early hardcore scene in my home town, so hopefully I can pull that together sooner than later. For now though, click this link and check out the Jersey Fresh Facebook page. I know they've got their 1986 demo tape up and streaming, so that's worth checking out. There are also a handful of photos and some band information. -Tim DCXX

Jersey Fresh drummer, Todd Waladkewics

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hardcore Or Die

Hardcore or die from Radio Soulwax on Vimeo.

Interesting and funny video someone threw together, well worth checking out. -Tim DCXX

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

SSD at A7

Unfortunately I have no photo credit for this, but damn this is an interesting shot that someone found today and sent me. SSD at NYC's A7 Club, with Jimmy Gestapo, Harley Flanagan, Dr. Know, MCA of the Beastie Boys and other NYHC scenesters in the crowd. Crazy to see just how tiny of a space this legendary club actually was. Like glue, like crew… -Tim DCXX

Monday, December 12, 2011

Ignition live at The Wilson Center, Washington, DC, 1988

I haven't come across too many Ignition videos, so when it was brought to my attention that this one popped up, I was pretty stoked to see it. Great video and way underrated band. One of my faves from the Revolution Summer era of harD.C.ore. -Tim DCXX

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Fraud at Club Three, Hollywood, CA 8/29/2011

Fraud, Photo:

Fraud, one of those current bands that I just can't get enough of. Ever since catching their set in Pomona, CA at the Glass House back in June, I've been eagerly awaiting some recordings from these guys. Unfortunately, I've heard nothing about recording plans yet, but what I did track down was this live set on YouTube.

Check out the video, check out Fraud on Facebook and hopefully sooner than later we'll get a release out of these guys. -Tim DCXX

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Faction - Skate and destroy

Early Germs inspired Faction artwork done by Steve Caballero, from the collection of: Sal Bug

Been hitting the skateparks on the weekends lately, which has been inspiring me to listen to a heavy dose of The Faction. I've mentioned in the past how much I love The Faction's "Dark Room" 12" and how that is one of my favorite records ever, but what I haven't mentioned, is how great their little heard, early 2000's recordings are.

Although it's unclear to me exactly when these songs were recorded, The Faction did indeed hit the studio in the early 2000's and recorded four songs. Two of the songs ended up on compilations, "Cut It Out" and "The Whistler". The other two songs, "Aisle Seat" and "Who The Hell Do You Think You Are?", were never officially released. Eventually, "Aisle Seat" showed up on The Faction's MySpace page, but "Who The Hell Do You Think You Are?" has yet to surface. The only way I even knew "Who The Hell Do You Think You Are?" was recorded, was from talking to Faction guitarist, Ray Stevens, who filled me in. Ray says, "Who The Hell Do You Think You Are?", was never released. It was a cover song from the band and movie, "Hardcore Logo", which was a hilarious Canadian rock-umentary".

The Faction's "Dark Room" back cover art, done by Lance Mountain

There's also a couple of tracks that were recorded in 1989, "Looking For You" and "Pet Squirrel", which apparently appeared in the Santa Cruz Skateboards video, "A Reason For Living". The cassette for the "A Reason For Living" soundtrack only has "Looking For You", so I'm not exactly sure where "Pet Squirrel" ended up or if it was ever released at all, but Ray Stevens seemed to think it was in that video.

Early ad for The Faction's "Yesterday Is Gone" 7"
from the collection of: Sal Bug

So, if anyone out there has "Who The Hell Do You Think You Are?", "Pet Squirrel" or any other unreleased material by The Faction, get in touch. It's sort of become one of my missions to gather all of their material. I've got a ton of their material already collected, but could always use more, if more is out there.

Skate and destroy… -Tim DCXX

Gavin O'Brien and Steve Caballero with The Faction at the Tool and Die, 1984, Photo: Denice Vaughn

Steve Caballero (take note of Cab's SSD sticker) with a helmet plant air over Lance Mountain, Photo: Glen E. Friedman

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Underground Faction

Rich and Steve from INSTED recently launched a brand new clothing company called, The Underground Faction. Bringing it back to the roots of what they believe with an Animal Liberation, Human Liberation t-shirt as well as other cool designs dedicated to underground music and lifestyle. The company is a collective of sorts and will feature designs from their old hardcore friends, musicians and artists. I've been talking with Rich about putting together a couple designs myself, so it's just a matter of time before I get myself in The Underground Faction mix. Check out what they've got going on over at and if you see something you want to pick up, receive a 20% discount by using the special code
Doublexx during checkout. -Tim DCXX

Animal Liberation design (Left), Live And Let Live design (Right)

Rich and Steve of The Underground Faction

Monday, November 21, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Mistaken


Matt and Andy tipped me off on their latest project that they've been working on and I've been looking forward to checking it out. Don't expect BOLD, Supertouch or anything really all that hardcore, but do expect something new, made by a couple of guys that definitely know how to write some great songs. Obviously they are still very early into what they're putting together here, but expect good things in the near future. -Tim DCXX

Matt Warnke, Photo: Helenabxl

Check out what Matt had to say...

The Mistaken evolved over the past two years in the workshop environment that is Andy’s Six III Studio. In creating these songs we’ve sought to exist somewhere between heavily-edited meticulousness and loose spontaneity. We will be releasing a ten song full length in the first half of 2012 on Wardance Records. The line-up for live shows is being sorted out at present; expect a few surprises as far as who shows up along with who plays what – Andy will be moving from his customary place behind the drum kit to guitar/backing vocals. Hope to see you all down the line. -Matt Warnke

Andy Guida, Photo: Helenabxl

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Youth Of Today - "Crucial Times" 7"

The infamous Youth Of Today - "Crucial Times" 7"

In a very odd and almost unexplainable occurrence, I literally found on my basement floor, what just might be the most interesting and rarest version of the Youth Of Today "Can't Close My Eyes" EP.

