Friday, June 10, 2011

Larry Ransom's Youth Of Today / Mouthpiece West Coast weekend photographic break down

Porcell breaks em' down with YOT at The Glasshouse in Pomona CA, 6/5/2011, Photo: Larry Ransom

I really had full intentions of giving a complete wrap up of this past weekend's Youth Of Today / Mouthpiece West Coast trip, but our friend Larry Ransom seemed to nail it pretty well himself. Larry's got a real knack for photographing and documenting everything and this weekend's activities proved to be no exception.

Big thanks to Larry for all his help and support and another huge thank you to the Youth Of Today guys for bringing us along for four killer shows. - Tim DCXX

Now follow the link for the full run down, like only Larry could do...

Chris, Ed and Matt bring the strings Mouthpiece style at The Glasshouse, Pomona CA, 6/5/2011, Photo: Larry Ransom


  1. Tim (no, not that one...)June 11, 2011 at 12:52 PM

    1986 - We were brothers, you and me
    loyal to our hardcore scene
    our thoughts, our aims,
    our goals were true
    then something happened to you
    you changed
    I remember all the things you said
    shit you said !
    I guess it was a just a bunch of fucking lies
    fucking lies!
    stabbed us all in the back
    right in the back !
    Don't you dare look me in the eyes !
    All we stood for, all our dreams
    you've forgotten what they mean
    I tell you this
    my thoughts are real
    and I'll never change
    the way I feel !...

    2011 - So you don't consider yourself a part of the hardcore scene anymore?

    I'm not involved whatsoever, I was just asked to do some reunion shows.

    ... Everyone has moved on to some extent, no biggie. We get older, we have families, we have to reprioritize, it's just the nature of things. But to get out there and shout hollow lyrics to kids that could instead be seeing a show with bands that still believe in what they're singing... well, that's just a disservice to both the kids and the spirit of HC in general.

  2. The Show in Oakland was fun.. It was cool to hear those songs again after all these years. If you wanna get all Emo about everything and compare 1986 to 2011, then don't buy a ticket and don't go to the show. Real simple. I'm not Straight-Edge or Posi or whatever the fuck, but I still enjoyed the show. It wasn't as powerful or meaningful as the times I seen them in '87 or '88, but who gives a fuck?? I knew what to expect goin in and wasn't let down. The message still has meaning for some people out there and that's good enough. So many crybabies in this "Scene" nowadays. I wish we could quote some of the commenters on this site from shit they said 20 years ago and bring it up today and be like "what the fuck, dooood".

  3. If any of the YOT haters are still 'responsible citizens' when they are Ray and Porcell's age I will listen to complaints. Until then...

    Who cares how involved they are in the scene - they built it!

    Go back to school!

  4. Living in the west coast and only being a youngin' in the hc scene for a little less than 10 years, I didn't think I'd get a chance to see Mouthpiece let alone Youth of Today on the same bill again (missed out on the early 00 shows). Last weekend was definitely A TIME I'LL REMEMBER. Thank you YOT, Tim, and MP for making these shows possible for us young folks.

  5. Youth of Today
