Thursday, June 23, 2011

DYS announcement from Bridge 9 Records


Limited Edition Colored Vinyl LP & Digital Tracks to Feature Songs from Their Triumphant Return to Boston, Headlining Once in a Lifetime Reunion Bill

Check out video teaser below...

Boston, MA June 23, 2011

Today, reformed Boston Hardcore band DYS announced August 9th as the release date for their live release More than Fashion: Live from the Gallery East Reunion on Bridge Nine Records. Featuring tracks recorded at the Wonderland Ballroom in Revere, Massachusetts, More than Fashion highlights songs from the band's two prior studio recordings in a celebration of Boston's hardcore history and the band's place in it.


DYS Founding member Dave Smalley went on to sing for Dag Nasty, All and Down by Law, among others, while co-founder Jonathan Anastas helped launch second-generation Boston hardcore band Slapshot. "I never thought we'd have the opportunity to share a stage with so many friends and brothers again, playing DYS songs for a room packed full of fans, old and new," said Smalley. "DYS, Boston and the Gallery East all started my music career and will always hold a really special place in my heart. Over the years, fans have always asked to hear DYS live again. I'm glad we could capture this once in a lifetime show and share it with people."

DYS is considered an early prototype for the Straight Edge "Youth Crew" bands of the 90's as well as pioneers of the early melding of Hardcore and Metal into Crossover. By including songs from both eras in their history, More than Fashion: Live from the Gallery East Reunion showcases the band's evolution and passion for all forms of heavy music. According to Anastas, "We did more than just dust off the old songs. We really tried to re-work both parts of our sound together into one powerful assault. One heavy nod to the past and to the present, to our values and to our fans. It was such a great experience, we decided to keep it going."

More than Fashion: Live from the Gallery East will be available in stores and online on August 9th with special pre-order packages to be announced soon at

Additionally, DYS will be playing The Rumble in Chicago on June 25th, Sound and Fury in Santa Barbara, CA on July 22nd and the legendary Gilman Street Project in Berkley CA on July 23rd in support of this special release.


  1. DYS live 25 years later? No better than the people who still follow the Dead after Jerry died. Another B9 record that no one needs to own.

  2. I assume Chris believes there are people that want this... but I was living in Boston at the time and avoided going to the show.

    Having watched all the videos, I'm happy with my decision as the last thing I would have wanted to see is a bunch of haggard old men playing songs they wrote almost 30 years ago that they don't even believe in anymore.

    can these 80's bands stop playing already? GB was the only one that seemed to do it right when they came back (as Civ didn't sound like a winded 50 year old and everyone in the band seemed into it when they were playing live) but they too keep playing instead of making the one tour or so they played special.

  3. I know I'm biased, but I think this recording sounds great and I'm stoked to add a release to Dave's discography. I pitched this idea to the band because I'm a fan and am honored to work with them on something... With over 1,000 people having been at the show, and all of the fans worldwide of DYS and their affiliated bands, I'm not worried about moving 1,000 or 2,000 LP's... Will be a worthwhile release though for those who choose to check it out! Thank you Doublecross for the mention!

  4. "We did more than just dust off the old songs. We really tried to re-work both parts of our sound together into one powerful assault."

    What the fuck does this even mean?!?!

    Lame and not even edge.

  5. please someone get YDL back together!!!!

  6. I saw DYS on their Jism Tour 1984, and it was fucking brutal. Smalley had the biggest x's I've ever seen on his hands, somebody threw or burned Smalley with a cigarette, and a brawl soon followed. A switchblade was pulled!

  7. I'll file that record right between 7 Seconds' "Scream real loud live" and the Misfits "Evillive II"..


  8. One cool thing Bridge 9 could do would be release an EP with the original non-falsetto versions of the better songs on the second LP.
    Wouldn't be hard to rerecord them I guess.

  9. This band is terrible. Who's dad is singing in that thing? Doesn't he have a fucking job? Just completely embarissing! Wait till you all hear The Pride. The saving GRACE of the Straight Edge Scene. The Sun Rises in The West now motherfuckers. Boston may have been cool once, but I wasn't born then so I don't give a fuck. Everything cool now a days comes from California, and is spearheaded by me.

    - Eric

  10. Oh yeah I forgot to add that Bridge 9 is the fucking enemey of all "real" Edgemen. I would never allow them to even hear "Standing At The Gates Of Perdition" let alone release it. Have fun with some meaningless live record from a bunch of 60 year old back stabbing sellouts.

    - Eric

  11. Whoever you are the joke is gone too far. These are good people who's feelings you are hurting.

  12. WOLFPACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. bring it on, man. they sound really good.

  14. so why is it that dys gets tore apart, but YOT gets a pass? Same scenario just a couple years apart...

  15. Going to roll up another joint after reading all this crap...

  16. hardcore is dead.

  17. Anonymous said...

    Whoever you are the joke is gone too far. These are good people who's feelings you are hurting.

    Still trying to work out if this is serious or not...

    Anyhow, please stop with all these reunions already. Enough with the OAPHC!

  18. still waiting for an SSD reunion! my grandparents will have their say!

  19. I saw the Boston show, I shaw the Bosstones show, I saw the NYC show. DYS puts more into their reunion than most Hardcore bands do into their "today." Yeah, I might be in my 30s, but I missed them the first time around. It's cool as far as I see it.