If you think back to the cover of Schism Fanzine issue 8, with that jaw dropping, all glorious record collection collage photo, you'll recall that on the inside of the cover, where they listed every record included in the photo, there was a Youth Of Today "Crucial Times" 7" listed. Now if you were like me, when I noticed that listed record, you did a whole lot of head scratching. After some research, we found out that what was seen on that cover and listed, was basically a hoax, or at least a 7" that didn't actually exist.

Schism Fanzine issue 8 cover photo

What the Youth Of Today "Crucial Times" 7" turned out to be, was an original cover concept drawn by long time Anthrax club flyer artist, Jim Martin in 1985, but was essentially rejected by the band. Basically one of the YOT guys took that original drawing and glued it to the cover of a "Can't Close My Eyes" EP and threw it into that collage of records that ended up on the cover of Schism 8. I assume one of the Skiz guys thought it would be interesting to list the record, and throw off a ton of people. Well I for one was definitely thrown off.

Now here's where I start scratching my head again. This past Saturday, I'm down in my basement, where we just had some construction done over the past 3 days. I'm walking around, checking out the work that had been done, when I notice on the floor, below a pile of other stuff that's been stacked and stored in a basement closet, a 7" with a black and white, hand drawn cover, lying on the floor. I walk over and pick it up and discover that it's indeed the infamous Youth Of Today "Crucial Times" 7".

Take note of the highlighted Youth Of Today - "Crucial Times" 7' on the cover of Schism 8

At first thought, I'm thinking it's a xeroxed copy of the original drawing, still not knowing how it ended up in my house and on my basement floor. Upon further inspection, I discover it is the actual, original drawing and 7" stored in a standard plastic 7" sleeve. I start thinking and questioning to myself, how I have this and where it came from. But some how or another I'm thinking that the only possible and logical answer is that I must have gotten it from Ray Cappo when buying some records off of him in the late 90's. Some how I'm guessing it got separated from the rest of the records, stacked in a pile of stuff and stored for the past 15 years. I'm assuming, with all the construction that's been going on over the past 3 days, the record was shaken loose from a pile and simply fell to the floor. But honestly, I'm still not exactly sure.

What I do know, is that what I have is the original hand drawn artwork by Jim Martin, which has been glued to the cover of an actual "Can't Close My Eyes" EP cover. Inside that cover is an old black and white Youth Of Today sticker and a Ray Cappo/Becky Tupper prom photo (which really leads me to believe this was Ray's). There's also a Batman stamp on the 7" dust sleeve, a lyric sheet and a black vinyl 7" inside. Pretty damn cool and quite possibly my oddest hardcore record find ever. -Tim DCXX

The Schism 8 record cover collage listing

Another shot of the "Crucial Times" cover and what was inside

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Danzig Legacy tour hits NYC

Danzig at Hammerstein Ballroom, NYC, 10/29/2011, Photo: Village Voice

Time to wrap up what's been a week's worth of Misfits/Samhain/Danzig material here at DCXX. It seems that every year, like clockwork, I end up listening exclusively to nothing but Glenn Danzig related bands for a few weeks. Traditionally the October/November/Fall season brings on the inspiration, but it's by no means kept only to this time period.

What came around in perfect timing this year, was the Danzig Legacy tour. For a fan, Glenn doing sets by all three bands, Danzig, Samhain and Misfits is pretty much sure to be an epic night. I can assure you, this past Saturday, October 29th in NYC at Hammerstein Ballroom was all it was built up to be. The Samhain set being the highlight for me, but the whole show really being incredible on all fronts.

Danzig at Hammerstein Ballroom, NYC, 10/29/2011, Photo: Village Voice

What was also an added bonus was the opening Corrosion Of Conformity 3 piece era lineup (Mike, Woody and Reed) doing a great set of the "Animosity" and "Technocracy" classics, as well as a few new tracks. I've been really looking forward to catching this and it did not disappoint.

Here's a few videos that highlight the Danzig/Samhain/Misfits sets. I realize that the intros may come off a tad boring for those that weren't there and might just be watching here online, but I can assure you that in person, the combination of the intro music, sounds and dropping of each banner, made for some pretty exciting stuff. I also thought, for what I came across, these videos were the best in terms of quality. -Tim DCXX

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Misfits/Samhain/Danzig artwork origins

The original Crimson Ghost from the 1946, Fred Brannon film, "The Crimson Ghost".

Continuing with the seasonal Misfits/Samhain/Danzig theme here at DCXX, I dug up these images that I thought I'd post. I always find it very interesting when I stumble upon original artwork or images that ended up being used as classic band and or album graphics. Some of these you might have come across in the past, some you might have never knew existed, either way, here are a few I that I thought were well worth a post. All Murder, All Guts, All Fun... -Tim DCXX

Cover of the "Die, Die My Darling" single

Cover of the 1950's horror comic book, "Chamber Of Chills" #19

Cover of "Legacy Of Brutality"

Promotional scene photo from the 1946 film, "The Crimson Ghost"

Cover from the July 1984 8th issue of "Saga of Crystar the Crystal Warrior" comic book

Samhain "Initium" cover

Cover of Danzig I

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011