Saturday, June 18, 2011

Judge @The Anthrax

I've seen a lot of good people turn bad and I've seen a lot of good people get stepped on, but not anymore… we're Judge and this time, we're fed the fuck up. - Mike Judge

There's no use going through life building barriers in front of yourself and that's all drugs and alcohol turn out to be, barriers that get in your way, they get in mine. - Mike Judge


  1. "Chung King!" It was a Great show..... Glad to see footage from it all these years later.... thankxxx

  2. I wish Mike Judge was still fed up.

  3. the only time i shot judge is at this show from the back of the club.. i was standing next to the person shooting this...

  4. This stuff sounds terrible. People actually liked this band? What a fucking joke. Just wait till The Pride plays our first show. Then you'll all FINALLY see what a real Straight Edge band is about. I promise you it will BLOW this ass garbage away!

    - Eric

  5. Oh yeah. Judge really sucked. You're such a faggot Eric. Go away already.

  6. The Pride? hahaha Will your parents let you play shows that go on past 11?

  7. Yeah Eric- We have all been waiting the last 20 years for The Pride to play their first show in your moms basement. You never saw Judge. Of course it sounds like shit. It's on VHS. This was back before HD cameras, probably before you were born. Fuckin Retard. Can't wait to hear your band, because without you, straight edge would have never happened.

  8. Dinosaur Pete you sound like a fucking faggot. If you want to step to me, by all means please do. I am 22 and in sick fucking shape. I train in MMA 5 days a week, and would love to take you to the dance.

    I never said I "invented" Staight Edge either you lying WITCH. What I am saying is my blood, and mind is so pure, and clean that I am the savior of the "X". For too long we let old men such as yourself dictate to us what is cool, and what is not. Well dicksucker that day is over. We are taking our scene back from the scum (such as you) who have ruined it.

    If you think you're a playa then call 202 448 8881 . That is my bass player Chadcores number. He knows how to find me. Make sure if you do, make sure you come correct and brinng your lunch.

    - Eric

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