  20. These guys helped create hardcore. Mad support!

  21. Jut got home from seeing DYS at the Rumble in Chicago. Not the same bunch of guys in this video, except Dave and Jon, but I thought they were really good. "Wolfpack" brought the house down. The only thing that sucked is Trial got cut short as some kid broke his neck stage diving.

  22. DYS blew everyone off the stage at this show. Compared to Jerry's Kids, Ganggreen, the FUs or even Slapshop, they brought energy and passion. I saw 1,000 people - some from back in the day, but many kids from today - sing along and thrash to one of the best east coast hardcore bands ever. And Eric, you want to talk about 50 year-old playing hardcore? Uh, your west coast boys Off! and Bad Religion look way more like dads than DYS!

  23. Please be real! DYS certainly did not blow everyone else off the stage, they didn't even come close. With their funkified mosh parts, slowed down verses, and "smoking" Dave Smalley preaching like he was still 19 in between every song I saw more people LEAVING during their set than being blown away.

  24. @Comment 7:12, certainly, everyone is entitled to their musical opinion, but I think DYS are sounding heavier and playing better than ever. Yeah, it's slower, but it's also a thicker sound.

  25. Yeah, haters, looks like everyone is walking out. Not!

  26. All you peopel need not worry. Coming in 3 months is the ONLY Staright Edge band that matters,


    SO Pure
    SO Clear
    Free Minds
    Brave Hearts

    The Sun NOW rises in the West BEEEOTCHS

    As for these dinasour bands such as this shit above, all I can say is. I had never even heard of you, but after listening to some of your own songs, all I can say is "stick to your day jobs, if you have any"

    - Eric

  27. fuck the new bands. hardcore begins to the 80's kids. yeah we are 40's or 50's years old but i'll support the bands of my age, the real deal, no young copy cats without imagination. dys are fuckin' great, and they can do anything.

  28. I really liked it when the entire Boston scene sold out and tried to go Heavy Metal.

  29. DYS = Living Legends

    Fuck all you hater's out there......

  30. Without DYS, no Bold, no YOT, no Earth Crisis, maybe even no Hatebreed. "Don't forget your roots!"

  31. Good god if I knew it would be that easy to rid the world of shitty FAKE, Straight Edge bands I'd build a time machine and go back to 1986 or whenever and kill the DYS dudes.

    - Erio

  32. Eric which Straight Edge bands do you like?

  33. "True til fuckin' death..." For life!

  34. I like these bands

    Internal Affairs
    One King Down
    Some Kind Of Hate
    Think I Care

    and of course the GODFATHERS of all real Straight Edge bands, the Imortal, FLOORPUNCH and 10 YARD FIGHT. I would give my left nut to see those bands play live just once.

    - Eric

  35. No 10 Yard Fight without DYS and SSD either.

  36. Oh yeah right. Nobody cares about DYS, and I promise you 10 Yard Fight would have been a band without the. The worst part is I was researching them today, and the singer is a smoker now? So on top of everything else that's wrong with this band, they are A JUDAS to our scene. It makes me sick to my stomach,

    It also once again confirms my argument that this generation of you that came up in the 90's has NO CLUE what the "X" means, or how to protect it. You let edge breakers run amok in your midst, NO CARE IN THE WORLD. In fact you even give them a platform to voice their devils tounged LIES to us. This singer for DYS sings straight edge songs? NO? and you fucking minions sing along not even thinking of the reprucsions it has on our scene,

    All of you should be ASHAMED of yourselves. The only people on here that I respect are my brothers in arms, my band mates


    Dougie = Guitar
    Chadcore = Bass
    TraXXXis = Drums


    - Eric

  37. So, Eric, what's worse? Another new shiny fashion band singing punk/pop songs or and older straight edge band sharing the idea that you don't need drugs or alcohol to be cool, to fit in? Regardless of what the singer does today (short of being a drug addict). Sharing the XXX message is the important part.

  38. eric, you are a dildo. we all know it's tough being 15 and angry because you just lost your ebay bid on some band you wish you saw, but take it easy. when you break your edge in 2 or 3 years, how do you want to be treated?

  39. I love how people are taking this Eric guy seriously.
    Keep it coming.
    Eric you are pure comedy gold.

  40. i, for one, welcome our new straight edge overlords and look forward to helping them rid the world of intoxicant based problems

  41. Eric's jokes are funny, and it kills me that people are taking him seriously, making the comment section a lousy board, but it's getting tiring since the Curtis post, the joker became a troll. Anyway I'll keep coming but I'll think twice before hitting the comment link with more that 30 posts.

  42. ALl I can say is just wait till "Standing At The Gates Of Perdition" is released in a few months, and then you'll see just how real I am.

    On a side note though. I know I get fired up and do NOT take kindly to edge breakers or people who disresepct the "X". It's only cause I care about the future of our scene. It comes from a good place, a pure place.

    Bottom line is if you follow and practice the 7 rules of Straight Edge, you and I will get a long just fine. If you don't well then cuz, better step back when you see me, and my crew coming.

    - Eric

  43. Eric, I just smoked some Versace (Grand Daddy Purple x Sour Diesel) and am listening to Children Of Gaia, can't wait to get baked and listen to The Pride.

  44. "brotherhood" and "get it away" saved my life, literally. i found there was a way that did not include drugs and drinking.

  45. DYS rules!!!!!!!!
